Big Thunder Mountain refurbishment

Started by Anthony, July 05, 2006, 07:42:35 PM

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Big Thunder Mountain is due to be closed from 21st August to 13th October 2006 for a huge refurbishment.  It's been many many years since the attraction has had such a thorough rehab.

Work has started already though - you can see that the rockwork on one side of the mountain is much cleaner and brighter than it was before.  They're obviously working at night on it!

Photo from:


Yes in one way it's great that they're now doing some work at BTM, which really is necassary since a long time. But on the other it's sad that BTM must need to be closed for such a long time. So I cannot ride my most beloved right on my next trip.  :cry:
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


I got told by a friend who works at BTM that they are indeed doing overnight cleaning.  All the dirt and moss are being high-presured hosed down.


Does that mean that maybe BTM can be open on somedays during this Reahabperiod ?
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


No doubt it that means it is getting prepared for the main restoration team to come in and re paint the mountain etc.


Another thumbs up for DLRP, they've got a nicely themed closure sign with (shock horror) a correct English translation!



Scaffolding has now appeared around the loading station!  

Photos here: ... r-BTM.html


Great! That's one part which really needs work too.  Do you think they'll be able to do anything about the graffiti?


Not sure, but a friend of mine who works at BTM told me they're going to install like those small gates for each seat at the loading station (don't know the name of it) like they have at Space Mountain, Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, Pirates, ...


Quote from: "raptor1982"Not sure, but a friend of mine who works at BTM told me they're going to install like those small gates for each seat at the loading station (don't know the name of it) like they have at Space Mountain, Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, Pirates, ...
I know the ones you mean (I think people usually call them "air gates"), and I remember being surprised each visit recently that they still don't have them there.  They even have them on Peter Pan's Flight now, so your source must be right. :)

Lightning McQueen

It's clearly visible that the years have taken their toll when one has a proper look at BTM,the refurbishment can only improve the experience when it opens again.7-8 weeks might seem a long time but I believe that that the management has kept in mind that it's better to do one great job than a few smaller jobs.At least the ride will be open again when the schools close for the autumn break and a peak in visitor numbers is most likely. :wink:
Lightning McQueen


Are Disney good at keeping on target when it comes to these sort of things? Is the 13th October a reliable re-opening date? I'll be there from the 12th to the 15th so I really hope they are as BTM is my favorite ride!


There are always right on time for re-opening the attractions.
They already count in a special time for unpredicted cases.
So it will open on 13th.




when i`m watching the pics from the refurbrishment I notice many... and many more details which I must have missed during my visits ;-)

i hope they will finish till 13th of October