Big Thunder Mountain refurbishment

Started by Anthony, July 05, 2006, 07:42:35 PM

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Like a whole new mountain!!


I'm thrilled to see Big Thunder Mountain like this. Great! But on the other hand; isn't it quite sad that we are happy to see this kind of things. I mean, come on... this is Disney, it should always be in great shape. We shouldn't even notice the fact that the Mountain looks cleaner as before. Well, I forgive them because of their financial situation, but it remains sad.

Miss Tinkerbell

l'll be able to go if they keep to the date.....JIPPPIEEEE


Oh they'll keep to the date, don't worry. :wink:


Does anyone know how is the refub going?


There are recent photos here: ... _06?page=2

And you see how orange the mountain is looking now here:

Although that was taken at sunset, so it's probably not always quite that bright.  It's still a HUGE difference, anyway.  :shock:


QuoteAlthough that was taken at sunset, so it's probably not always quite that bright. It's still a HUGE difference, anyway.

It's deffinately not that bright during the day!! I even dare to say that the hue has been adjusted to make the photo look more red than it really is.

Miss Tinkerbell

l kind of hope so cause this is a bit too much of a good thing in my opinion!! :wink:


so it is going to be ready for 14th, isn`t it?


For the final time - yes.

Of course, things can go wrong, but I've never ever known Disney miss their refurbishment dates.


Quote from: "Baloo"For the final time - yes.

Of course, things can go wrong, but I've never ever known Disney miss their refurbishment dates.

it sounds GREAT  :!:  :!:  :!:


Yup cant wait to see it for real!
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It's open!  Apparently it only opened in the afternoon though, after a security alert in the morning closed Frontierland.  After the land reopened 5 minutes later, fastpass started at 9.20 and then the attraction opened at around midday.  Eventful...

First photos (or photo): ... &start=420

The new airgates are NICE!



Great that it reopened :) I couldn't be at DLRP without going on BTM!

But--don't laugh at me--what's different on the airgates? Just the colour or was it otherwise different before?!  :oops:
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The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Nala_84"what's different on the airgates?

They are completely new!