Disneyland Paris: Pin Trading Nights

Started by Anthony, April 25, 2006, 11:23:56 PM

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Don't know if there is another thread for this but is anyone going to the event on the 24th? What will it be like? What goes on at these?


Do you mean the Mad Hatters Tea Party at the end of this month?? I dont know what goes on at these but do know you have to have it booked since its an event unlike a PTN (dont think you have to pay to get in for those)

I know a person who is going to the Tea Party at the end of this month, cant wait to see what pins they release :P


Not that I would be able to go to this one but am thinking of trying to make sure I manage to get to either one of these events or a PTN next year so would love to know what goes on so I can decide . I can't believe that I have always booked when there is nothing going on :(  I am going to miss this, the event in October(read about in DIzpins board) and the shareholders TSPL event, and neither trip will be on a last Friday, my planning is just so poor. Maybe you can let me know how your friend gets on please.


I will send her the link for here and maybe she will type up a Trip Report. I hope there will be a PTN in Jan when I go and hope they dont decide a trading day as thats happened to my friend. Booked to go at the end of the month for the PTN and there isnt one (at the moment) as a Pin trading Day event.


Good idea, its usually cheaper in January and February as well.Not that I need any more excuses to go back :)


Quote from: "bensmum"Not that I would be able to go to this one but am thinking of trying to make sure I manage to get to either one of these events or a PTN next year so would love to know what goes on so I can decide . I can't believe that I have always booked when there is nothing going on :(  I am going to miss this, the event in October(read about in DIzpins board) and the shareholders TSPL event, and neither trip will be on a last Friday, my planning is just so poor. Maybe you can let me know how your friend gets on please.

What is the event in Oct?  Had a quick look on dizpins and coudln't see anything.  I'm going in Oct for my bday and would love an event to be around that time.  I already posted in another thread about bad luck (leaving my good traders at home - NEVER trust someone else to pack somehting so important!!!) meaning that I missed out on the PTN in Florida whilst I was there last month.  I've already got a few nice traders that I intend to take along with me, for the board if I find it.

Hmnnnn I wonder if it would be worth joining the share holders club...


I thought the same think about the share holders club but how much is that to join etc any info??

The event in October is Mickeys Not So Scary Halloween Party


There is a great shareholders club thread on this site that walked me through joining. Cost will vary depending on price of shares but once you have bought 20 its free to join the club for life.

Also the event in October I was talking about is actually a pin trading day in September :roll: I do wonder about myself sometimes, Will this be like the Mad Pin Party? Or is a pin trading day a different type of thing?
Sorry to create such confusion, I shoul really check my facts and wording before I post :oops:


Thanks for letting me know you meant the event in Sept.  Danny I've got my tickets for MNSSHP already I pick them up when checking in!  I really can't wait its been far too long since my last trip to DLP.  I bought a lovely Mickey scarf in WDW and I was telling the CM who served me that I was buying it to take along to me to DLP in Oct as it will be a lot colder than here!  I was already looking forward to DLP whilst in WDW I just love it there :)

I think that if you intend to go to DLP a number of times over a couple of years joining the share holders club will pay for itself.  I'm seriously considering it and then the 10% off in UK disney stores would be a good bonus as well.


well Im already booked for Jan next year (my first trip) then maybe going again in April/May time so that me trip number 2 :p so I might look into it if its not hugely expensive to buy 1 share at a time rather than the 20 said in the post above XD


Quote from: "Stitch2814"well Im already booked for Jan next year (my first trip) then maybe going again in April/May time so that me trip number 2 :p so I might look into it if its not hugely expensive to buy 1 share at a time rather than the 20 said in the post above XD

Another thing you might wanna do is get an annual pass. They pay for themselves. I understand if you've bought a package trip that includes park entrance tickets that this may seem a bit extreme but you get discounts on everything in the park, food. pins. merchandise. PINS...
If we'd thought about it when we first went then we'd have got them sooner. But even though we've only been going once a year ish for the past four years we've made considerable savings on many things but mostly on our pin habit.
And we will be using our passes next year for our big August trip to get discount on accomodation within the park :)
We've also thought about buying shares, many of our friends and family have joked that we must already have them, we've been so many times. Like you we're looking into it. :)

Aloha :stitch_bounce:



Did anyone get to the event on the 24th? What went on, looking forward to hearing about it :D

Belle's World

Just found out that any pins leftover from the Pin trading day may still be available to me when i go to DLRP 2 days later. Big whoop as i really like the Zero pin.



:( I very much doubt that that one would still be available. The LE 400 pins are always the first to go. My friend went to the Alice pin event they had, and the two LE 400 pins sold out during the event itself. The PTN pins always sell out on the night too.

Belle's World


I know it's a long shot and the Pin Trading Night pins always sell out but I've been reliably informed that pin trading day pins are more likely to remain unsold even if it is only a handful. The Pirates of the Caribbean pin day earlier in the year for example did not sell all pins. I have been given the information from a very good source on a different board to tell me exactly where any leftover pins will be. Although it doesn't worry me that much even if I don't get hold of any as they are not in my must have group of pins, I will just be very happy that I will get the MNSSHP pin.
