Riebi´s 2009 Summer Trip (09. - 12.07.2009)

Started by Riebi, July 13, 2009, 05:21:29 PM

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Yes that was a bit tricky! Also you´re looking forward for the rest we should first do two things

Loooooking at some pics from the first day

and say THANK YOU for a special Cast Member.

After the firework we went back to Hotel New York to get our room. At the reception we had a wonderful expierence with a cast member. She was very very very nice to us, really extremly friendly and explained us everything we want in GERMAN!  =D>
Just wanna say thank you for this nice expierence at hmm 00:30 h!
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Now some pics from Day 1 (I must say that I made no pics by myself. That was a big wish for me! A Disneyland Trip without a digicam in front of my eyes  :D  so I could only share the pics that my brother made!)
Arrrrival at Hotel New York with me, my brother, his financée and my friend and the car of my brother...this white thing first picture.

Disneyland Park



Look at the colooours at alice!!  =D>

Phantom Manor

Disneyland Hotel (Look at the lights :D/ )
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Quote from: "Riebi"Disneyland Hotel (Look at the lights :D/ )

Very nice =D>

Thanks for sharing :)


Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "Riebi"Disneyland Hotel (Look at the lights :D/ )

Arghhhhhahahhghfhsdjg! My eyes, they burn !!!  8) Ah, that's better


My eyes burned too 8)  I hadn´t seen so much intact lights for long time as here at fantasia gardens and Disneyland Hotel  8)

=2. Day ==================

Day 2 was our special ***Walt Disney Studios *** Day! But firstly we had to take a breakfast at Hotel New York. The breakfast was at the Convention Center. This isn´t really a nice place to start the day but they hadn´t other rooms for the start of our special ***Walt Disney Studios ***Day  :roll: . But ok! We were hungry and needed some coffee to turn the short night into a real day.

So after our ***-breakfast we can really say that we were running through Disney Village cause I told the crew that we must be the early bird. Cause just the early bird can catch crush´s coaster. C´est domage...but we arrived late (cause some of us needed more coffee and breakfast then planned..noooo not me!) We entranced the studios at 10:05 and then my brothers fiancée had a headache problem. We went first to studio services then to first aid were they gave her something. But after that I was sure! Now we were all ready for our

***Walt Disney Studios ***Day

We jumped through studio 1 escaped as just stitch could do it and were unhappy to realize that the queue was about 90 minutes. So we decided to take a Fast Pass for the tower and we went then into the Tram Tour queue. The show was great as ever. Yes at the moment you see a lot of blue fences but catastrophe canyon was one of my brothers fiancées favorits. So if studio Tram Tour is a bit boring for you don´t forget the first timers! They are really impressed. After the Tram Tour we take a short walk and a CaféCafé at CaféCafé.

I´ve seen there something really interesting. They build somerthing round behind the fences and in front of the Walt Disney Television Studios Building. Could be a little shop or something like that. Should be interesting to see what it will be after "offfencing" (if that is a word)

´´´´Tower of Terror Review , , , ,
We made then our Tower of Terror tour. The tower was great as ever. Greepy and the Cast Members are really spooky inside. It´s nice to see that they made here so much acting. It´s a bit like a good tour through Phantom Manor
´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´, ,

After that we run into HSM Party Thing. This time I was happy to hear some HSM tunes. but that was changing very fast

*+* High School Musical Tour *+*
The HSM Party Thing is a good one if you just would see it one or two times a day. But they run - I´m willing to say ALL THE TIME!! through the park. You hear HSM during your queue at ToT, you hear it during your lunch, you hear it during your waiting times in front of cinemagique, stitch, rock n roller coaster....everywhere. After 3 times it´s just one thing: nerving. So please cut this tour a bit. Make something other at the open slots. Cinefollies, this crazy Cruella Show, a little calcavade...something! But not HSM ALL THE TIME!

Horray for Hollywood and horray for Cinemagique. Cause that was the next stop for us. It´s such a nice attraction and I love it every time. My brother and his fiancée loved it tooooo.

After Cinemagique we had a tour Rock n Roller coaster, Armageddon and a lunch at Backlot hrrrrr....Blockbuster....(there was not more to read. Just BLOCKBUSTER in big white...hm plastic letters. Not a really nice look. But after this other pic at the forum here I have some hope again. this white letter thing looked sooo ugly and cheap...like the HSM inside! But ok. Maybe they simply killed HSM for me with there HSM Tour this time...)

~~~~~~Rock N Roller Coaster Review ****
Well the coaster itself is smoooth as ever. And they had really a lot smoke inside the building. Nice to see that the smoke seems to be back. But one thing is a little sad. There are sooo many lights broken that you hardly could see a light show.....please fix that WDS...please  [-o<

We watched then Moteurs Action and Animagique both great attractions! Then we took a tour through the Art of Disney Animation and another Tower of Terror Trip.

Then Stars n Cars:

The +Stars+n+cars+ Review ...0-0.......0-0......0+0
Stars n Cars is ok. the problem is that you don´t see much if you aren´t able to sit in the first line in front of the stage. Otherwise you see just some cars somewhere arrive and some heads moving around the stage.

After stars n cars it was time for Buffalo Bills Wild West show. [spoiler:i114ayac]It was great fun and it was even better as my brother fiancée would take her hat on her head and the rodeo clowns make fun about her till she finally know that a hat is for the head.[/spoiler:i114ayac]

After Buffalo Bills Wild West show Disneyland Park was our aim again. You couldn´t do much there after 22 PM so we just made a tour at BTM and then we watched the parade and the firework again. This time we tried to catch a better place to get the show stops. But ok. we only saw one.

Theeeen back through the village which is now really a better place with all this threes and a starbucks toooo the hotel. 8)
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...the DPG is watching U...


Thank you very much for the nice and funny reports! I will go there on tuesday and can't wait to be there again. Great pictures! I am very excited to see Alice in fresh paint and the lights of Disneyland Hotel.
One question: where is the best place to see a parade stop for Fantillusion? (or where is a place where definetely no stop is? My favourite stop is the dragon one. What about castle stage area, where we are most of the times during parades? Are there any stops?
Thank you!
If you can dream it, you can do it.
Walt Disney


The best place should be at central plaza. At the castle stage you will only see the princess show stop.  :|
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...the DPG is watching U...


Thanks for your report Riebi. :)

Quote from: "Riebi"~~~~~~Rock N Roller Coaster Review ****
Well the coaster itself is smoooth as ever. And they had really a lot smoke inside the building. Nice to see that the smoke seems to be back. But one thing is a little sad. There are sooo many lights broken that you hardly could see a light show.....please fix that WDS...please  [-o<
So great to hear about the smoke! It's a vital part of the attraction. I believe the main lightshow will be refurbed in September.


Real interesting Trip Report Riebi, seems like you've had a mixed bag there, a few ups and a few downs.  One thing has me really appreciative, and that's not really going in the summer, especially after mentioning about the ride opening and closing times, worsened by the queues around this time of year, less time for everything really..  :roll:

Great pictures, looking forward to the rest of your report, awaiting with anticipation..  :mrgreen:


Hey Riebi,

thanks a lot for taking the time and writing this very interesting trip report!
You should become a journalist  :P  :P  :P
For me it seems like you spend a lot money. HNY, so much eateries...
But it as well seems like you didn´t get the disney-experience you should!!!
Sad to hear all these things.
We wanted to make a short trip at the end of July. But we will cut it now, hoping, it will be better in october.
I´m really scared that the magic at DLP is getting less more and more  :cry:
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]


The Butlin Boy

Thanks for a great update Riebi, I really enjoyed reading about your second day :)

BTW, I love that photo of the Disneyland Hotel lit up. Magical :wink:


I really enjoyed reading your trip report. Great pictures, especially the one with the DLH. Thanks for sharing it!!


Quote from: "MagicStar"Hey Riebi,

thanks a lot for taking the time and writing this very interesting trip report!
You should become a journalist :P :P :P
For me it seems like you spend a lot money. HNY, so much eateries...
But it as well seems like you didn´t get the disney-experience you should!!!
Sad to hear all these things.
We wanted to make a short trip at the end of July. But we will cut it now, hoping, it will be better in october.
I´m really scared that the magic at DLP is getting less more and more :cry:

Oh:-) Maybe if I have the time a try to learn some journalistic lessons  :P  :P  :P

Noooo matter to cancel your trip tom! Should be ok. It was just not the as the years before cause of this silly opening hours...

buuut let´s now have a look at DAY 3:

==3. Day =============================

Day 3 was the day where everybody of our private team disney knew: The early bird catch the worm! Making this our most beloved sentences in the world for one day was our aim. And so we had a - for us - early waking time. Goofy told us to get up and we were running under the shower, running to the breakfast (this time at the radio city ball room which was more comfortable then the big ball room), then running to Walt Disney Studios Park. The early bird catch the worm had one big reason: Crushs coaster!

We arrived at WDS at 09:40. A good time for us!

***Walt Disney Studios ***

We run through the front lot (nice ambience there) through studio 1 to Crush´s coaster. There was a long queue in front of it. After waiting for 20 minutes and the happy welcome music-sing-along-hollywood-studio-line we were ready to take our tour through the sea....but....then god´s choler (he was angry about the opening hours of DLP) came over Walt Disney Studios Park.

God´s choler was a nice Cast Member. She told us that crush´s coaster has some technical difficults. And that it won´t open before 12:00 h.  :( Seems the early bird catched nothing. But cause nothing is just nothing we went over to the tower to get a fast pass. Having SOMETHING. A fast pass! Yipieeee! After having a happy smile again on our face we made another tour at the studio tram tour cause my brother´s fiancée is now a big fan of it.

Aaafter this we took a ride at rock n roller coaster and then it was time to make brother´s fiancée second wish true: A stop at the Outlet Center of Val d´europe. So we took the RER A to val d´europe and had another dream of brother´s fiancée right before her eyes: A shopping maaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllll!

-Riebi´s big escape ---->
We took the long way. The way through the center. we saw much. But I think she saw even more. There seems to be a lot of shops for a girl. I think it takes one hour to find the sun at the toscany place. There I opened her the door to the other happy place outside the park: the outlet center. But she was such a poor little tired thing that we first had to take a coffee  :mrgreen:  and some tartes  :mrgreen: Yummie for the tartes! Then we went into the outlet center and hmm....after another hour inside I and my friend decided to escape! Fast as Buzz Lighyear we wished the other a happy shopping and then we went back to the parks

***Walt Disney Studios ***
Walt Disney Studios was now again our aim. We went through the gates ...not into this early bird mode but step by step... and arrived at place du stars. Over there we had a nice show at stitch live!

+stitch´s great escape--->stitch live review+++++++++++++
it was really great and the big galaxy gangster was a men from belgium...no not kristof....it was a old man with white hair which made it even better. The whole people inside the room attended the show. We had a great group, stitch was great, the cast member was great. everything fine! Nice little attraction!

After stitch we had some time cause we were waiting for playhouse disney in english. RnRC had again a really short queue and so we took this ride again. The smoke was again great to see. Hope the lightshow will be again there after september  :wink:
Then: Playhouse Disney live on stage. Fun was the Cast Member at the entrance. She was trying to explain that this show could be boring for us cause there were just some songs to sing etc. etc. but she wished us a wonderful show after we explained that we know what the show is and that we want to be a part of it  :mrgreen:

~~~~~~~~~~~~°°Playhouse Disn°e°y Life °o°n Stage review~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hurray for Playhouse Disney! It was such fun to watch the show, see all the children happy and catch some of the leaves (we gave the most of them to a little girl that was to small to get much of them before the other children took them all). I can really say that I never sat under so much bubbles, leaves, streamers etc....it´s a wonderful show and if you aren´t "tooo adult" you should have much fun.

Now it was time to meet my brother + F again. Cause we were such nice people the early bird came back and give us a hint: Crush´s coaster should be back in business after some minutes. So we took as fast as possible the queue and at the end we waited under 10 minutes. Crush wasn´t a attraction taht bro´s fiancée liked. Cause she don´t like roller coasters much she was very pale after crush. So she and my brother decided to make a short break and I and friend went on tower.

At the Tower boutique we could all saw a magical transformation: My brothers fiancée wasn´t my brothers fiancée any more she was ........... A PIN TRADER! She bought one of the starter kits and a winnie the poooooh set cause she really love winnie. Proud as a princess she went outsite the store to show us every pin she bought. We all said "Oh" and "AH!" and "WOW" and such thing, which you would say if a first timer become a pin trader.

To celebrate this new passion we take a tour through "the art of disney animation" and went then back to Disneyland Park to have a Traditional 3. evening.

.+~Trying to have a tradtional 3. evening at Disneyland Park ~+.
At Disneyland Park our first real stop was Casey jr. We had luck. It was open! So we took a fast trip cause we had the fear that they could close it before we reach the train. Casey jr. is in great shape but not the landscape. Esp. the castle of beauty and the beast need some work.
But I think they will fix it cause at the moment they seem to fix much.

After casey we decided to take another pirates round and there at the little shop we could see something other magical. The first trade of the pin trader. She gave a stitch pin and get a tinkerbell pin. All time happy with that. Then we hardly tried to get a picture with jack sparrrrow. But there were masses of people there and so we decided to take a tour at Indiana Jones (short waiting times, flames not turned on) Woohooo. Then over to frontierland to start that what should get our traditional 3. evening.

our traditional 3. evening starts normaly with a nice diner in one of our favorite table service restaurants. This time the SP Steakhouse should be our host. We had a really nice meal there and we took our time to enjoy every bite. My chocolate cake at the end was great and so we were happy enough to meet the haunting ghost of Phantom manor. It´s the tradition for us to take a tour through this dark mansion after dark on our 3. evening. But we were a little to late....the ghost went to bed alllllready. (They must now go to bed at 22 PM, I think. Ghost Labour Union (GLU) will, I think...why should someone close a mansion of ghosts after dark without REAL cause...)

So first time since years our traditional 3. evening had a problem. After moaning a bit around we decided to shoot something at the shooting galllery. And then we decided to make as much big thunder mountain as possible. One of our traditions is it to get the last train of Big Thunder Mountain. Happy that this was the only attraction in frontierland that wasn´t closed after 22 PM we tried our best aaaaand yes we catched it. Then we tried to get outside the park. We realised that the fireworks seems to have some problems. Cause it was after 23 PM and it hadn´t started.

Cause it start to rain we decided to go to the hotel. At Town square and about 15 minutes to late the fireworks started. We watched it a bit from town square and with the last tunes of enchanted we went through the park gates back to Hotel New York.
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...the DPG is watching U...


Great trip report and photos !! I love seeing photos of Hotel New York as I am staying here for the first time in September! :D
Luv Aveen xoxo

The Butlin Boy

Another great update Riebi, I'm glad you liked Playhouse Disney Live on Stage! :P