shuttles to the park!!!!!! is it just me???

Started by eeyores girl, June 12, 2009, 12:57:08 PM

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eeyores girl

:cry: just got back wednesday from a week at santa fe , had a fab time but is it just me ( i havnt been for 3 year) are the shuttle buses to the park worse than ever? iv witnessed crushed children and disabled people elbows in my face and being pressed against the side of the bus even tho we were the first people there!!! we had to get back of the bus and walk in the end that did it for us and we walked every time after that, ive never experienced such ignorance bad manners and disregaurd for other people especially little ones in my life, and to be blunt the french ignorance has actually put me off ever going again, well that and the ripoff prices disney feel comfortable charging, the hotels all need a facelift and i even saw parts of the park where walt would turn in his grave if he saw the disrepair!!!its not how i remember it and i feel alot needs doing to get it back to its former glory, all that said we had a good time but i now need a holiday to recover from my holiday!!! and why do the french feel its ok to smoke anywhere they like even waiting indoors to get on rides!!!! and noone approached them to say anything(except me!!!) ah well rant over what do you think???!!! :!:  :shock:
disney is soooo wonderful!!!!

dlrp 1999 NEWPORT BAY
dwf 2002 int drive
dlrp 2006 santa fe
dlrp 2009 santa fe


About the shuttles: I've (almost) every time experienced nothing but good manners, and people offering the little ones their seats. The evenings can be crowded, but what else is to expect :wink:

About smoking: Last year we met smokers 3 times during a queue, and all 3 times CM's were fast to tell them to either put it out or leave :)

Can only agree with the the hotels conditions, but we are only there to sleep so i don't care so much  :D

And remember: not all people in DLP is from France. :wink:
/Patrick Nielsen


July 2001 - Cheyenne
July 2002 - Sequoia Lodge
July 2003 - Sequoia Lodge
July 2005 - David Crockett
July 2007 - Sequoia Lodge
July 2008 - Sequoia Lodge
July 2009 - Newport Bay
July 2010 - Sequoia Lodge


Septemper 2009 - Disneyland Hotel


Quote from: "eeyores girl":cry: just got back wednesday from a week at santa fe , had a fab time but is it just me ( i havnt been for 3 year) are the shuttle buses to the park worse than ever? iv witnessed crushed children and disabled people elbows in my face and being pressed against the side of the bus even tho we were the first people there!!! we had to get back of the bus and walk in the end that did it for us and we walked every time after that, ive never experienced such ignorance bad manners and disregaurd for other people especially little ones in my life, and to be blunt the french ignorance has actually put me off ever going again, well that and the ripoff prices disney feel comfortable charging, the hotels all need a facelift and i even saw parts of the park where walt would turn in his grave if he saw the disrepair!!!its not how i remember it and i feel alot needs doing to get it back to its former glory, all that said we had a good time but i now need a holiday to recover from my holiday!!! and why do the french feel its ok to smoke anywhere they like even waiting indoors to get on rides!!!! and noone approached them to say anything(except me!!!) ah well rant over what do you think???!!! :!:  :shock:

I have to say I totally agree about the shuttle buses, it is awful and it's something I hate about my holiday every time. I usually stay in the Santa Fe too. In fact I missed the Enchanted fireworks last July on it's opening night because I couldn't face the awful torture it would be to get the bus back to the Santa fe and my mum's not fit to walk it after a day walking around the parks! It doesn't seem to matter if you are there first or last it's another case of survival of the fittest and you have to literaly fight your way on! Just like character meet and greets its a scrum.  :roll:  :(
I have had people skipping us who came a long time after we had and then we actually missed that bus and the two girls (teens) laughed at us out the was a horrible experience! Obviously summer months or busy seasons are the worst and early morning buses and late evening ones, during the day tends not to be as bad but it's still a nightmare. I am thankfully staying in the Hotel New York in September and will be so releaved that I don't have to take the shuttle buses at all! =D>

It's part of the experience I very much dislike and i wish the resort could find some way of tackling it but I try to put it in perspective that it's a very small portion of my day and I just try to enjoy everything else that Disneyland Paris has to offer.
 :D  :D  :D  :D
Luv Aveen xoxo


the buses have been packed when i have been on them but i timed it, its one and a half minutes from the park to the hotel that wont kill anybody. it doesnt bother me, i find it kind of amusing when people are still trying to squeeze in when everyone is like sardines as it is, and i think the buses from the santa fe are great, the are so regular, so even if you wait till the next one its only a couple of minutes
Santa Fe Oct 08
Santa Fe Feb 09
Santa Fe/Sequioa Lodge Nov 09

eeyores girl

i know not everyone at dlp is not french however i do understand french and so know the difference and im sorry but they are very ignorant and i still think you have to fight to get on  a bus and also stand your ground in any queue you find yourself in,they will walk straight through you if you dont stop them and then you get a torrent of abuse, somaybe im just unlucky and get next to every ignorant person in dlp or maybe your just alot more tolerant than me to bad manners :lol:
disney is soooo wonderful!!!!

dlrp 1999 NEWPORT BAY
dwf 2002 int drive
dlrp 2006 santa fe
dlrp 2009 santa fe


I think it's best to take pushes and shoves with a pinch of salt at DLP, I also don't think you should be turning on any particular nation here as this is an international forum, and i often find it to be my fellow Brits who are the rudest.

eeyores girl

:( i totally agree the brits can also be very ignorant as all nations can, however i was stating that my experiences were with french people inparticular, and after speaking to other people at the airport i was not alone, however you may take a push and ashuv with a pinch of salt but i cant stand by and watch small inocent children(not mine by the way, i just witnessed it) get squashed to the point of screaming in pain then say nothing maybe its just me but its something i would hope i wouldnt be responsible for, it really upset me to see and im sure the kids parents were not too chuffed either. :wink:
disney is soooo wonderful!!!!

dlrp 1999 NEWPORT BAY
dwf 2002 int drive
dlrp 2006 santa fe
dlrp 2009 santa fe


I've never had any issues with the Shuttle Buses for the normal Disney resorts.

I was very impressed with them on my last few visits, I think they are getting better.

The only problems I've had is with the pink 'peps' buses for the other hotels.


I never liked the shuttle buses. We've always stayed at the Hotel New York or Disneyland Hotel since our third trip, and one reason for that is to avoid using the buses.


On our first trip there we attempted the shuttle buses, but never again!  :shock:

It doesn't matter where in the queue you are, if you don't use your elbows and physical strength you're not getting on  :x

At the time we had a 14 month old baby (who's now almost 4!) in a pushchair, and people were actually stepping OVER the pushchair to get in front of us!

One *lady*  :roll:  even tried to step over him, but overbalanced and ended up stepping ON him  :shock:   :evil:  It's the first and last time i've ever shouted loud enough for everyone around me to stop in their tracks and stare  :oops:  but it did the trick, and once they all saw how he was being crushed they all moved out of the way and let us on first  :oops:

I'm still really angry about how adults treat everyone, especially children, with such little regard as long as *they* get their own way  :x

We always walk to and from the park now. It's actually a really pleasant walk and last time we were there it snowed quite a bit and it was amazingly magical to walk along the riverside seeing it frozen solid, and all the little ducks skidding about!  :D   :lol:
Jan 2007 - Santa Fe - 5 days, 4 nights

Jan 2008 - Cheyenne - 8 days, 7 nights

Jan 2009 - Cheyenne - 11 days, 10 nights

September 2009 - Santa Fe - 3 days, 2 nights

Next trip - Cheyenne - 6th December - 5 days, 4 nights


I found it much nicer to walk to the hotels than use the shuttle buses also.  I found it difficult with a toddler in a buggy to get on the bus, and i had to hold ppl off to let someone (who was there before all of us) get on the bus as they were in a wheelchair and everyone just tried to get passed him rather than offer any help!! :shock:
My 2 & 4 yr old enjoyed the walk to the Santa Fe so we did that. Last trip (may this year) we didn't even attempt the bus for SL because of our last experience.

As for smoking...  I have seen GM tell ppl not to smoke in line and an announcement was made over the speakers.  But it tickles me pink that there are smoking areas but no one pays any attention to them and just smoke wherever they want.  :roll:


Touch wood never had any problems with the shuttle buses. I have even had people help me on and off the bus with a suitcase and a buggy etc.

I'm not one to stay quiet if something or someone angers me on holiday, I feel that saying nothing is the reason why people think its ok to behave badly.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!

eeyores girl

:wink: thanks for your replies im so glad its not just me it riles! it really spoilt my holiday at times and i just think it doesnt happen in florida so why paris? i filled in the survey that disney send you and told them aswell, anyway i feel better for the rant thanks!!!! :twisted:
disney is soooo wonderful!!!!

dlrp 1999 NEWPORT BAY
dwf 2002 int drive
dlrp 2006 santa fe
dlrp 2009 santa fe