Armageddon SFX - Why all the hate?

Started by Magic M, October 16, 2008, 01:57:10 AM

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Magic M

Every time I go to Disney Studios I make sure that I go on this attraction because it always blows me away!  The authentic looking scenery, the collapsing ceiling, the collapsing floor, sparks and HUGE fireballs make this an audio-visual treat and real scare-fest too!  But now I hear that this ride is due for closure and that saddens me a lot.

Ok, I'll admit that the wait-times and pre-show video do get tedious... but Disney Studios is designed to be more than just ride, ride, ride.  Almost every attraction in the park is designed to be an immersive experience into the world of film making and production:

* Rock 'n' Rollercoaster has a pre-show in a recoding studio.
* Art of Disney Animation starts with examples of early animation Zoetropes etc...
* Moteurs Action is more than just a stunt show, it shows you HOW the stunts are performed.

Armageddon is a showcase in special effects, therefore the experience must start with... a showcase of special effects!

So I hear the ride is changing to the Narnia franchise which I know will be a money spinner... but couldn't they just add a Narnia set to the Tram Tour much like the Reign of Fire set but with snow machines instead of fireballs?

I'm going to take this experience several times during my December holiday...  Sad in the knowledge that never again will I hear the immortal line "Good morning Comrade Computer" in a dodgy Russian accent...


I totally agree with you, I too love Armageddon and it blows me away every time!
since 2001 (many before that)


It blows everyone else away also as the first room is so boring and the second room flame, wind, ceiling moves, fire and wind lights go out floor drops fire exit the only time that this attraction gets guests is in main summer when other attractions are so busy that it acts as a overflow for people not wanting to wait in excess of 40 mins or during the winter to stay war.   If we had something like posidons fury that is at Islands Of Adventure Florida people would be flocking to see this.

Remco K.

Quote from: "Magic M"Almost every attraction in the park is designed to be an immersive experience into the world of film making and production:

* Rock 'n' Rollercoaster has a pre-show in a recoding studio.
* Art of Disney Animation starts with examples of early animation Zoetropes etc...
* Moteurs Action is more than just a stunt show, it shows you HOW the stunts are performed.
None of those pre-shows SEEM to last as long as the Armageddon one.

Quote from: "Magic M"Armageddon is a showcase in special effects, therefore the experience must start with... a showcase of special effects!
Again, a showcase which is just a part of a boring, long lasting pre-show, which doesn't add to experience, especially after waiting for a long time in one of the most boring queues Disney has ever build.

I can keep on raving about how I dislike the queue and pre-show, but I won't. In fact, I don't hate Armageddon. The main show is really nice, but not worth the long wait and boring pre-show for me. I mostly skip the attraction because of that.

Quote from: "Magic M"but couldn't they just add a Narnia set to the Tram Tour much like the Reign of Fire set but with snow machines instead of fireballs?
They probably could! But who knows what other things they're planning for the Tram Tour. Perhaps a Narnia set doesn't fit in the plan at the moment.


Personally I have done similar attractions at Universal and the heat is turned up to a stupid level. I am not a fan of this type of attraction, although the Armageddon attraction is a tamer version. Standing in a room surronded by fire just does not impress me, I also struggle to get into the experience as the backstory is you are visiting a movie set. If it had been set on the Russian Space Station from the begining with a better ending I may of got into it more. When this attraction first opened the hope was for it to be dropped in DCA, glad that never happened!


See, it's funny. I think that things like Armageddon (and El Tiempo del Fuego, Backdraft and Twister) are amazing only in a theme park creations. I think they are increadible, and works of art. I also love how they freak my wife out :-)

See, I think toons are lazy and pointless theme park additions, and Armageddon is awesome. But then I know I am in a minority. would rather queue for Armageddon than Crush.
since 2001 (many before that)


The only negative point of Armageddon is the too long preshow. I like this attraction too and it is sad that it will be removed.

They have just to shorten the preshow and then I think the attraction will attract more people.


I'm just not a fan of this attraction, so I'll be glad to see the back of it. We waited ages just to get in, and then the pre-show took forever. It was just a Hell of a lot of waiting for something that turned out to be rather rubbish (in my opinion of course!).

Also, I've always thought it looked/seemed very out of place in a Disney park. It reminds me more of something you would see at Universal Studios.


Quote from: "Masamune"
Also, I've always thought it looked/seemed very out of place in a Disney park. It reminds me more of something you would see at Universal Studios.

Funny, I always thought that was the point and what I love about WDSP, it's not DLP mk"
since 2001 (many before that)


Hm I don´t "hate" Armageddon. But I must say I hate the pre-show. Not the first time. But since the second time I hate it everytime I see it more. I don´t wanna stand there in this dark room and give some screams from time to time to make the CM happy.
The whole pre-show should get a fix. That could be a simple reduction. Why not say just the necessary:

Hi welcome, this attraction is based on the big armageddon movie. You´ve seen all this SFX there? And they were great, weren´t they? So I hope you´re not to afraid to feel them now at our "original working studio" over there.

Doors open. Let the fun start.

Or replace it with a excibition about the movie. Could also be nice. But this pre-show is such a never ending thing. It´s just boring after the first time and also while the first time there comes the point where you would say: Ok but now come on. Let us see the show!

The show itself is great. Also the big fire-effect is always something to watch for me. And the big real screams during this big fire effect at the end is always fun!
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Funny, I always thought that was the point and what I love about WDSP, it's not DLP mk"
:P I love that it's very different to the main park as well, but still, I think that Armageddon seems too out of place for either parks. I think a Narnia ride/attraction will not only be better suited, it will be better all around.

:) That's just my opinion though.


They cant get rid of this attraction  :o thats just not on ! i first went on it last year and was scared :S LOL my son told me it wasnt bad so i took my 4 year old on it too ! low and behold he started laughing when we got inside and told me to hold on  :twisted: i have en evil 14 year old LOL ! well i absolutly crapped myself so to speak LOL so did my daughter....but we went on it a few more times before we left so nooooo it cant go :D

2004  Decemeber Hotel  Santa Fe
2005  October Hotel  Cheyenne
2007 Decemeber  Hotel Santa Fe
2008 Decemeber Hotel Cheyenne
2009 July Hotel Santa Fe
2009 Novemeber Sequoia Lodge
Abigail`s 7th birthday suprise 21st March 2010
2010 9th Decemeber Santa Fe can`t wait!


on a side note about how long the pre-show lasts, if you turn around whilst watching stuff above the doors you come in there is a timer for the "guy" (Only had males in pre-show :p) so he knows how long he has for each bit, without the pre-show there would be longer queuing outside (You are in pre-show whilst show is going on) and 90% of people would have no idea what was going on :p

As for me, i love it ;)
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


i have to agree...i love the attraction but i just hate the pre-show!! i guess its ok the 1st time you watch it but it gets sooooo repetitive and boring!! so i tend to miss out on the ride because of it...which is a shame because its such a good ride!
Sophie \":nemo:\"
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The attraction is only OK ,but the preshow is dreadful !! Or does the bad preshow make an OK attraction seem so much better !! As in "nothing can be worse than this boring wait for the attraction "
Armageddon was one of the first attractions to be "fixed" with the addition of the screens to get the story across better,that and the fact it has never been rolled out across the other parks surely says something...
Maybe whatever replaces it will be so good we will soon forget all about Armegeddon !! :wink: