Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Looking on Google Maps, imagining the sightlines and being very optimistic, we hopefully shouldn't have a problem. Enough conditionals? :lol:

From Thunder Mesa the Parachute Drop will be behind Crush, futher away and not as tall as it. RC Racer is to the left, but really only a few metres closer than ToT. From ground level in Frontierland it'll be fine, won't it? From BTM it'll be an issue, but at least there'll be trees in front of RC Racer from that angle (look at the leaked model on earlier pages).

What always catches my eye from the BTM lift (when I'm not breaking my neck trying to look back across DLP) is that the back of Crush, the bit that sticks up with the "5", was never painted in blue. You can still see the bare concrete.


Wow the website does it again!
Anyway , I am going end of this month to the  studios too  shoot some videos of the Building area , ass well as some photos! Thats the reason why I am going :)!
Looking good!

DLP MP3 - The only podcast with onrides RIGHT from the Resort! With ToT ,SM:M2 , Crush\'s Coaster , Star Tours, Peter Pan,  Stitch Live , Panoramique , BTM  and Pirates of the Carribbean! !
For iTunes ] and MP3!

Newest episode.... Toy Story Playland The Tour and Rc RACER!


I noticed that Disney had recently added 2 Cameras on TOT for the Toy Storyland Constructions .

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "dlrp_bopazot"I noticed that Disney had recently added 2 Cameras on TOT for the Toy Storyland Constructions .

Now that's interesting, I suppose we'll be seeing a new time-lapse video in the future then? Good spot bopazot, thanks for sharing your find with us :)


](*,)  ](*,)  ](*,)  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :evil:
since 2001 (many before that)


#860 just added two fantastic photos:

Foundations for all three rides appear to be in place. You can see how the RC Racer site has trees on both sides. It's a huge project, really...

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"](*,)  ](*,)  ](*,)  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :evil:
Oh please, just ignore this topic if you've nothing better to add.


Quote from: "Anthony"
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"](*,)  ](*,)  ](*,)  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :evil:
Oh please, just ignore this topic if you've nothing better to add.

Oh please, pictures paint a thousand words as they say. This will probably be deleted, but if I am to add words, here you go.

Seeing the pictures each time makes my blood boil. Disney has fallen so far that I am more excited about the development in local parks than this piece of junk, while the fan boys creme their pants with optimism.

I hope DLP finally does go broke if this is the sort of rubbish they keep schlocking.

Is that better?  :evil:
since 2001 (many before that)


You kinda have a point their. You have to remember that Toy Story is a well known franchise and that DLP needs to find a way to earn more money and in this case it's TS. Now I'am against TSPL but hopefully it will bring in more money for DLP as this year has caused DLP to slip back into the red.

Wherever we like this area or not, it should benefit for them. I do hope this is the last Pixar area/ride we'll see at DLP for quite some time (apart from Ratatouille which we're all expecting) but if not...

Here Come The Belgians!


Those pictures give a pretty good idea about the whole overview of the site, and how the area will be laid out.

Lots of space for theming, particularly the parachute ride, the buildings should look pretty good once finished.


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"I hope DLP finally does go broke if this is the sort of rubbish they keep schlocking.
It's a shame, because I agree with/respect a lot of things you post, but in this topic its just been nothing but a constant interruption of crying icons and prophecies that this will be the end of Disney. It got boring a long time ago.

Some people might not agree with this 100% but might still want to discuss it, objectively. Because it IS happening...

(Thanks to those who've already done so above)


I am at a loss of what to do. After 35 years, I suppose I should find a new obsession.

And maybe put my villa up for sale.
since 2001 (many before that)


What is the problem with TSPL? Why on earth wouldn't you have a play land in a theme park ? DHS has honey I strunk the kids playground. Kids do go to DLP don't they. They've not even finished building it yet. You like Legoland, and that's a kids playground.
Ed & David


As far as I am aware I haven't commented much in this topic yet, so here are my two cents about Toy Story Playland.

The confusing thing is that I completely understand why they are making this investment; a popular franchise, cheap rides, marketable, adding capacity to the Studios in a quick way etc. From a business point of view I even understand why they opted for Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast in Discoveryland or the relaunch of Space Mountain in 2005. However, from a fan-perspective I completely disagree with these changes or additions. Regarding Toy Story Playland:

-First of all, I am sick and tired of Toy Story. This franchise can already be found throughout both parks: Pizza Planet, Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast, Woody's Roundup, a float in Disney's Once Upon A Dream Parade, a car in Disney's Stars & Motorcars and so on. Why not come up with another theme for once? Both Toy Story films were nice, but definately not memorable or Pixar's best in my humble opinion. Besides that, the fact that one single film gets a mini-land devoted to it (Toy Story Playland) within another land (Toon Studio) screws up the already weak coherency of Walt Disney Studios Park.

-Second, I don't think these rides add much value to Walt Disney Studios Park. It's not that I am against these kind of rides. Caroussel de Lancelot, Dumbo, Orbitron etc all fit in with their environments. I can even appreciate Cars of the Flying Carpets from a Toon Studio perspective. However, if you take a look at the attraction roster of Disney's Hollywood Studios or the Hollywood Picture Backlot area in Disney's California Adventure you will notice that there is not one single carnival ride to be found. It simply doesn't fit in with the story a Hollywood/Studio theme tries to tell its guests. Walt Disney Studios is becoming more of film themed amusement park like Movie Park Germany for example. Ofcourse it always has been a park themed to a Studio, but the same can be said about Hollywood Pictures Backlot which has never been an actual filmstudio either. I don't mind two flatrides in Toon Studio, but with Toy Story Playland it becomes a bit too much. What this park really needs when EuroDisney is ready to expand it is a Hollywood Boulevard, a darkride, a filmexhibit etc... attractions that are truly Hollywood/Studio worthy.

I keep hoping that Toy Story Playland will be a temporary addition and that it will be removed when the park is going to expand. However, we all know this will be a permanent addition, much like Indiana Jones in the park next door.

Quote from: "QTXAdsy"Now I'am against TSPL but hopefully it will bring in more money for DLP as this year has caused DLP to slip back into the red.

And rewarding them for Toy Story Playland? That way we will encourage them to make more of these investments in the future.


Will any of these 3 new rides be Adult friendly? Will they be rides that you can go on, without a kid, without feeling like a complete idiot?

I hope that the half-pipe, at least, is an Adult attraction.


RC-Racer should be a family-thrill attraction, not hugely thrilling but suitable for adults.
Parachute Drop is more child-orientated.
Not sure about Zig-Zag Spin.

I'd say all 3 rides should cover the thrill levels of most guests.