First Visit April 2008

Started by Kellogs, May 24, 2008, 11:05:48 PM

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So I thought i'd finally post my report of my first ever visit to Disneyland Paris :) Also my first visit to a Disney Park :)

So the trip consisted of 4 days, so sort of a long weeked. Within the 4 days we visited London on the way down to Dover, Disneyland for 2 days, and then Parc Asterix on the way home.

Day One

Day one consisted of collecting me and my 3 friends together into one car, driving to Wemberly, and visiting my favourite city, London :) So as we were all Merlin Annual Pass holders, we made quick visits to the 'London Eye' and 'Madame Tussauds', stopping for lunch in McDonalds. We also made the complusary trip to Harrods to buy 'Krispy Kreme' Doughnuts, as they are amazing, and if you haven't tried them, I insist you do! Especially as they often give out freebies! After this we went to play with the Wemberly fountains which are interactive, before heading for Cantebury and to Asda for food supplies.

We then made our way to Dover Ferry Port, where after a delay due to weather in Calais, we finally boarded the ferry for a very rough crossover. After this we drove to over Etap hotel in Calais for some sleep that was muchly needed!

Day Two

So day two was an early start to drive to Disney. Slept for most the way, waking to enjoy a rather random breakfast of Doughnuts and Pringles haha. We first checked into out next Etap hotel in Val D'Europe, before catching the RER (after some confusion to which ticket we need) to the Disneyland Station.

We went through bag checking and went too queue for our tickets. We headed for studios first and joined the ToT queue. Absolutely LOVED IT. I was breath-taken. We rode it another 3 times during the trip. We spent most of the day here until closing.

After studios had closed we headed over to the Disneyland Park where I have never been so amazed. I stood there in ore as i glanced upon the Hotel, then on Mainstreet itself, staring down to the castle i'd only ever dreamed about, thinking about the mini replica polly pocket version i once owned. It was so surreal to finally see it. So as closing was at 8pm this day, we headed for Discovery Land to do Space Mountain: Mission 2 as my friend loves it. I found it quite painful, and although the effects are quite amazing, the uncomfortable nature of the ride, ruined the experience for me. But I do have problems with some rides, being small, my head is often level with over-shoulder restraint, meaning a good headbanging in some cases. I then insisted on Buzz Lighter being a big Toy Story fan, and this ride looked awesome to me, and I was right, IT WAS! We suffered a few breakdowns within, but this just enabled us to get really high scores, highest on the levels, but I cant remember the names. Anyway after this we headed for star tours which totally surprised me as its just one of those rides that should really be bad, but I totally fell in love with its quirkyness!

After this, it was time for Candlebration, and after using my smallness to get to the front, again I was overcome by the magic of this place! It made my spine tingle! And even though it was too light to see the castle in all its glory, there was still such an atmosphere I will NEVER forget, and I still get tingles just thinking about it!

This bought an end to my first day at Dinsey, so after a bit of exploring in the Disney Village, we caught the RER back to Val D'Europe, and went to check out the shopping centre there and the supermarket for supplies of Milka! :D We then returned to the Etap to have a snack and discuss our first day at Disney!

Day Three

Day three we reutrned to Disney, again on the RER. We headed to studios again first hoping that Crush would have a smallish queue, as after riding it on the first day, it is the best coaster there and I wanted to re-ride. However it did have a big queue so we decided to return when the parade was on, hoping this would mean less queues.

So we went back to Disneyland, exploring all the different lands, watching the character express, and exploring the castle! I fell absolutely in love with Disney, its like nowhere i've ever been before! It breathes Escapism!

So as we'd planned, as the parade time came we headed back to studies for a few rerides. TOT staff were great and secretly handed us fastpasses that had expired, but then accepted them anyway! So we had a re-ride we didn't expect!

As we were leaving to head back over to Disneyland, I was just thinking that although I had seen a lot of characters, and took their pictures, I hadn't had chance to have a picture with one of them. Then out of nowhere, I spotted Goofy at the entrance of studios, and ran, grabbing my friend so he could take a picture. I just stood there at the beginning waiting for him to see the kids. Then he spotted me, and pulled me over and gave me a big cuddle and then posed for our picture. Then as I went to walk away, he pulled me back, pointed to his cheek, hinting for a kiss, so ofcourse I obliged! Hehe was fantastic :D I love Goofy so I was sooo happy!

After various rerides at Disneyland, I ran for my life to catch the second candlebration, which was later this night due to the later opening, so I was hoping with it being darker i'd be able to see the castle better. It wasn't that much darker but the show was still amazing and as the park closed it did go dark and i finally saw the castle lit up, which was just a perfect ending to one of the most amazing trips.

We left the park, again looking at Disney Village, and shopping etc. We then drove to our Senlis Etap ready for Parc Asterix the next day.

Day Four

So day four was our final day in france and we headed for Parc Asterix. We didn't expect much and were expecting some confusion as hardly any of the staff speak english, but was fantastic! Its a great park, a hidden gem! We rode the dreaded 'Gourdrix', which isn't as bad as everybody makes out, except for one inversion where I actually heard my neck crack eek! We also rode there new ride 'Le Defi De Caeser' which is fantastic! Its a walk through based on an aceint roma army, then you go into a Mack Madhouse ride, all based around a viking ship. It is fantastic and was totally unexpected as we had no idea what the ride was when queueing. We also rode Tonne De Zeus 3 times because i loved it so much! Lol It was insane, but awesome! Their bobsleigh ride is again great, and beats avalanche at blackpool pleasure beach (the only other bobsleigh i'v ridden). 'L'Oxygenarium' is awesome! So zany! Had a fantastic day at this park, and really want to return. I was expecting so little but it had so much!

After this we headed back to Calais for a tiring ferry ride and 5+ hour drive home, which wasn't helped by getting stuck on the M20 due to a lorry on fire, so the whole thing came to standstill. Got in about 4am, totally shattered, but exhilerated from such a fanstic trip!

Ridecount over the 3 days:

Disneyland Park:
Indiana Jones x 1
Pirates of the Caribbean x 1
Phantom Manor x 1
Big Thunder Mountain x 2
Buzz Lightyear x 2
Star Tours x 2
Honey, I shrunk the Audience x 1
Space Mountain: Mission 2 x 2
Peter Pans Flight x 1
Alice's Curious Labyrinth x 1
Casey Jr. - Le Petit Train du Cirque x 1
Its a Small World x 1

Walt Disney Studios:
The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror x 4
Studio Tram Tour x 1
Armageddon Special Effects x 1
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith x 3
Crush's Coaster x 2

Animaique x 1
Stitch live! x 1
Candleabration x 2
Disney Characters' Express x ..gonna say about 4? Lost count.

Parc Asterix:
Goudurix x 1
Les Chaises Volantes x 1
L'Oxgenarium x 1
La Trace du Hourra x 1
Le Defi de Cesar x 2
Tonnerre de Zeus x 3
Romus et Rapidus x 1
Le Transdemonium x 1


My Pictures:

My friends pictures - mainly disneyland and london:

My other friends photos from Parc Asterix:

And a video i made of disneyland :)

The Butlin Boy

Great trip report, and great photos, thanks for sharing it, I really enjoyed reading it. I'm glad that you had such a great trip :)


Thanks for posting this. It's really interesting to hear about people's first visits to the resort. :) Glad you enjoyed it!

Interesting to hear about Parc Asterix as well. We might be going there next time we visit DLRP, so it's good to hear a positive review of it.


Glad you enjoyed your first visit and you got quite a good ride count in too.
Next visit to DLP: October 26th
Coaster Count: over 320


>>>We suffered a few breakdowns within, but this just enabled us to get really high scores, highest on the levels, but I cant remember the names.<<<

Glad you had a great time.  Please be advised that is unlikely it was a breakdown, but rather a slow down/stop for disabled/elderly access.

You need to return as there is still so much to see. I am assuming you missed out on Moteurs Action and Cinemagique?  They are the stars of the Studios.

Also, at DLP the Lion King and Tarzan shows are awesome.

What did you think of Pirates of the Caribbean and Phantom Manor?  

Glad you liked it, and thanks for the report.  Looking forward to trying Parc Asterix myself this summer.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote>>>We suffered a few breakdowns within, but this just enabled us to get really high scores, highest on the levels, but I cant remember the names.<<<

Glad you had a great time.  Please be advised that is unlikely it was a breakdown, but rather a slow down/stop for disabled/elderly access.

Yes, I am aware this was probably the case. After many rides on Duel at Alton Towers, which is similar, I know the basic functions and proceedures, but when typing the report it was just easier to type break down, instead of going into unncessary bantor. :)

QuoteYou need to return as there is still so much to see. I am assuming you missed out on Moteurs Action and Cinemagique?  They are the stars of the Studios.

Yes as i was visiting with friends who are really into the 'thrill' aspects of parks, and 1 who had visited before, he suggested we missed out Moteurs Action as it took a fair chunk out of the day, and Cinemagic wasn't really discussed, however i do intend to see both sometime in the future :)

QuoteAlso, at DLP the Lion King and Tarzan shows are awesome.

Again i would love to see these, especially The Lion King. I'l probably leave them until my resort stay, allowing more time, as time was tight with travelling etc.

QuoteWhat did you think of Pirates of the Caribbean and Phantom Manor?  

I actually loved both, some of my friends were disapointed with POTC, again because of the lack of thrill, but I thought it was well done, extremely well themed, and overally an enjoyable ride. I really enjoyed Phantom Manor, and was very impressed with the effects used.


Quote from: "Kellogs"
QuoteWhat did you think of Pirates of the Caribbean and Phantom Manor?  

I actually loved both, some of my friends were disapointed with POTC, again because of the lack of thrill, but I thought it was well done, extremely well themed, and overally an enjoyable ride. I really enjoyed Phantom Manor, and was very impressed with the effects used.

 :shock: Never ceases to amaze me the views of some Europeans.  Disney parks are not about thrills.  PotC and HM epitomises the international Disney experience.  I suggest they never go to the states, but if you enjoyed these, then head to WDW and DL in the US.  We have the best versions at DLP in my view, but they really do typify the Disney experience to me.
since 2001 (many before that)


I suppose if you have only seen the POTC films and then go on the ride for the first time you would be expecting a much more action packed, fast paced ride adventure !! But POTC is a shining example of what Disney does best ! And much better than the US versions !


Please to hear you had a great trip, thanks for sharing it  :D

By the way>>

Quote from: "kellogs"Day Two

So day two was an early start to drive to Disney. Slept for most the way, waking to enjoy a rather random breakfast of Doughnuts and Pringles haha.
I hope you weren't the one driving, otherwise you have been extremely lucky to be alive.. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


I dunno! the things the French can do while driving! lol The shuttle bus drivers never ceese to amaze me.
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


Quote from: "peep"Glad you enjoyed your first visit and you got quite a good ride count in too.

Yeah considering how busy it was due to the French school holidays, I was pleased with how much we got on, and the only really long queue we had was for Crush which was about 80 minutes. I think this was mainly down to good planning. We planned out our fasttracks and what we were doing each day, and we managed to missed the surges of people that seemed to keep occuring on certain rides at certain times :)