Disney Village Expansion/Improvements

Started by Kristof, August 21, 2005, 02:18:16 PM

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I wonder if it is Disney or Planet Hollywood Group that pay for the re-paint, its interesting to note that the Planet Hollywood at WDW has only recently been re-painted and that was in a very bad shape I would say worse than DLRP.


^^ I think -- well, I hope -- they would pay for it! But maybe DLRP crews actually do the work or something?

Grandmath has posted some interesting snippets on DCP, let me translate:

Quote from: "Grandmath"Regarding the development of Disney Village, it's moving forward... two new dining companies (light / quick service) are planned in the next year. I can't tell you which, but one of them can already be found at WDW.


((Someone asks if they will be new buildings or take the place of something))

New buildings, thankfully! (But they won't be massive, don't fantasize, lol) But not on the new esplanade. For that, you'll have to wait a little longer, even if things are rumoured...

I don't have any more information to give, so stay patient (I think there will be a press release in not too long, a few months or so).


((Chat about the type of building, which WDW company it could be))

As DynastyGo has said, I'd say they will be proper buildings (and not stands). However I don't know where the contracts are at and if the names can be revealed, so I won't say any more. But these projects are very real and I think they'll bring something extra to DV (even if you want the bigger projects like World of Disney that always get pushed back).

And if this hasn't happened in the next few months, you've got the right to insult me... lol
The only DTD dining I can imagine coming to DV on a small scale is Earl of Sandwich, which does have an interesting note added to its Wikipedia entry:

"Earl of Sandwich currently has franchising plans for all over the United States and the United Kingdom, including the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The first Earl of Sandwich franchise is open in Sugar Land, Texas, and is owned by Nolan Ryan and Roger Clements."

So they're planning new franchises right now? Could be... could be... Exciting news anyway, whoever it is.


An Earl of Sandwich would be great. It was one of my favourite quick service eateries at WDW... and it would definitely add to what DLRP is offering when it comes to fast food...
To give you an idea: the Earl of Sandwich is like a MUCH BETTER Subway where not all of the sandwiches taste the same.  :wink:  They also had great salads and soups, too. And I adored the Earl Grey flavoured lemonade...

Anyway... It seems that La Rouquine and Kinoo are reporting on DCP, that the Disney Village might also welcome a Starbucks next year. One more step closer to making the DV a regular mall - but it's hard to criticize considering that I love those overpriced Vanilla Lattes and scones... (Now if they'd also sell Bionade like here in Germany, you guys know where you can find me then.  :wink: )


just a note on the lovely (not) balloons ain DV with the winds on tuesday the 3 balloons on the cafe mickey post popped and one was even removed as it was pulled out of the wall. i do have a photo pf this and when i figure how to put on here small enough i will.


Quote from: "experiment627"An Earl of Sandwich would be great. It was one of my favourite quick service eateries at WDW... and it would definitely add to what DLRP is offering when it comes to fast food...
To give you an idea: the Earl of Sandwich is like a MUCH BETTER Subway where not all of the sandwiches taste the same.  :wink:  They also had great salads and soups, too. And I adored the Earl Grey flavoured lemonade...

Anyway... It seems that La Rouquine and Kinoo are reporting on DCP, that the Disney Village might also welcome a Starbucks next year. One more step closer to making the DV a regular mall - but it's hard to criticize considering that I love those overpriced Vanilla Lattes and scones... (Now if they'd also sell Bionade like here in Germany, you guys know where you can find me then.  :wink: )

I don't know what Earl of Sandwich is like but I always thought a Subway in Disney Village would be a great idea. I like Subway and I don't think that all the sandwiches
taste the same but if you say its even better then I'm really looking forward to it. I think it fits well because its something different from burgers,chips etc...

Its Just Like I DreamedIt

It's good to see the DV fetting some well deserved TLC, mabey they could start on the hotel next, last year when I went to Santa Fe it was looking very run down (sorry a bit off topic)
!Magic Everywhere


At DCP they are talking about a Starbucks at Disney Village! How great would that be!

Edit: Already posted , sorry ;)


Just posted above! :wink:

Quote from: "experiment627"Anyway... It seems that La Rouquine and Kinoo are reporting on DCP, that the Disney Village might also welcome a Starbucks next year. One more step closer to making the DV a regular mall - but it's hard to criticize considering that I love those overpriced Vanilla Lattes and scones... (Now if they'd also sell Bionade like here in Germany, you guys know where you can find me then.  :wink: )
It's definitely the new McDonalds in world domination terms, but since we've already got one of those - why not have a Starbucks, hey? It's exactly the kind of thing DV needs, just somewhere nice to sit down and get a normal drink. I'm actually even a bit worried that that spot wouldn't be big enough for a proper building with seats inside. Considering the amount of guaranteed customers, I hope Starbucks would put some good money into a nice little building there, that doesn't look cheap from across the lake.

A Subway style place would also be welcome, but what about New York Style Sandwiches?


:roll: Personally, I've always liked the food at The New York sandwich bar but it usually seems to be full when I need to use it. A Subway or something similar would be very welcome, lets face it, somethimes you just don't feel like a full cooked meal.


woohoo we love starbucks in my house so much so my other half has just been promoted from barrista to shift supervisor in our local starbucks, we just checked and we dont get discount in the French branches - oh well, this would go down well with everyone i suppose, they only sell fair trade organic biscuits and organic juices and the coffee is fair trade too. Plus I love strawberry and cream frappucinos, and skinny cinnamon dolce latte. Hope this rumour is true


I think both companies would be a great add to DV! It's getting better and better, they are small steps, but they are steps nontheless!  :D
Hope the rumours are true!
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


I would like to see a new disney village area. As in...
in WDW you have the market place and the west side. I would say that our current village is like the west side and what we are missing is the market place.

I prefer the meandering walkways and the higgledy piggledy layout of the shop units. Where as the Disney village is just a straight row of shops. Maybe future plans could be to extend from that into a "village". The greenery could help the blending.

In terms of construction the current DV would have been cheaper to build, but the cost savings where needed.


Alpop, there is/was a large expansion area planned for Disney Village.


I knew there were plans, but hadn't realised that they were fully mapped out yet.

Any improvements would be great anyway, but I do miss the strings of lights across the DV.


Earl of Sandwich and Starbucks sound like great additions to Disney Village. I can't wait to find out what other additions and improvements they have in store for us. Just look at the past 3 months... hopefully they will keep improving the place, as they've already downgraded it too much over the years. Starbucks and Earl of Sandwich are a step in the right direction, especially since they will be getting real building instead of cheap structures.

By the way, isn't it possible for Disney to expand Disney Village and share construction costs with outside companies who are allowed to operate at Disney Village like Rainforest Cafe, McDonalds, Gaumont or Planet Hollywood?