Original Disney Fan Artwork!

Started by anthonysprincess, April 30, 2008, 10:20:14 PM

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The Butlin Boy

I love you Cheshire Cat drawing CP, it has so much character in it. I'm very impressed as usual. Well done =D>  :cheshire_bounce:

Captain Pan

Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"I love you Cheshire Cat drawing CP, it has so much character in it. I'm very impressed as usual. Well done =D>  :cheshire_bounce:

To be perfectly honest I hate that pic of the Cheshire Cat... The face looks all wrong... and I apologize to Honey for ruining the character she asked me to draw... It is a disgusting piece of artwork!

See this is what a Captain Picture Should look like

Been making some Signatures for fun and wearing on other forums...

Cars 2




If anyone has seen the Dreamworks 2010-2012 Animation listing they will see why!


Well actually Tom, I really REALLY like the picture of Cheshire Cat! He looks very cute, just like he should!! :D Thanks for drawing him for me! :D

My Disneypics gallery]http://public.fotki.com/MizzRabbit/[/url]
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The Butlin Boy

Tom, don't be so hard on yourself, the Cheshire pic is very good, and so is your latest one too :)

I love the banners as well by the way, very funny :lol:


Well... I had a character to unveil who I believed we hadn't had, but while I've been away from this topic he has indeed been added! Never mind, here he is anyway......

"Most everyone's mad here... You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself..."

His colours are an ultimate PAIN to get right by the way, I think the darker one is too dark but there was no turning back once the colour hit the paper!  :shock:

I've just noticed it's scanned in a bit lopsided too - no idea why that's happened!! :shock:



Well what can I say? ...this topic never ceases to amaze and astound me with the quality of work!  :mrgreen:  =D>  :mrgreen:
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"


I love the whole expression you've captured there SWG, well done for your 15th piece of artwork..  =D>

I've uploaded it to the DisneyMagic art galleries, just awaiting your own personal comments..  :wink:  :D


Well done, SNow White Girl - I really like the expression and especially the bright colors of your drawing  :D/

Please visit my DLP website: www.dlp-photos.com

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


Lovely picture SWG, and it's my favorite character as well!! Did you see the Snow White drawing I made for you on this thread??

Javey, I've managed to get some examples of my illustrations that you can use on your site. I just had to watermark the darn things. You can get them here on my blog: http://pollopoulet.wordpress.com/

If anyone is in the mood for requests I'd love a picture of Stitch as the Statue of Liberty! :D

My Disneypics gallery]http://public.fotki.com/MizzRabbit/[/url]
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Hi Honey..  :D

Thanks for the link, I've uploaded the main ones to DisneyMagic, just awaiting your comments. I'll await the rest..  :mrgreen:

Thanks again for letting me know..  :wink:  :D


Quote from: "MizzRabbit"Lovely picture SWG, and it's my favorite character as well!! Did you see the Snow White drawing I made for you on this thread??
Thanks Honey :D And I actually hadn't seen it, though I have now! Thanks, it's absolutely perfect (and my favourite scene from the film too!)  =D>


Captain Pan

Can You Guess What it is yet?

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Captain Pan"Can You Guess What it is yet?

Erm... can you give us a clue please? :P  :roll:

Looking good at the minute Tom, I'm looking forward to seeing some colour brought into it :)


Is it from Up?  :)
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"

Captain Pan

Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"
Quote from: "Captain Pan"Can You Guess What it is yet?

Erm... can you give us a clue please? :P  :roll:

Looking good at the minute Tom, I'm looking forward to seeing some colour brought into it :)
Quote from: "burntsienna"Is it from Up?  :)

Its Carl's House from said feature... The House that will be attached to Balloons and going on Adventure!

Adding Colour... I'm not too sure... I think Adding Colour will spoil it

Face is a bit Crooked... Mouth in particular... But Here is the 8 year old who will accompany Carl