Alice's Curious Labyrinth

Started by Owain, February 23, 2008, 03:18:58 PM

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Topic to discuss the future and refurbishment of Alice's Curious Labyrinth.

Someone of you may have read Baloos 4th wish list post about Alice's Curious Labyrinth. To me as i didnt go on this attraction last year i couldnt believe the state its in. Wires showing, Paint missing, Cracks on characters. Its very run down and now theres rumours that DLRP has cut its refurbishment budget ?  :shock:

What do you all think ?

Heres the link to the wishlist entry; ... onderland/

Video from youtube.
Marked saying; Alice's Curious Labyrinth being refurbished in 2004. Looks like the person broke something.


Quotenow theres rumours that DLRP has cut its refurbishment budget

And the new hotel will be build next year.  :-s   C'mon.


Quote from: "raptor1982"
Quotenow theres rumours that DLRP has cut its refurbishment budget

And the new hotel will be build next year.  :-s   C'mon.

So im guessing it was just a rumour then :P

Since your other post;

Quote from: "raptor1982"but I've been told that the labyrinth will go in refurb soon.


Does the Labyrinth still have the blue lights in the hedges ? It used to look great at night but think these may have been removed a long time ago, anyone know for sure ?


Several users on DCP are reporting that a few lights have been fixed.  The Cheshire Cat's smile is now lit up again.  I can't remember if I ever saw it lit up before.  :-k


Quote from: "raptor1982"Several users on DCP are reporting that a few lights have been fixed.  The Cheshire Cat's smile is now lit up again.  I can't remember if I ever saw it lit up before.  :-k
I'm sure I have, at some point. I don't have any photos though, so...  :-k

Have you heard anything about a proper rehab yet? It needs more than a few small fixes to get it ready for Summer.

This time last year there were fences everywhere, across the hub, in both parks... What are they working on at the moment?


Sort of on topic, but I know your talking about the rehab (or lack of).

I read in a new guidebook, that the cheshire cat's eyes spin around (yep I know that one) and his tail wags!!!!!!!

Where is his wagging tail?


His tail moves? Well can't be the flower bed, so...  :?

This is the only other Cheshire Cat I know of:

The one with the really visible speaker behind him. I always thought that was a statue. We need our resident expert (Masamune) in here... :P


I'll also say that this bit of info was from the 2007 AA DLRP guidebook.
Which doesn't mention any of the newer stuff happening.

the previous version of this book did mention the tigger stamper in the bookshop!


:P The eyes on that statue were indeed moving last time I was there (June 2007). I had to wait until both pupils were centered before taking a picture, otherwise he would've looked cross-eyed. :o I don't remember his tail wagging though.

Edit: Here's the picture I took.

:lol: He's looking sideways, but he definatly doesn't look as strange as he looks in Baloo's pic.


I was sort of thinking it was refering to the plan view one. as in the actual maze, but I can't seem to see where the tail would be on that.

But saying that it also referred to "A blue worm smoking a hookah".

I think these guide books should be written by real fans, not just journalists.


Quote from: "Masamune":lol: He's looking sideways, but he definatly doesn't look as strange as he looks in Baloo's pic.

 :lol:  :lol:  Yes Baloo! Shame on you! Showing such an unthrifty pic!  :lol:  :lol:  Hope the cat or Masamune won´t take you to court!  :lol:

I remember my last trip in july where eyes are moving and also the lights at the big smile where on.
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


I'm sending my Cheshire Cat photo into Heat magazine next week, they're going to do a feature on "celebrity cats with freaky bodies".  :lol:

Quote from: "Alpop"I think these guide books should be written by real fans, not just journalists.
The AA guides are awful... they seem to be written from DLRP's own copy rather than someone actually visiting the resort and making notes. I suppose they're good when they throw up weird old things like the Tigger stamp and this though.

It definitely looks like his tail could move in Masamune's photo.


I've seen it move before!  Quite a few years ago, but it moved definitely.


:-" Out of court settlement please Baloo. :lol:

*Rolls back on topic* I've always loved the Labyrinth, despite the fact that it's starting to look a bit tatty. :) It'll look brilliant once it's all fixed up, but even if it doesn't get fixed up anytime soon, I'll still love that attraction.