Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008

Started by Remco K., January 25, 2008, 01:33:19 PM

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This step is MORE than necessary!! There's nothing worse than smoking in a family park...

But I'm lucky, I never had to stand in a queue line or so where people smoked!
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


No smoking in public (and indeed the Disney Parks) is a major step forward. Being an asthma sufferer myself, I'm easily set off when someone's smoking.

However, I do think if people want to smoke, they should be able to. Hence why I think dedicated smoking areas (a little out of the way) are a good idea. Those who want to smoke, can do so without affecting those who don't want it around.


i agree, im asthmatic and so is matthew, setting aside the other problem we are dealing with. smoking is a right a person has, but not smoking is also a persons right, passive smoking is just as bad as the actual act. so yes to the designated areas, yes to a non smoking park but also yes to letting people make their own choices.


In Anaheim they had smoking cabins. Was a bit silly to watch but a smoking-solution
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


I would love this because i go on the 13th of April until the 18th and i have asthma, so i won't have go past a smoker and cough. :D!
DLP visitor since the age of 2.
Part time Student, Full Time Disney enthusiast.

Its Just Like I DreamedIt

Think it's bad standing waiting for a parade when someones smoking, when we went to DLRP last summer someone in the next buggy to ours was smoking through PM. I was quite scared actually because what if something was to go on fire, and when we went on later you could still get the smoke smell!
!Magic Everywhere


how rude for someone to be smoking whist on a ride. its just not the thing that should be done. not only is that anti-social its possible of doing damace to a ride, imagine if a ciggie was to get into the puppets in IASW that would be horrific!!!!


Quote from: "Its Just Like I DreamedIt"Think it's bad standing waiting for a parade when someones smoking, when we went to DLRP last summer someone in the next buggy to ours was smoking through PM. I was quite scared actually because what if something was to go on fire, and when we went on later you could still get the smoke smell!

Smoking on a ride :shock:  :shock:
Now that is shocking.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Not only shocking, but also just disgusting and so selfish!
Such people just don't have any manners and should be kicked out of the parc!
Yuk!  [-X
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


That really a shame! Doesn´t one simple CM saw this?
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


I think it's almost impossible for the CM to figure out were the smoker is, if it is happening during the ride. I'm sure, there are secutitycameras installed, but they would have to check every single monitor and this would probably take more time than anything else.
And imagine, if caught somking, they guy could easily throw the ciggy out of the doombuggie, maybe in the brides room with all the curtains and then catastrophy is going to happen. [-X  :shock:

Remco K.

QuoteJust thought I'd post a little update on the smoking situation at DLP, since I haven't seen this in English anywhere just yet. So here it is, the list of designated smoking areas that will be enforced as of April 1 2008.

Disneyland Park:

- Entrance (to the left, behind turnstiles)
- Arboretum (next to City Hall)
- Central Plaza (near Discoveryland)
- Near the restrooms of Fort Comstock
- Area in front of Pocahontas Indian Village
- Area facing Restaurant Hakuna Matata
- Adventureland exit of Au Chalet de la Marionette
- In the former queue of Les Pirouettes du Vieux Moulin
- Near the restrooms of Autopia
- Entrance Pizza Planet

(This is quite a number, compared to the three designated areas at Disneyland. But then again, even with all the new rules, this still isn't California...)

Walt Disney Studios:

- Place des Freres Lumiere (entrance plaza) (left, past stroller parking)
- Between Art of Disney Animation and Cars
- Between Stitch and Cinémagique
- Between Rock 'n' Roller Coaster and the Stunt Show

Now let's just hope they theme the signs properly... And, on a more cynical note, that people will actually obey the rules.
Source: pussnboots on the MiceChat.com forums


Seems ironic, that people currently smoking in the parks are addicted to do so, and as we all know smoking can cause heart disease and cancer, of which cancer is what killed Walt Disney as in the form of lung cancer through chain smoking.  If it wasn't for this addictive habit, Walt would have been around for years and died of old age instead.

This was one area that Walt would not have been a good role model for in his own parks.  Only now something is being done about it, so the whole family can enjoy a clean environment.  But really it would require a 100% ban in the resort to be effective.

Get rid quickly !!  =D>


We got very very close with our guesses a few weeks ago! A few of them are actually spot on. Nice places they've chosen, and actually fewer than expected. I'm very happy Fantasyland only has 1 spot.

The WDS ones aren't as good because it doesn't have the hidden corners. I'm not sure groups of smokers will help the atmosphere of that spot in Backlot or the dead corner of Production Courtyard, or be very pleasant in that nice spot between AODA and Cars.

Oh well, NO SMOKING!! HURRAH!!!! What a triumph, we've wanted this for years. :D/  :D/


I don't agree with some of the ones in the main park :( like...

The pocahontas Indian Village... lots of children walking past a group of smokers... mis-logic?

Don't really mind the rest, How will they enforce this ?

I don't imagine our wonderful park would kick people out ? i don't really imagine them fining people
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone