Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008

Started by Remco K., January 25, 2008, 01:33:19 PM

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Quote from: "Nicholas-c"The pocahontas Indian Village... lots of children walking past a group of smokers... mis-logic?
I thought the same, but I bet they'll use the little inlet to the right of the entrance where the old Pueblo Trading Post is. Plonk the brats in the playground and have a fag. :lol:

Here are a couple of maps of the expected places btw, since I know not everyone will know them:

The one by HISTA will be in the way too. And I suppose this rules out any reopening of the Old Mill or Pueblo Trading Post for a while...

Quote from: "Nicholas-c"I don't imagine our wonderful park would kick people out ? i don't really imagine them fining people
Yeah this is going to be interesting to see how they enforce it. Will they get stricter over time, start of quite relaxed? They can never really do any more than direct people to the nearest area though. I think the majority will get it... hopefully.. what do we think?


Let's face it to police the new smoking policies they'd have marked security staff so guests know they are being watched in general. Then cameras and plain clothed security probably hanging around the non smoking areas watching people who don't know they are being watched. They could always confiscate the cigarettes if they have already been warned for smoking in a non smoking area.  :shock:

It's still not easy I agree to watch everyone for smoking in the wrong places.  when a total outright ban comes in, which it will eventually, people could be searched on the way through the main gates, (baggage, pockets etc), similar to the way they do the baggage checks now.  Or maybe use a sophisticated scanner you walk through which would pick up cigarette boxes or individual cigarettes, lighters/matches.  I think this would be a quicker method if possible, so that the entrance queues don't go through to slowly.  :roll:

Time will tell how the enforcement works, or doesn't work. If it doesn't, then new ideas will need to be sought.  :wink:


Quote from: "Baloo"Yeah this is going to be interesting to see how they enforce it. Will they get stricter over time, start of quite relaxed? They can never really do any more than direct people to the nearest area though. I think the majority will get it... hopefully.. what do we think?

I imagine they will possibly start off relaxed until the summer and then step it up for the peak season. The thing with this is that most people wont want to cause trouble, however alot of people will try and get away with it, i guess its going to be 50/50, unless they get a policy/punishment in place (if there isn't one already)

I think 1 or 2 rule breakers around is better than every other person smoking :)
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The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Baloo"

I can't really imagine the one between AODA and Cars :-k We'll just have to wait and find out how they all turn out.

Disneyland Paris Treasures

Quote from: "javey74"... when a total outright ban comes in, which it will eventually ...

Will not happen.

Quote from: "javey74"... people could be searched on the way through the main gates, (baggage, pockets etc), similar to the way they do the baggage checks now.  Or maybe use a sophisticated scanner you walk through which would pick up cigarette boxes or individual cigarettes, lighters/matches.

Will not happen either.

Quote from: "Nicholas-c"... however alot of people will try and get away with it, i guess its going to be 50/50, unless they get a policy/punishment in place (if there isn't one already) ...

I strongly doubt that 50/50 ratio! If people know that it is not allowed to smoke most will likely honor it. Of course there are the few that don't care, but surely not 50/50.

Smokers are no bad persons (and no, I do not smoke). They have children too and they are there for the magic and the fun too. The few bad examples that have been noted here are really exceptions. I have never seen someone smoke in a queue line and for sure not in a ride (I would have dragged him to the next CM myself).

I think it is great that the park will be smoke free this way and that most people will honor it.


Well Mobi, all I'll say it that we will have to all wait and see.  

But change is change and everyone conforms to it in some way, rather like a job and your code of conduct policy. Rules are rules.  :wink:

None of us really know what will happen with the new enforcement until it happens, then it will take a few month to see the effect of the change, it's then our ideas will be proved right or wrong for the measures that will or won't need putting in place.  :|

Pause for thought  :shock:


this cant happen soon enough for me. whilst we were there with matthew in his wheelchair three times he nearly had a cigarette in his face at one point one was only an inch from his eye, i soon shouted at the frenchwoman who just didnt seem to care and carried on as she had been. i had to moved in a different direction from them so he didnt get burnt!!!!

miss disney fan

i went to alton towers yesterday for the 1st day of opening, they have now put smoking areas in the grounds around about 15 i was told, and yes i smoke, so i went to find these areas that were on the park map so i could have a smoke and to be honest they were not clearly signposted just i small smoke sign with a arrow pointing that way, out of all the areas i went to find i only manage to find 3 and they are so out the way that at the most there was only me and about 3-4 people there and no end of folk walking around the rest of the park smoking, so as you say it has got to be police really well and the areas have got to be well maked out (not like the towers) but the ironic thing was when i brought a newspaper as we were leaving the still sell fags in the shops, from what i saw yesterday it will not work there and if disney go about the same in paris it will not work there either

Its Just Like I DreamedIt

Yeeeessssss eventually, but I wonder if the CM will be really severe in keeping the rule
!Magic Everywhere


:( I would really hate to be a C/M right now! Think of the difficult line they will have to walk until everyone gets used to the new rules and regulations. I Know that the bottom line is that rules are rules and everyone should conform but, at the same time they are running a theme park and thier primary duty is to keep guests happy. I think they are likely to try a "softly softly" approach at first, just having a quiet word with offending visitors and maybe only escalating things if the guest continues to offend. By the way, I am a non-smoker who has just been diagnosed with chest problems thought to be caused by "second hand smoke" so I probably have a greater reason than most to want to see a full ban. Its just that I forsee many problems enforcing this politely and sympathetically.


Smoking areas now mentioned on the official website's 'What's New?' page!


Hopefully we'll see some reports from the park today soon...


Sounds brilliant. It's not like smokers can't smoke - there will be smoking areas. It works in America! Last time I went to Disneyland Paris (was about 4 years ago because I've been going to WDW instead), there was a guy smoking in the queue for BTM (just at the end of the queue line, right before you go down the slope onto the ride) and everyone was complaining and only one person actually told him to put it out and it wasn't a cast member!

I think that's shocking - who would start smoking in such an enclosed space surrounded by so many people and kids?!
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?? A Wimba Way A Wimba Way ??


Any pictures?
How does it work?

Remco K.

Quote from: "Baloo"Hopefully we'll see some reports from the park today soon...
User pussnboots, who's also a member of this forum :), submitted the following to the MiceChat.com forums:

Quote from: "pussnboots"Apparently day 1 of the smoking ban wasn't a huge success. Most of the trash cans around the parks still have their built-in ashtrays and smoking signs (the kind without the big red line striking through the cigarette) on them, suggesting of course that one can smoke around such a trash can. Moreover, according to the latest map, one of Adventureland's smoking areas is located on the Pont Suspendu (suspension bridge).

Can't really blame the guests this time...
It seems DLRP was not totally prepared for the 'smoke-restriction'...


Cool! Than pussnboots was at DLRP this day and could tell us mooore about the start and next saturday raptor can tell us how it´s after some days of running!!!
 We are pampered :mrgreen:

Hope they will get a bit more strict with their smoking rules. But must be a hard thing to tell someone who has the opinion that smoking is an amusement.
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