Wishes - Nighttime Spectacular

Started by Kristof, April 17, 2005, 06:45:27 PM

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Sweet Laker

Does anyone know untill when "Wishes" will be held at DLRP? Since i cant join a few of my friends the 16th of July, i am thinking off going to DLRP in August, but will Wishes still be there too? I mean, that would be my Über Main goal to visit the parc this time. :D (not that i need a reason to visit the parc though, I just love to be there without reason too :) )


Don't worry wishes shall be shown every night till the 28th August so don't worry you will not miss it if you go in August :wink: .

Sweet Laker

Thats good news. I really expect something from it. Since they say it is a different show, compared to the American one. Now all i have to do is find a date to go and the money to finance it :P


The Wishes page is now online on the official site:

 :arrow: Official Wishes Page

 :shock: Amazing, isn't it?  I suppose it's covered in their dedicated Summer Magic pages, so I'll let them off!  :wink:


My jaw just dropped to the ground...

(Source: linkin, found on DLRP Mag forum)

...and it's still there.

Incredible.  Beautiful.  Amazing.  I love you DLRP!  :D  :D  :D  I REEEHEEAALY didn't expect this!

Does anyone else reckon it's gonna do something during the show?  Light up perhaps?  :o   If it doesn't then it'll be a bit pointless during the show...


Wow, now that looks awesome!  Great idea!!!


Wow!!!!! That looks great!!!!! I love it!  :D

Now i understand what you were talking about, Baloo......i really was wondering what you meant.  :wink:


Quote from: "Jorien"Now i understand what you were talking about, Baloo......i really was wondering what you meant.  :wink:

Yeah, I shouldn't email people when I'm worked up about things and just type random comments...

I'm still in love with this decoration though, and it seems pretty much everyone is.  For once, a Central Plaza decoration that adds to the view of the castle rather than takes it away!  :D

As many other people on various forums have said, the fact that they're putting it in 3 weeks ahead means it must play quite a part in the show - OR they simply want it finished by the start of July...  It's interesting, though, that it doesn't take them that long to construct the Central Plaza Halloween pumpkin and that has make-up workshops inside plus lights on the outside...  :)


Quote from: "Baloo"
Quote from: "Jorien"Now i understand what you were talking about, Baloo......i really was wondering what you meant.  :wink:

Yeah, I shouldn't email people when I'm worked up about things and just type random comments...

LOL!!! Yes you should!! You know how much i like getting messages!..............and sending them!  :wink:  :P  :lol:

I really still like that decoration too. And let's hope the whole wishes fireworks will be as great too!!!!


Posted by Grandmath on Disney Central Plaza forum:

Quoteils ont mis des faux rochers près du chateau pour cacher les projecteurs du show, et eux ils sont super moches

It says that fake rocks have been put near the castle to hide the projectors.  But Grandmath says they look ugly.


Oh rocks now, god Disneyland Resort Paris are trying, well I don't mind ugly rocks since they usually look ugly since its a rock :P .  Well at least the wishes logo makes up for it :wink: .  This really gets me excited, projectors and big logo in the middle of Central Plaza, I so much can't wait for this show now. :D   Still want to kill jiminy though :lol: .


Well I haven't seen the fake rocks yet, but I can tell you that the fake bushes from last year were really really ugly.  :lol:


Here's in an interview about Wishes in the latest Envie de +

Interview with François Leroux, Vice-President of Spectacles and Christophe Leclercq, show director of this fabulous fireworks, hosted by Jiminy Cricket and the Blue Fairy.

When and where was Wishes developped?
Wiqhes was created in 2003 bij Disney Creative Entertainment in California for the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World, Florida.

How many people worked on the project in France?
We have been working over a year to adapt and especially create a new version of Wishes.  A team of over 30 persons are working daily on the project.

What different crews worked on this project?
Producers, Creative Directors, Musical Directors, Image Creators, Lightning, Pyrotechnics, show directors, technicians and other tehcnical opertional sources.

Where and how where the rehersals helt of the spectacle?The rehersals were helt in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle in june of this year.  The fireworks is 8 minutes long.  Ofcourse, these rehersals were secretely done to preserve the mystery around this new spectacle...  Of the record, the spectacle differces by using projections on the castle.

Will Disney Characters be included in this spectacle?
Yes ofcourse, but not in any way you can imagine.

Will Wishes return in 2006?
For the moment is Wishes a spectacle in honour of the 50th anniversary of Disneyland California.  But if the spectacle has the expected succes, we will be more than happy to bring the show experience back.


Thankyou!  I've been waiting for someone to copy up that interview from Envi de +.  :D

The 8mins length is just right - I timed it with the original WDW soundtrack and without the villains section the show is about 8mins 30secs, so I guess all they're doing is cutting out that middle section and mixing the two ends together in the middle.  :wink:

It's also interesting that they're going to decide whether to bring it back based on guest reaction.  I'm betting they most definately will.   :wink:


Quote from: "Baloo"It's also interesting that they're going to decide whether to bring it back based on guest reaction.  I'm betting they most definately will.   :wink:

I guess we have to cheer a lot then when we are there watching Wishes!!!!  :lol: