What makes Disney the best for you?

Started by Maarten, July 09, 2007, 05:34:10 PM

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Hey there!

On other discussion boards on the internet I often hear many people critisising the Disney themeparks for being too childish, expensive, fake... and so on. Many people don't think that the Disney parks are their cup of tea and prefer their local themepark over Disney. Ofcourse everyone has the right to have his/her own opinion, but it made me think why I prefer a Disney park over any other themepark.

It also made me curious about your opinions. Thats why I would like to know from you guys, what aspect of Disneyland Resort Paris (or just the Disney themeparks in general) do you like the most? What makes Disney stand out above your local themepark or any other themepark for that matter? Is it the theming, characters, atmopshere, entertainment, an attraction in particular, the Disney hotels... or something else?

I'll start; the first reason why I prefer a Disney park is because of its theming. No other themepark in the world has reached the level of theming that can be found at certain Disney parks. Besides that, I always enjoy the atmosphere (because of this theming and the area loops). Another reason why I enjoy Disney is because their parks aren't just stand-alone parks; they are entire resorts with multiple themeparks, hotels and an entertainment district. I simply love the massive scale... it gives a certain international, American and above all quality kind of feel, like everything was materplanned from day one.  8)

So whats your opinion?

Please, don't use this topic to bash other themeparks. Lets keep it friendly! :)


Well, I basically get the feeling that unlike other themeparks, Disney is not in it to make big bucks (and if you see the results of EuroDisney, they aren't indeed ;) )
Whenever I go to a park in Belgium for instance, I always feel they are just trying to make cheap money, opening late, closing soon, and putting nothing but rude personnel at rides.

I don't know how to express it but even though Disney is more expensive than another themepark in the local area, I never feel as ripped off as I often feel with local parks.

That said, the atmosphere is nothing that can be compared to anything other parks have done so far!  If you just want some thrills without great theming, and are looking for a one day quick getaway, a local park is great...  Disney on the other hand, just adds so much more to that...

I guess it's difficult to explain.  What I can say however is that I often find people with prejudices regarding Disney as being to childish, while they have never been there.  Once I can convince them to join me on another trip, I often see their reactions as if Disney wasn't at all what they expected, and is so much more than just a place for 6-year olds...
Next visit:
13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!


I think with Disney it isn't just about big thrill rides, it's about living your dreams. Whether that's meeting Mickey, taking a trip through hyperspace, raiding temples or following head over heels for an enchanting princess, there's something for everyone.

I think the theming is far and above anything you see in other parks, and it offers a real immersive experience. Just think about things like Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Tours, Phantom Manor and Space Mountain.

You don't get the same level of interaction with guests either at other parks, where else can you see characters wandering around, who actually come up to guests and hug them or dance with them?

And there's just that little bit of Disney magic in all of us, if we let it in, and Disneyland is a place where we can all let that inner child out and not feel silly, because everyone else is being just as silly!

Oh, and Belle lives there!  :lol:


Great thread.  

For me, I love that Disney transports me to another place and time.  It brings out the best in people. It instills hope, sparks a sense of wonder and breathes magic to life.

It is a place where I have seen disabled people speak for the first time.  Where shy people come out of their shell.  Where the old feel young, and the young can drive cars.

Disney brings together the family, not just my blood family, but the extended family of humanity.

Disney tries to bring the best quality out (or at least they used to!).
since 2001 (many before that)


disney makes the best for me, because when you enter a disneypark you leave today and enter a world of yesterday, fantasy and tomorrow. no other themepark is able to create such a feeling when you see the castle from main street usa. you are transported in a different world, where you don't think about the world outside.


i know disney is a theme park but i dont see it as that, other theme parks liek the ones in britain are of no interest to me what so ever, but disney is just so special, its the themeing, the shows, the parades. even the rides are different to other theme parks, at your average park in britain its just a car on a track but at disney its soemthing more, its all built up around it, its not like your just on a track. :P


I love Disney because it really is full of magic! Ever since my first visit, I have kept wanting to go back. I can't get enough of it! :lol:

I'm not sure what it is. I know that I absolutely love the atmosphere - That's always something I point out when talking about the good things of DLRP. The rides are great - They don't look out of place and are not too big or too small. And also the theming! How could anyone forget the theming! The best in the world in my opinion :wink:

I can understand why people think Disney is a bit childish (I would never point out that I'm a Disney fan in school :(), but for me it's not really. I think it's the characters that make people think this way, although I love them!

Lots of people seem to care more about the size of a park and it's rides rather than the quality :(

But Disney will always be #1 for me :D :mickey2:


Disney for me is becuase I can be a kid again. Who cares i I skip down Main Street? Apart from my teenage daughter.

For my kids to see the look on their faces when they see a favourite characters and ride those unbelievable rides.

Theming of the rides. I hate riding roller coasters elsewhere cos I feel I am going to fall, but with Disney theres something to take my nind off whats around the next bend.

And yes it costs a pretty penny to get to and to stay in the hotels, but the quality is so much better. For us to go for a long weekend at a British holiday place like centreparks would cost just a little less.

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


i have to say the reason i love disney is just because i spent time with family there and it is an exciting, safe and a magical heaven away from home

:P [/end cheese]
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


I love disney it doesn't feel like a theme park it's more than that! I mean anyone can go. It just makes me happy no matter how upset i am I'm smiling by the time I enter! It's better than christmas!


fab topic, i loved reading everyone elses reasons.

i love the disney parks because it takes me away from normal life and i can be a kid again!! tubbsy said about nobody careing if your skipping down mainstreet. its that sort of thing that makes it so special for me. you can dance and sing in the streets and people dont give you funny looks - they join in!  :D

the atmosphere is unbelivable, i dont think anyone could beat it. I love how all the cast members are so happy and friendly and they actualy want to help you, not just because its their job but because they enjoy doing it! the way that they get into it is amazing, the interaction between guests and cast members is unforgettable! (phantom mannor CM's are my favorite :D)

its also the wide range of attractions there and the theming to it all. where else could you ride a run away train, then get on a carosel, then a steam train, and then a haunted house, then fly over london in a boat?!

also i have always been a huge disney fan, as are the rest of my family. one of my favorite memories is meeting mickey mouse for the first time and seeing the rides that i saw on the adverts on my old disney videos for myself. it was like all my dreams had come true all at once!

for me disneyland isnt just a themepark, its a whole other world!


Quote from: "disney_donutter"Me and Leota were always promised a trip to disney when we were kids and it never happened, so we go twice a year now to make up for it.

damn our father and his pointless promises!! :lol: thats another reason why i love it so much!


I love disney because I can be a kid and not feel silly about it.

The great thing is.. you look more of a mooer if you don't have silly ears or a big Alien protruding from the top of your head than if you do.

Everyone joins in with everybody, they Dance and sing and everyone is everybody elses friend.

It is so much fun.. I would quite happily live in disneyland lol.
Not alot of people I know get the whole disney craze, and they always ask me if I get bored.. well that is a stupid question, I wouldn't go if I did.
Me and Leota were always promised a trip to disney when we were kids and it never happened, so we go twice a year now to make up for it.


I love DLP simply because it is Disney. I mean the animation movies of Disney are purely magic. And so it is with the parks. When you enter a Disney park it's just like leaving the real world and entering a world full of magic. And that's because everything is so detailed. Everything's fit to the other things. Everything is just perfect, because the people of Disney work on every aspect till perfection. And no other park or company can beat this. Disney is for sure the No. 1 for family entertainment. A Disney park really is more than just a place to have fun. It's a dream come true, where things happen, that you never had thought of to happen.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


Disneyland is for me a little bit like the Shire from Lord of the Rings, it could be the end of the world, but it doesn`t matter cause I`m at Disneyland.
It`s the perfect place, if you want to escape from your everyday life.


Quote from: "Krollok"Disneyland is for me a little bit like the Shire from Lord of the Rings, it could be the end of the world, but it doesn`t matter cause I`m at Disneyland.
It`s the perfect place, if you want to escape from your everyday life.

This is true.  We were there on 9/11 and the aftermath with the silences and everything.  It managed to take some of the pain away.  I think I would have been a real mess if I were home, but being in DLP made it all the more bearable, and it reminded us of all that is good with humanity.
since 2001 (many before that)