Anniversary dinner recomendation

Started by NHDisneylover, February 05, 2016, 09:39:05 PM

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Our 20th anniversary falls during our next trip.  My husband and I are thinking of ditching the teenager for the night, getting back to the hotel to put on some nicer clothing and having a nicer dinner out in the parks (or Village, or hotels).  We've only eaten at a handful of places on site and most all of those were buffets.

Where would you recommend?


What's your budget?

Places immediately coming to mind are the hotel restaurants such as California Grill (if you've got the cash), Yacht Club (if seafood's your thing), Walt's – An American Restaurant (if it's open when you want to dine) or King Ludwig's (if you like beer).


My go to must do restaurant is Blue Lagoon , in Pirates :) ample menu on DLP guide

I would love to eat in
Manhattan restaurant in Hotel New York sample menu on DLP guide

Californian Grill Disneyland Hotel

Walts on Main Street sample menu on DLP guide

When You Wish Upon A Star Dreams Can Become Reality
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyworld Florida 1992
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyland California 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,2016,2017
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyland Paris 2011 2013, 2016


Our favorite restaurant on site is Manhattan in Hotel New York.

We were very happy with The Steakhouse in Disney Village on our last trip.

The California Grill in Hotel Disneyland is the best in the resort but we think it is too pricey for what is given compared with especially the two above.

Disney might make large part of the choice for you because we noticed lately a lot of the restaurants being closed when we visited.
feb2020 WDW Pop Century+Boardwalk
sep2019 DLP offsite
sep2019 DLP Sequoia
may2019 DLP Sequoia
apr2019 DLR offsite
dec2018 WDW Pop Century+Old Key West
oct2018 DLP Sequoia
jun2018 DLP Sequoia
apr2018 DLP Sequoia
sep2017 DLP Off Site
jan 2017 DLP Sequoia
oct 2016 DLP Sequoia
sep 2016 WDW Saratoga Springs
jun 2016 DLR Off Site
apr 2016 DLP Sequoia
jan 2016 DLP Sequoia
dec 2015 DLP Sequoia
oct 2015 WDW Off Site
jun 2015 WDW Off Site
apr 2015 DLP Sequoia
oct 2013 DLP Off Site
apr 2013 DLP Off Site


I like the food at the Steakhouse in Disney Village, but it's a gigantic cavernous building with over 200 covers so may not be the best in terms of atmosphere for an anniversary dinner.

If you can share the time and date you're looking to eat and your tough budget I can pinpoint a recommendation for you. (If you don't want to mention the date online, then something like "a Saturday in March at around 8pm" is fine.)


Thanks for all the answers so far. I really appreciate it.

I'll be checking out menus later today, for all the recommended places. 

To answer questions:

we will be there 20-27 March.  Our anniversary is actually the week before, but my husband will be out of town for business, so we'll celebrate then--meaning the specific day is not important.

The time of day is not terribly important either.  We were thinking dinner, rather than lunch, but early or late is unimportant.

We don't really have a budget in mind.  We could go for a lot (it is out 20th, so we can splurge a bit) and would for something really nice and worthwhile but don't like to spend a lot just to spend it if it is not worthwhile (as wimmekepunk said about California Grill). 

A bit more (possibly helpful?) info:

I am not much of a seafood eater. 

At WDW, where I know the choices really well, we'd likely go to Artist's Point or Sanaa.

At DL we'd almost certainly be at Blue Bayou (good call Bad Pink Tink!) but we had a bad experience there the one time we tried it at DLP and, while we might give it another try eventually, we'd rather go elsewhere for our special occasion with that history.


I think Walts or Manhattan restaurant in the New York :)
Santa 11/00
Newport Bay 10/03
Sequoia 3/09
Disneyland 2/11
Disneyland 5/12
New York 2/13
New York 2/14
Disneyland 2/16
Sequoia Lodge GF 8/17
New York ESC 2/18
Newport Bay CC 4/19
Disneyland 2/20


Thanks all!  Lot's of people suggested Walt's and the atmosphere looks appealing to me, based on photos--I think we will go with that  :D