Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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You are very welcome, Natalie. It's just what I think every time, when I read something from you :)

I'll start my journey to Paris on Monday, the 27. evening. So I will have the Tuesday free and I hope, someone can sign me in to the park, so I can fill up myself with disneymagic ;) I've got to ask somebody from the other  disneyboard ^^ And then, on the 29th it's my big day and hopefully it will end with a wonder (still dreaming *lol*)

Oh, I don't know, if I'm preapared, I know what do to at the animation section, but I don't have the chance to practise at home, cause there is no space (for big and clear moves  :) ) but I try tomomorrow, er, today again at work. If I don't have much customers, there will be a chance.

And otherwise: I got contactlenses, a slimmer slip, a minimizer, new darker haircolor (aubergine), tickets, hostels and next week I'm going to have my headshoot taken, printing my CV and my certificate and my castmember feeedback from WDW.

Still a lot of things to do, and if that is not enough, I have also a litigation (hope that is the right word) running :(
It never get boring here *lol*

When do you start at Disneystore, Natalie?


Quote from: "Chiyo"I guess if she took the photos onstage during the parade, there should be no problem. It's just a regular photo from a (almost) regular guest ;)

But backstage... could be difficult... somethings are allowed (I guess the breakrooms from the regular castmember, NOT from the characters of course) and everything, which doesn't destroy the magic, for example behind the gates, before parade starts and you take a photo from a character, who is putting his.... clothes on ;) you know ^^

There is a strict NO photos/videos policy anywhere backstage altho im sure some people do break it!! You can take photos of the characters in the parks but ur not allowed to tag yourself directly in the photo, you can tag your name but to the edge of the pic so it doesnt give it away. Ive uploaded loads of pics to facebook but not sure if the link will work  :?



Okay, I can't see the pictures, but I think, it's because we're not friends on Facebook Alaina ^^

Yeah, actually there is the policy, that you're not allowed to take pictures backstage, but in WDW in German Pavillion sometimes wie did, and we also put them online, even with our managers on the picuture. Cause you actually saw only the person, and a bit of the background, which doesn't destroy any magic.

But if you into the tunnels in MK (I hope I'm allowed to say that ;) ) there is a announcent, that you're not alloewed to take any piuctures. So in MK they are really strict with that policy.

Not to be tagged in the picture or in a video... not everybody does this. There are (old) videos on youtube, which have the "tag" from the person in the description.
But I can understand th policy and I swear by Mickey Mouse (XDDDD), that I will hold on to it :)


Hey guys, went into the disney store today to give my details in so they could put them in the system :D  The woman there wasn't sure how it should be done as she'd just got back from holiday, so im going back tomorrow when the general manager is there who i intereviewed with so itll all get sorted then.. so excited!  The people who I spoke to seemed so lovely and were really excited that I was starting, i think theyre looking forward to some new CMs :D
Something i do need your help with... as you probably know, everyone in the store has the name of a character on their badge along with their real name, and everyone gets to choose their own. I want to be something abit different because people have the obvious ones so id want someone like a supporting role character thats interesting :D
wonder if anyone has any ideas!!! :D
The ones ive seen in the store so far.. are Yago, Stitch, and Narla :D
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


^ mmmm or not :/

Natalie, how about a villain (Cruella deVil, Maleficent etc) or something totally random like Duchess/Marie from Aristocats. Haha, totally random there


haha im liking the randomness :P id like to be a villain to be honest!! perhapss... dr facilier or somethingg .. :D Haha, ive never seen aristocats but i definitely need too!! x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]




Yaaaay lew!! Omgggg I love all the pirates, hook is amazing, make sure uu scare lotsa kids!! I wore a pirate hat the whole of our last trip, and one of the pirates from DOUD knocked it off my head and it almost went under the float LOL he propa freaked out and grabbed it so quick! It was funnnyyy :D we loved it xxx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Quote from: "itslewis"Alaina, we shouldn't say 'I'm doing this then doing this' as this is breaking the Disney way!!! I've done it LOL but i'm sure they look on this forum so be careful!

Ooopsy naughty me....my lips are sealed from now on   :P

How about Boo Natalie?? Shes soooo cute  :D


Gnaaaaaaaaaah, I'm totally confused now:
I thought I know how a cowboy walks. I did it,... and it looked like disabled *dropp*

Now I'm watching "Shang High Noon", and they walk just ...normal? Only when they're doing the duel thing... then they have a special kind of walking, but backwards...

I'm so confused... can somebody help please?

Mason Cooper

Wow ok long post coming up haha

natalie what about yzma? from Emperor's new Groove! She's evil she is funny! and as of yet i don't remember seeing anyone with her name!

Well done to you Lewis! Bet that must have been amazing! and sounds like you have an amazing week ahead of you as well!

alaina! wow working in the hotels in your first week! wow! Tha's amazing! and the all star express! God i'm so Jealous of all of you out there! lol

Chiyo! Don't panic! Its completely down to your interpretation! There is nothing wrong in using stereotypical moves so if it comes down to it use the old cowboy showdown walk! So leg wide apart feet turned out to the side and pretend to hold guns! or just watch toy story and study Jessie and Woody's walk! Thats always a good idea! Research haha

on other note has anyone seen Rihanna's new music video! I ask coz there is one moment where she is standing on top of a tank wearing Mickey Mouse ears! It looks rather random! HAHA!!!

And finally as of tomorrow Laura and myself would have been on the waiting for 2 months! WHY IS IT DRAGGING!!!!!! I just want that phone call! It feels like I've been waiting forever! ARGHHH!!!! Lol

Mason :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


Quote from: "soramason7"And finally as of tomorrow Laura and myself would have been on the waiting for 2 months! WHY IS IT DRAGGING!!!!!! I just want that phone call! It feels like I've been waiting forever! ARGHHH!!!! Lol

Mason :D

aaaaah, I know Mason! These two months have gone so quickly! I just want to get out there. Please phone, RING!!!


Mason Cooper

haha going quick for you and slow for me! HAHA Who knows! I pray we get a call soon! I wanna get out there so much!!!

Mason :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


And me!! Everytime the phone rings I get excited, lol :D



Good luck both of you. I genuinely hope you get your Disney calls!! :)