Differences between July and February....?

Started by MissyM, August 02, 2015, 06:19:46 PM

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Hi everyone.

We have just come back from our first ever trip which was amazing. So much so that we are already looking to book to go back. An option for us at the moment is the middle of February next year, but I was just wondering how different the trip will be compared to July.

Obviously I realise it will be a whole lot colder, but apart from that what can we expect? Will restaurants all be open as usual? And what time will the parade be in February? Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks


It's simply _impossible_ to give any kind of program info for February, or July 2016 for that matter, because these thing simply aren't released that far in advance.

I think that if the cold doesn't bother you, February will be fine. Especially if you can avoid going during school holidays (it should be easy enough to google for the dates I imagine), because then it'll be so much quieter than in July :) Off-peak is generally also quite a bit cheaper than peak season, so it would probably cost you rather a bit less than a July trip, or you may be able to stay longer for the same price in February.

Mind you, it can be really COLD in February, proper freezing, snowing cold. So that's something to be prepared for. The few times I went in February (admittedly a few years ago), plenty of restaurants were open, but in any case even during low season there will be a fair few open so I wouldn't worry too much about that.

Of course, in July everything is open 'till much later as it is peak season. I'm also not sure whether there will be fireworks in February (I don't think there will be), so if that is an issue for you, I'd opt for the more crowded July.

Maybe you should just make pro and con lists for both months and then compare them :)


As mentioned, in February the parks will usually close at 6 or 7pm during midweek. It is way cheaper to reflect that.


Thank you both for your replies. I hadn't thought about the chance that there will be no fireworks at that time of year, but to be honest I think we will be able to cope with that when we are only paying about a third of the price of our recent trip!

We've been discussing it, and agreed that more time will need to be spend indoors, so although it will be a different experience, we know we will still have a ball, so what the heck!!!


We're booked to go the first week of February. Part of our pre-trip planning includes purchasing lots of thermals, haha!


I love going in the winter. Short days (so you're not exhausted, and can still enjoy your evening), and short queues so you can get plenty done. If you're dressed for it the cold is bearable (layers, layers, and more layers...), and if you're lucky you can get a beautiful sunny day.

You'll probably find a few restaurants are closed, but there is always somewhere to eat (and warm up a bit...)

Have a great holiday!


Quote from: Komble on August 04, 2015, 12:36:00 PM
We're booked to go the first week of February. Part of our pre-trip planning includes purchasing lots of thermals, haha!

Make sure to check Uniqlo, apparently their heattech clothing is FANTASTIC.
A lot of friends of mine swear by it (me, I'm still wearing a winter coat that does't even have warm lining in the arms, so heattech would just kill me I'm sure).