Feb 2016 - Attraction Closures

Started by Disney Matt, April 16, 2015, 12:37:00 AM

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Disney Matt

Hey guys. Going 1st Feb next year.
I know that BTM will already be closed but will there be many other things closed?
Or is it too early to know?
Hotel Santa Fe - 95 / Dream Castle - Jul 07 / Hotel Cheyenne - Dec 09 / Hotel Santa Fe - Dec 12 / Sequoia Lodge - Dec 14 / Sequoia Lodge - Feb 16 / Newport Bay Club - Halloween 16 / Newport Bay Club - Feb 17


It's too early to know for sure at this point. Some sites to keep an eye on would be:

Take them with a pinch of salt until 100% confirmed but they seem to know what they're talking about, although I'm waiting for November of this year's list and haven't seen an update to DLP guide yet... As such, I reckon next years closures won't be listed for some time.