Euro Disney S.C.A. (EDL) Shares

Started by shell_ely, March 27, 2007, 10:56:27 PM

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So, even if you have 20+ shares, you still have to apply to be in the Shareholder's Club every 2 years. Right? Membership is free, but you still need to keep on renewing it, right?

Oh, another question I just thought of. If you're already in Disneyland Park on Main Street, U.S.A., is there a way of getting back into Salon Mickey, without having to leave the park and go in through the front door? What I mean is, can you enter Salon Mickey through the exit of Salon Mickey?


You still have to renew your membership  for the shareholders club every two years, yes. Membership is free with 20 + shares. And no you can't enter through the exit of Saloon Mickey. It's on the way in and a CM checks your membership card and entry ticket to the park, so you don't have to use the turnstiles.
Ed & David


Last time in Salon Mickey they had a satisfaction survey.
One question was for improvements. I entered that I'd have some ideas and I'd be pleased to be contacted for details. I left my e-mail address but got no response. Pure lack of interest?

Best regards,


@ed-uk said "And no you can't enter through the exit of Salon Mickey."

Is that true? So if you're already in Disneyland Park, you actually have to leave the park to get into Salon Mickey. That's not very convenient, is it?

And the free drinks and pastries in Salon Mickey, are they available all day, or only in the morning?


A limited selection of biscuits, tea, coffee and some bottled cold drinks (free of charge) are only available in the morning when you arrive at the park. It's not for shareholders use all day, and only open in the morning.
Ed & David


Salon Mickey is open from 9am to 12 noon each day.

One of the reasons you can't enter Salon Mickey from the exit door is because its a lounge and a wall away from where the CM sits in the reception area - so they can't hear you at the exit door.



The point of it is members of the Shareholders Club can enter the park through Salon Mickey instead of useing the turnstiles and have a free cup of coffee and a biscuit when we arrive at the park. It's a privilge to have it. But we can't  wonder in and out of Salon Mickey and help ourselves to free food and drink. I think there's a limit to how many times a month members can use it. We don't go in everyday when we're staying at DLP.
Ed & David


Quote from: "Alan"Is that true? So if you're already in Disneyland Park, you actually have to leave the park to get into Salon Mickey. That's not very convenient, is it?
Some people are never pleased  :roll:


Right. Never pleased :-) I do think it's very inefficient though, that you have to exit the park and walk all the way around the Disneyland Hotel, simply to get into a cafe that has a door inside Main Street. It's not exactly a perk, more of an inconvenience.

Here's another question. Does Salon Mickey open at 9:00am on days when Disneyland Park opens at 10:00am? If so, that's actually quite convenient, because you can just relax and chill out in the Salon, without having to worry about all the people flooding into the park and the queues for the attractions building up.

captain rocket

I have always used the turnstile outside of Salon Mickey and this "inconvenience" takes about 20 seconds, you do not have to use the normal exit.


Yes, Salon Mickey is open from 9am every day, regardless of what time the park officially opens.



When we've been to Salon Mickey we go in through the entrance and a CM checks our shareholders Club Cards and entrance tickets to the park. We stop to have a drink and a biscuit and when we're ready to leave a CM returns our cards and tickets to us and lets us out through the exit door into the park. So you don't need to use the turnstiles because the tickets have already been checked. Salon Mickey is  a small lounge with five tables not Cable Car Bake Shop and we shouldn't think of it as such. it's a welcome to the park for shareholders when they arrive,
Ed & David


Quote from: "Alan"Does Salon Mickey open at 9:00am on days when Disneyland Park opens at 10:00am?
Please keep in mind that there are "magic hours" for the guests of most (all?) Disney hotels. So in fact the park accepts the first visitors from 8am on.
I'm not sure, because I never paid attention, but I think you can leave Salon Mickey into the park also before 10am.

Alan, I have a question regarding reentering Salon Mickey: Do you really intend to go back to Salon Mickey once you are in the park?
Hitting Salon Mickey - going to let's say Big Thunder Mountain - hitting Salon Mickey again - going to let's say Space Mountan - hitting Salon Mickey again - going to let's say Peter Pan - hitting Salon Mickey again...
All this walking seems inconvenient to me, not the slight detour through the turnstiles (the ones directly attached to Salon Mickey). Or maybe I didn't get your point at all.

Best regards,



Right, so if you go into Salon Mickey at 9:00am, but the park has already been open for Extra Magic Hours since 8:00am, then really you're wasting your time being in Salon Mickey. As we all know, the attractions always have the shortest lines early in the morning. So it seems a bit silly to be sitting around relaxing, taking a tea break, at the ideal time of day for going on rides. What's the point in getting up that early on a holiday, if you're not going to take advantage of it?

I wouldn't go into Salon Mickey twice in the same day. But I would go back into Salon Mickey once I'm in Disneyland Park if it wasn't only open in the morning. If it was open in the afternoon instead of the morning, at the busiest time of day when all the rides have really long queues, it would be a great place to take a break and relax.


I actually prefer not to be queueing for the EMH rides in the hour between 9am and 10am, because its busier then. So if I'm staying onsite, I'll get up and get to the park for 8am, do an hour of rides with no/very little queueing, then go to Salon Mickey (if I haven't got a breakfast in the park sorted out). I'll have a breakfast croissant and/or cookie and a coffee in Salon Mickey, then either head back into the main park for my preferred ropedrop area, or leave the park altogether and go to the Studios for when it opens just after 9.30am.

Alan if you don't think you'd use Salon Mickey because its an inconvenience or the opening hours don't suit you, of course thats fine. As has been said before Salon Mickey is only a small part of shareholders perks.
