Getting Park Tickets before check in at hotel

Started by scat21, March 13, 2014, 02:30:01 PM

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We've booked out first trip to Disney and are staying at the Sequoia Lodge for 2 nights with 3 days at the park (in a package booked direct with Disney). We are actually arriving in Paris the night before and are going to stay at the Vienna Castle Hotel so that we have more time in the park on our first day.

Does anyone know:
1. Whether we can get the tickets when we arrive, so the day before we book into the hotel (or the morning we're due to check-in but before check-in)? and
2. whether we'll be able to take advantage of the extra magic hours on the first day given that we won't yet be checked in at the hotel, but will be 'resort guests' later that day

Thanks so much for any help - the Disney website is really unhelpful and when I tried to contact them directly they just replied to say they couldn't answer the question!


DLRP Roundup!

On the morning of your checkin date you can collect your park passes and your "EasyPass" which gives you EMH.

The package they give out to you should hit the checkin desks around 7am :)
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It can depend a bit on how organised they are but stand your ground, you are entitled to your park tickets as soon as you arrive.

Two year's ago we collected ours in the Newport Bay at 8.30 am with no problem.

Last year we arrived a bit earlier at the Sequoia Lodge at about 7.45 am and they made a massive deal about it in true grumpy Parisian never heard of Disney magic fashion, saying they were all geared up for check out not check in.  But we insisted and with a bad grace we got our tickets.

Going to Sequoia Lodge again this year, and planning on arriving early again (after staying overnight in a cheap Ibis nearby), so we'll see if they are any better organised.


Thanks bucks mum  - I sent a message to the hotel and they told me that if I go at around 8 they will be able to give me the passes very quickly even though we might not be able to check in.... I will print it off and waive it at them if they are difficult!