PLEASE HELP US! Leaving Sunday.....

Started by disneyismylifeok, April 11, 2013, 06:53:41 PM

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And don't know what day to spend where! Want to plan so we know where to hit and will be the less busiest etc! Will arive to the parks around 4 o'clock I estimate and we leave at about the same time on Wednesday.
Please help us plan! Are there any events that only happen on certain days or anything? Or which days are less busiest etc. thanks
SO EXCITED, weathers looking good too so far anyway. Please help us on what to wear.


You'll find the parade timetables and things on the disneyland website, but usually theres not a big difference.  
Sunday is usually busier so do quieter things then, movie world is usually quieter than the main park.
As for what to wear layers is always the best option as you can never predict the weather :)


In my experience, Wednesday is always the quietest day, and Tuesday's not far behind. I expected Wednesdays to be packed as I heard that children in Paris have Weds afternoons off school, but it was really lovely and quiet all day!

We found Thursday to be SO busy (lucky for you cos you won't be there :D ) with school trips, so we wondered whether they get a discount on a Thursday? And then Monday and Friday are fairly busy for weekdays because of people taking long weekends.

That's only what I've picked up from our trips in June each year, but hopefully that will help a bit with your planning!


Quote from: "disneyismylifeok"And don't know what day to spend where! Want to plan so we know where to hit and will be the less busiest etc! Will arive to the parks around 4 o'clock I estimate and we leave at about the same time on Wednesday.
Please help us plan! Are there any events that only happen on certain days or anything? Or which days are less busiest etc. thanks
SO EXCITED, weathers looking good too so far anyway. Please help us on what to wear.

Pick up a park plan on way into the parks, gives you all the info you need or pop into City Hall.
The top attractions will be busiest so check fast pass times and take advantage of them, if staying in one of the onsite hotels use the extra magic hours.

For clothes I would take thin clothes but plan for layering up if weather is cold. At the moment I would plan for all eventualities with the weather we have been having  :)  We are a little stuck as to what clothes to take when we go end of may.