The view from a Christmas Cast Member 16 Dec - 2 Jan

Started by gldc, January 04, 2012, 02:13:12 AM

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Quote from: "DGRavenswood"
Quote from: "gldc"I'd say there's probably around 20-30 codes in total, they actually introduced a new one on my first day of work there haha.

Well... multiply that by 5 and you might have a better idea...  ;) Only a handful of them are used by regular CMs, though.

Guess you're right but in training we only got taught the main ones which would be there 30 or so. :roll:
DLP Visits: Summer 2003 // April 2011 // Christmas 2011 as a Cast Member // April 2012 // April 2013 // Returning June 2014 to September 2015 as a Cast Member // February 2016

WDW Visits: Summer 2013 as a Cast Member // September 2015
DLR Visits: August 2013 // September 2015

My Cast Member blog -


I just read this from start to finish and must admit it is nice to see what its like for a Cast member.  :thumbs:

It sounds like you had an ace time as a CM. You will have to keep us updated if you do return and i will look foward to reading another blog.

Many Thanks



Thanks Jamie. I'm hoping to go back for Easter and be there for the last few days of the old parades and then be there for the 20th itself which would be amazing!

In the meantime I'm made a best-of video:
DLP Visits: Summer 2003 // April 2011 // Christmas 2011 as a Cast Member // April 2012 // April 2013 // Returning June 2014 to September 2015 as a Cast Member // February 2016

WDW Visits: Summer 2013 as a Cast Member // September 2015
DLR Visits: August 2013 // September 2015

My Cast Member blog -