Horrible horrible smoking!

Started by Sully, December 02, 2011, 01:14:55 AM

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My son got burnt by a cigarette there in 2010. He couldn't figure out what hurt him but we definitely gave the idiot who did it a piece of our minds, told them to go to the smoking area, they didn't know there was one and thought it was okay as they were out in the open
Where me keys? Where me phone?


That's terrible.

I think that's a large part of the problem, a lot of people don't even know they are not meant to be smoking around the park unless they are in the designated areas. They just presume it's okay and no one is telling them otherwise.


I emailed DLP about this a while back, the response was that smoking is banned in the parks, apart from in designated areas! I truly think that until guests raise this issue, again and again, with DLP it will just continue to get worse! If everyone who complains on here about the smoking emailed them about this issue surely it would get their attention? Or maybe start an e-petition.

Just my thoughts!


I've noticed that a lot of generic No Smoking signs have appeared throughout the park, but only in French. They probably have to give them out by law, because I saw exactly the same sign in CDG Airport.
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
    [li]April 2012[/li]
    [li]August 2009, 2011, 2013[/li]
    [li]New Year 1997-98, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07[/li]
Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]


Quote from: "princessbug"I emailed DLP about this a while back, the response was that smoking is banned in the parks, apart from in designated areas! I truly think that until guests raise this issue, again and again, with DLP it will just continue to get worse! If everyone who complains on here about the smoking emailed them about this issue surely it would get their attention? Or maybe start an e-petition.

Just my thoughts!

I think you're right, use the feedback forms at the end of your stay and email DLP too, if enough people make it clear that this issue is to the detriment of their 'brand' of holiday, I think they'll have to address it. But it needs enough people to actually do something.

anyone know the best email address to use to complain/suggest etc?

How about everyone who's agreed with points raised here commit to express them directly to DLP?


DopeyDad Where can you get feedback forms from? Is there a way of getting hold of one once you have returned home?
Faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust...


I'm thinking of the leaflets left in the hotel rooms, with a section at the back I think to leave feedback.
(if memory serves that is)
Not sure of best way to feedback after a trip, although I'm sure someone here will have the best email address to use.
Lets get a bit of people power going! when we find the best email to use, post here when you've asked DLP to do something about smoking in queues etc. And we can all try to feedback on it once we've visited.

Drop in the ocean I know but at least we'll be doing something about something that bothers us.




I have to admit, my mom is a smoker too, and she smokes inside the parks. However, we always find a clear spot, or one of the areas to smoke, never ever will she smoke inside the queue.

It really suprised me on my last trip how many people were smoking inside queues, that's just unacceptable. But it seems to me that you can figure out for yourself that a queue is not the best place to light a cigarette?

As for the smoke areas, I only know one, which is in the front of Main Street USA, but apart from that I haven't seen one smoke area...


Quote from: "princessbug"dlp.uk.admin@disney.com


Thank you princessbug


I found quite a lot of smoking areas last time I was there as we were looking for somewhere quiet and secluded where the wife could breastfeed and not once did we see anyone smoking in one of these smoking areas lol.

Smoking is disgusting and their is no excuse to the rudeness of smokers, you are in a land designed for children to live out their dreams, do you want them breathing in your smoke?

So disgusting and it really makes me mad


I'd like to contact DLP and give them my 2 cents about this issue.  What exactly should I say?  

 I'll be so ticked off if I travel 5000 miles across the Atlantic just to have people blow their disgusting smoke in my face everytime I wait in line to get on rides.
WDW Off-Site January 2001, Off-Site July 2001, Off-Site January 2003, All-Star Movies January 2005, Animal Kingdom Lodge November 2007,  Cabins at Fort Wilderness July 2010.

Disneyland Paradise Pier Hotel October 2011

Disneyland Paris   Disneyland Hotel June 2012  


In some way it is ironical that there are so many problems with people smoking in a park whose founder (ok, he wasn't directly the founder of DLP, but you know what I mean) died of lung cancer at the age of 65. Oh Walt, how many years more would we have had with you if you hadn't smoked?
Secure all cargo, all passengers aboard!


Bring back the moon!


Somebody was about to have a cigeret in the entrance of the Prince Pavilion - even though they were right next to the door, they were still "inside" the building. Luckly the cast member told him off and he just walked out leaving his 'wife' and daughter - didn't say a word from what I heard.

We weren't the only ones to comment upon it though.

But it is really bad - I didn't realise how bad it was, unless it's got worse over the past few months.  :x
31st Aug - 1st Sept 2010 = Kyriad Torcy (First Time <3)
11th - 14th July 2011 = New York Hotel
2nd - 4th Aug 2011 = Kyriad Torcy
31st Oct 2011 = Day Trip
13th March 2012 (Disneyland Cal)
10th - 13th April 2012= Hotel L'Elysée
30th May - 1st June 2012 = Hotel L'Elysée
31st Oct - 1st Nov 2012 = Residence Prestige
18th - 20th July 2013 - Residence Prestige
9th -11th Nov 2013 = Hotel L'Elysée (First Christmas Trip!)
Coming soon:
29th April - 1st May = Hipark Serris.


Quote from: "alternativerock123"But it is really bad - I didn't realise how bad it was, unless it's got worse over the past few months.  :x
These days it might be that we're growing very used to more stringent rules about smoking in every day life, so it's not often you're forced into a busy area where people are lighting up cigarettes.

It felt "bad" for me during both my trips this month. There was one parent in front of me lighting up literally as the lights came up from Dreams and they were joining the queue to get out the park. I mean seriously, was the show so stressful that they needed a cigarette immediately afterwards, in the middle of a huge crowd?

Now that people are perfectly willing to accept no smoking rules (or only being able to smoke in specific areas) in airports, train stations and other public places, surely it's time that Disneyland Paris can step this up a gear, they're massively behind and it really does negatively affect a day in the park. They need to start with signs at the park entrances (similar to the eternal "Filming Today" signs) which clearly state the smoking rules.