Type of ride or attraction you'd like to see at Disney

Started by claire2281, August 24, 2011, 05:28:31 PM

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Would you really want to see the Sleeping Beauty ride replaced? I'd have said it's one of the most iconic rides in the park given that the castle is the Sleeping Beauty Castle. I think it's also nice to have a ride featuring Disney's first animated feature.

As fr Iron man, are you suggesting it replaces Cinemagique or is situated near it? If it's the former we can't be friends any more ;) Cinemagique is one of the absolute attractions in DLP for me - such ingenuity and charm, and a bit of cinematic education too.

I think if the park is modernised too much it may put off some of the older fans, and while Disney are targeting families, they need to offer something for everyone.

The problem with replacing classic rides with ones branded to newer themes is that these newer themes will be old hat in a few years but the classic rides remain favourites for decades. I doubt Tron was on anyone's radar before a few years ago and I'd guess it probably won't be by this decade ends.
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I wouldn't mind seeing the Sleeping Beauty ride replaced, because it doesn't exist in the first place :-)

As for the Snow White ride, I was thinking ahead. It would be great if the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train coaster that's opening at Walt Disney World in 2014 eventually came to Disneyland Paris. It looks like a ride that the whole family can enjoy together; rather than being either too kiddy (Casey Junior), or too thrilling (Space Mountain). It should appeal to all ages. So, if it came to Paris, our Snow White dark ride wouldn't really be required anymore, because quite a few of the attraction's scenes are replicated in the new coaster.

As for Iron Man, I meant it would be built in between CinéMagique and Stitch Live! CinéMagique is a great attraction, it just needs a better exterior, a pre-show and a digital projection system.

Tron: Legacy could be "old hat" in a few years, true. But Tangled is a keeper. It's really one of the best animated films Disney has ever made, on so many levels.

Also, you said if the park is modernised too much it may put off some older fans. But consider this. The most modern film with its own permanent attraction in Fantasyland is... Sleeping Beauty from 1959. That's a film from 52 years ago! If you look at Disney's ticket pricing, they state that childhood ends at 11. So in those 52 years, 4.7 generations of children have grown up!

So, I think Disney SHOULD modernise the park, fast. Even The Little Mermaid is 22 years old now! If they wait any longer, The Little Mermaid will known as the film your Grandmother grew up with!


Doh, look at me getting my Snow White and Sleeping Beauty mixed up!

Phew on the Cinemagique.

I've not seen Tangled yet - we have it, and my wife and son have seen it several times, I've just not gotten round to it yet. I'm very attached to the old classic rides so I'd personally not like to see a Coaster ride replace the dark ride of Snow White. I don't like coasters so that's no doubt got a lot to do with it. I'll seek out a video of the new ride at WDW and see what it's like.

I know the park has to keep attracting new generations of fans but I fear that it risks losing it's unique charm if there is too much modernisation and change. One I wouldn't mind going though is Armageddon. The pre-show seems to hype you to a level that just ends in disappointment when  you enter a space ship themed room that wobbles a bit and has some fire effects.
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I think I agree with you, Steve. Old rides shouldn't be replaced just because their theme is not the youngest. Classics like Snow-White, Alice in Wonderland etc. will never be outdatet. As a child, I never missed "new" stories at Fantasyland or complained about the "old" ones. The rides even increased my interest about the stories presented at Fantasyland. So I think, you must not replace these rides. For attractions related to new movies, you can use the Studios, in Fantasyland they wouldn't really fit.

And as already mentioned: I would prefer new rides with an own story, too. All these rides based on recent Disney movies really annoy me. There is nothing fascinating about them in my opinion. For example, even if Crush Coaster amuses me, it will never outdo BTM, because there you have a story the ride and great theming.
But please, do not sacrifice old attractions and replace them with new ones. As Steve already said, this just frustrates people loving the park as it was, also the rides will become outdated soon if dealing with recent movies only. We already have enough rides themed after Disney movies, in my opinion it would be time for something more innovative (like PM, BTM,POTC). If they aren't able to build rides like that anymore, I could also do without new rides.
Secure all cargo, all passengers aboard!


Bring back the moon!


Quote from: "PirateSteve"...Armageddon. The pre-show seems to hype you to a level that just ends in disappointment when  you enter a space ship themed room that wobbles a bit and has some fire effects.

I entirely agree. We found the "show" very underwhelming, especially after the big build up before hand. Not as if the film itself is going to go down as a classic either, but at least the special effects were "special", unlike in the show. My son LOVED the Studio Tram Tour & Moteurs Action, mostly because of the fire, but after the Armageddon show even he was saying "...is that it?". Probably the only disappointment in the park for us, but I think you're exactly right that the pre-show hype and theming of the building made the situation worse, as it builds expectations!

In most cases I'd prefer rides weren't replaced, rather new ones added.

I'd like any new dark rides with decent AA's, preferably based on the renaissance period films of Roger Rabbit, Little Mermaid, Beauty & the Beast, or Lion King (perhaps not Aladdin as there are already 2 small attractions from that film).

Splash Mountain would be great, or any attractions with nicely themed queing areas (like ToT, BTM, Star Tours)

I'd also like the stage shows like Tarzan, Lion King etc to run all year round, even if only once a day.

Bring back "Honey I shrunk the Audience", perhaps in hourly rotation with EO for those who'd be upset by it's loss! Oh, and Muppets 4D in time for the new movie!


Quote from: "Patrick89"For attractions related to new movies, you can use the Studios, in Fantasyland they wouldn't really fit.

This very much depends on the subject matter, no? Because I can't see how Rapunzel or a princess with a frog is a worse fit in Fantasyland than, say, Sleeping Beauty or Snow White.



Exactly. In fact, the whole of Disneyland Park can be used for "new movies". They just need to fit the theme of the five lands.


True, I could see a Princess and the Frog attraction near the Molly Brown in Frontierland - keeping with the Mississippi theme.

They could turn Panoramagqiue into a house being lifted by balloons, rather than just a balloon :D
Dedicated to DLP - Celebrating Disneyland Paris

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But we can't have too many characters, though. It would be nice to have more rides with original characters and stories. There are loads of rides in the Imagineering vaults like that were destined for DLP but were never built. There was even a Hawaiian water park with a volcano!
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Agreed, but please no Hawaiian water park, or you know whose face will be plastered all over that!
Dedicated to DLP - Celebrating Disneyland Paris

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ooh, i love guessing... umm hawaii, maybe a strange infactuation for elvis presley, a really weird dog?

PLUTO :lol:

no, seriously, i can't see stitch becoming a mascot for a water park, although i'm presuming he's probably the mascot for disneys hawaiin resort.

also, stitch can't swim, he nearly drowns in the movie.


Quote from: "Meph"But we can't have too many characters, though. It would be nice to have more rides with original characters and stories.

Nice maybe, but unlikely. When you get right down to it, why would you try to compete with a huge range of others when you can run a monopoly all of your own? Nobody else can use the Disney films and characters. Makes sense to concentrate on your core strength.


I think the problem isn't when Disney make use of their animated and live-action films. It's when they focus too much on cartoony characters that only appeal to toddlers. I mean, some of the best attractions at Walt Disney World use IPs (Intellectual Properties):

• Splash Mountain
• Mickey's PhilharMagic
• Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
• Toy Story Mania
• Star Tours
• Dinosaur

Disney have such a wealth of films and characters (Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Muppets), to me it makes total sense to use them, particularly in a Studios park.


Quote from: "DutchBrit"Nobody else can use the Disney films and characters. Makes sense to concentrate on your core strength.
That's not what Walt would think. :)

And think about all of the characters in the Haunted Mansion (and our Phantom Manor) and the pirates in Pirates of the Caribbean. We'll be seeing new characters like that in the Mystic Manor in Hong Kong Disneyland. :)
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Quote from: "Meph"That's not what Walt would think. :)

No? If he was alive today and running his company, it might well have been. Pretty hard to say how someone who has been dead for 45 years would think.

Quote from: "Meph"And think about all of the characters in the Haunted Mansion (and our Phantom Manor) and the pirates in Pirates of the Caribbean. We'll be seeing new characters like that in the Mystic Manor in Hong Kong Disneyland. :)

Ok, but the ones in Hong Kong are a copy of the ones in other parks, not a new development, which is what this thread was about.

I just doubt that any new, major, ride in any of the current (or future parks) will happen that won't be based on a Disney film or character. And I don't think that's an unreasonable thing for Disney, as a company, to do.