Disney's Halloween Festival 2011

Started by littlemermaid83, June 13, 2011, 01:20:28 PM

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Quote from: "lubynoo"
Quote from: "littlemermaid83"Details about MNNSHP have been released.

Minnie's Pirate Halloween Party - Following the Leader Stage
20h15, 21h15, 22h15

Huey, Dewey & Loui's Trick or Treat Party - Castle Courtyard
20h15, 21h15, 22h15

Hub Show

No calvacade, and no fireworks.

where were these released?! I am sad Merlins show isn't on I liked that. I hope the hub show is good considering it is now the finale rather then just a show that is on during the evening the Pirate Party sounds awesome and my son loves Huey, Dewey and Louis and they are rarely seen so that is good. I am really hoping the colour changing smoke at the entrance to frontier land is still there it was really spooky and really added to the atmosphere. Still not happy about Merlin though. What is happening with the carousel it is meant to be closed but the mnsshp details say it is open for that?!


There is also something going on by the River Boats which will have something to do with Disney Universe, not sure what though.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


I read somewhere that Frontierland will not be turned into Halloweenland this year, and that there will be no pumpkinmen.  Does anybody know if this is true?  Would be a shame if it is. :?


Quote from: "number6"I read somewhere that Frontierland will not be turned into Halloweenland this year, and that there will be no pumpkinmen.  Does anybody know if this is true?  Would be a shame if it is. :?

That is true, also no Halloween pre or post parade this year.

Nobody has posted this yet but in France they have a mini tv spot promoting Halloween.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


uhh confused!


Quote from: "peter"uhh confused!

Confused about what?

It's basically an advert advertising Halloween at DLP in French, I have no idea what it says but I get the general idea. Meet scary villians at Disneyland Paris lol.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


I heard a while back that there was to be no Pumkinmen and no Halloween land. :(

I was desperately hoping that it wasn't true but it seems it is. I have been telling my oldest for weeks now "oh wait until you see all the pumkinmen on Main street" i haven't yet told her that they aren't going to be there. :oops:

If i had of known this back in July then i probably would not have booked to be honest and gone at Christmas instead.


I wonder if they will revert to how it was when we went in 2008 there wasn't a halloween land if I remember correctly but there were more decorations EVERYWHERE where as when they had a specific halloweenland I felt the rest of the park lacked it somewhat. I hope they have the smoke for mnsshp I so hope they do and lots of decorations or I will have one very upset child


Heres hoping theres lots of stuff thats not advertised that pops up for Halloween season visitors - because from the descriptions so far for this year, there is a lot missing.

2008 had Witches Academy theme in Frontierland, and the orange paint splodged all over Frontierland and Main St with the pumpkin men statues  :) . I loved the Halloween season theme music that year "this is Halloween" from the Nightmare before Christmas. There was a separate pre-parade every day too.



From what I have been told MNNSHP is going to be better than the previous years and this is from inside sources.  I guess we willl find out soon enough.

I am however a bit miffed about no pumpkin people. They were fun. If they really did take them away because of complaints they scared younger guests, well bah humbug to them. Halloween is meant to be scary, if you don't like scary things go another time.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Quote from: "Elaine"Heres hoping theres lots of stuff thats not advertised that pops up for Halloween season visitors - because from the descriptions so far for this year, there is a lot missing.

2008 had Witches Academy theme in Frontierland, and the orange paint splodged all over Frontierland and Main St with the pumpkin men statues  :) . I loved the Halloween season theme music that year "this is Halloween" from the Nightmare before Christmas. There was a separate pre-parade every day too.


Exactly the music was amazing the music last year was too repetitive for me and I found it a bit ugh!! I did enjoy halloween last year but I loved it when it was the whole experience of walking up Main Street with pumpkins and orange paint everywhere. I don't think the pumpkin people were scary they were really friendly and didn't force themselves on people if a child didn't want to see them I saw them walk away many times. This year will be a big test for me because if it falls short I shan't go for halloween next year. Apart from maybe the big party on the 31st.

I did think that if they are stopping the two hub shows for one big finale there maybe fireworks or some king of pyrotechnic input. I like it when they have the castle lights in synch with the music for the mnsshp hub shows so I hope that stays. I will be bitterly disappointed if the park doesn't feel VERY halloweeny.

Also the popcorn in previous years they have had popcorn with orange bits in no idea what they were but it tasted AMAZING!!!!!! However, I didn't get any last year :(. There was coconut and gingerbread popcorn flavours on offer but it is just not the same!!


Quote from: "lubynoo"
Quote from: "Elaine"Heres hoping theres lots of stuff thats not advertised that pops up for Halloween season visitors - because from the descriptions so far for this year, there is a lot missing.

2008 had Witches Academy theme in Frontierland, and the orange paint splodged all over Frontierland and Main St with the pumpkin men statues  :) . I loved the Halloween season theme music that year "this is Halloween" from the Nightmare before Christmas. There was a separate pre-parade every day too.


Exactly the music was amazing the music last year was too repetitive for me and I found it a bit ugh!! I did enjoy halloween last year but I loved it when it was the whole experience of walking up Main Street with pumpkins and orange paint everywhere. I don't think the pumpkin people were scary they were really friendly and didn't force themselves on people if a child didn't want to see them I saw them walk away many times. This year will be a big test for me because if it falls short I shan't go for halloween next year. Apart from maybe the big party on the 31st.

I did think that if they are stopping the two hub shows for one big finale there maybe fireworks or some king of pyrotechnic input. I like it when they have the castle lights in synch with the music for the mnsshp hub shows so I hope that stays. I will be bitterly disappointed if the park doesn't feel VERY halloweeny.

Also the popcorn in previous years they have had popcorn with orange bits in no idea what they were but it tasted AMAZING!!!!!! However, I didn't get any last year :(. There was coconut and gingerbread popcorn flavours on offer but it is just not the same!!

No fireworks for mnnshp sadly. It's weird how the show is on at 11.15 but the park shuts as 11pm. Going to be knackered the Saturday morning lol.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Boooo no fireworks lol. Well I am sure it will be a big show as it is the finale I would love to see Jack Skellington in it I LOVE HIM. I nearly died when I met him for the first time and the one I met had the EXACT voice from the film. Was seriously tempted to kidnap him and keep him forever  ;)  ;) .

Is he even in the parks this year haven't seen much about him and Sally?!

I know it will mean leaving the park at about 11:30-40pm and then by the time the child is in bed and asleep (he will be unbearably over excited and tired) I will have to go to sleep and before I know it Mickey will be calling me telling me to get up and out of bed lol


Quote from: "lubynoo"Boooo no fireworks lol. Well I am sure it will be a big show as it is the finale I would love to see Jack Skellington in it I LOVE HIM. I nearly died when I met him for the first time and the one I met had the EXACT voice from the film. Was seriously tempted to kidnap him and keep him forever  ;)  ;) .

Is he even in the parks this year haven't seen much about him and Sally?!

Yes they are, Jack was out last week in the park geering up for meet and greets in October along with Dr Faciler.

We love Jack too, we went and saw him everyday and he never forgot my Daughters name once. Thats Disney magic  :D
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Awww I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!! We had that too they never forgot us and beckoned us over when we were walking past. I always think it is because my son is quite noticeable as he is in a wheelchair and quite loud etc. But I think it is part of the wonder of Disneyland they never forget a face. We have had hotel staff recognise us when we have gone back and they say things like oh no not you again you were here before lol.

I can believe it as well with your daughter because her costumes are more then enough to get her lots of attention they are lovely!!

I so hope he is in the show as he is a good character they don't make the most of him!!


Quote from: "lubynoo"Awww I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!! We had that too they never forgot us and beckoned us over when we were walking past. I always think it is because my son is quite noticeable as he is in a wheelchair and quite loud etc. But I think it is part of the wonder of Disneyland they never forget a face. We have had hotel staff recognise us when we have gone back and they say things like oh no not you again you were here before lol.

I can believe it as well with your daughter because her costumes are more then enough to get her lots of attention they are lovely!!

I so hope he is in the show as he is a good character they don't make the most of him!!

I came home to hear from many CM's that my Daughter and her costumes were talk of the breakroom and how they all adored her and that its children like her that make them love there job. I was so touched to hear that.

I really hope they do something with Jack this year, but they probably won't. I would love them to decorate Phantom Manor all Nightmare Before Christmas themed just for Halloween. I'm very curious to see what the main hub show for mnnshp will be.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!