Paris clean air stickers on your vehicle help

Started by merlin, April 16, 2017, 12:06:20 PM

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Going to dlrp at the end of may in a hire mini bus so i will not know the reg,model or have the v5 document until we get the car the day before.  Im assuming being an 8 seat diesel it will be in a high category just wondered if anyone had any knowledge of these new regulations and also if they apply to the dlrp area and if i call the hire company should they sort it or is it down to me.


Just read a post on a website (moneysavingexpert)that say's it only applies inside le périphérique not on it only inside it. Can anyone clarify or send me a link if they know of one that can confirm this the sticker cost roughly a fiver and takes up to 30days to arrive and the fines for not having the correct one can be hephty part of me thinks nuts to it take your chances but sods law really likes me 😂😂😂


Check websites for driving abroad. I recently went on our government website regarding travelling abroad to certain countries and just thought I'd look at France and it said in Paris itself nothing about the out lying areas.


Hi all, I emailed as I am driving to Disney Land at the end of this month, this is the reply I received as like most people its confusing as to whether you need this certificate

this is what I sent

do you need a certificate air if I am driving from Calais to Marne-la-Vallée ?

Following your request, if you go to Paris, Lille, Grenoble, Lyon, intramural you will need sticker, if control you risked to be verbalized.

We invite you to connect at the town hall to inform you of the cities concerned

ok I have applied for the certificate, it cost E4.80, and you apply on line, If you have your V5C doc for you car its really simple, the only difficult bit is scanning the second page of your V5C doc in a size that they will except, this took a bit of trial, I found that if you use Jpeg and set the resolution to 75, then this works , 

for me the risk of getting a £60.00 - £117.00 fine was not worth the risk, I have heard that if you stick to the motorways then you don't need this, but what if you have to get off the motorway

hope this helps


I do believe that it is the hire companys responsability to have the sticker on their vehicles. Customers are not likely to have the V5 form.

Regarding the V5 form I took picture of front page on my phone and attached that. I did not send a picture of any other pages , just the front one, and got my sticker within 11 days