Gluten free alternatives to natama ready meals

Started by pleasehelppluto, June 26, 2016, 05:16:39 PM

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my daughter is coeliac .. no gluten   (although she does risk " may contain traces due to manufacturing processes"
She does not like the natama meals on offer, plus heard they are bland as eliminate all allergens     

do you know if she can she have part of the menu just the tomato soup?
what would this cost?

also do you know if there is anywhere she can eat that will serve :

a.   Gluten free pizza
b.   Gluten free desserts .....  eg ice cream, gluten free cakes
c.   Gluten free pasta   ... or could she bring her own pasta if the napolaton sauce (vegetarian) is gluten free
e.   Gluten free soup  (vegetarian)
f.   Are the chips / fries  gluten free?  Jacket potatoes anywhere?
g.   Could anywhere fill her pitta bread / toast it ?

thank you so much for the help.  she is going Monday and Tuesday (27th and 28th JUNE 2016) and is very worried as going without mum and dad to help.
I emailed DLP allergies helpline but they say this is not an allergy and won't help.
I know it is not exactly classified as an allergy, rather auto immune disease, but it is normally covered by the same umbrella.
anyway no help from them.
I would really appreciate some help!! then I can text her!



Planet Hollywood have a Gluten Free Menu - it has quite a good choice. My mum had pasta and said it was delicious. I can't remember if Pizza was on the menu but they did 'naked' burgers etc.


Thank you for replying
That was the only place I found, but her friend doesn't want to go there after a bad experience in Florida.
I wish the dlp info listed the food she could actually eat for each allergen.


DLP doesn't publish its menus on its official site, but as I'm sure you know it has allergen books at each restaurant which you can consult.