Photos Magiques DLP news report: 06-07 June 2009

Started by Kristof, June 08, 2009, 02:45:30 AM

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thanks a lot for the photo report and the informations, can't wait for my trip to DLRP  :D


Great photo update!

Indeed, Smee looks better now, but the last one wasn't so bad that it had to be changed.

Maybe they do colour testing on the Starbucks building, because they want to paint the Starbucks logo on the green wall and so they want to know what it looks like? Just guessing!!!


Quote from: "Aveen2008"I am sad about annettes I loved getting a take out from there!! I hope it's still edible! :?

It's ok, though not particularly the most amazing burger in the world, mine hardly even fit half the bread bun :? .


I really don't like what they've done with the gas pumps. Yet another well-designed element bites the dust in favor of something my dad could put together on his PC.

And yes, Motors Oil is Franglish...


Quote from: "Anthony"- Starbucks still looking smart, though I'm curious what all those white marks are. And doesn't it look like the entrance doors are also far, far higher now (almost floor-to-ceiling)? Good move, it was a little dark in there before.

The white marks are probably spackle/polyfilla.

And it would be great if they opened up the place. Before, it was like a huge box with a tiny opening.


wow i love the new mr smee i thinks its brill =D looks so much btter than the old one hope its like that in december :D

[size=150]Please Follow Me - - - - ---- Thanks


Thanks for the news report!  =D>

But for what is this tent?? I think I never realized it before. Was it white?
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


used to be white and it's used to stock Toon Train whenever backstage.
Ne cessez jamais de croire ... et, imaginez un peu! Parce que, c\'est là où les rêves deviennent réalité  

and always remember, if you can dream it, you can do it!


Another great update Kristof..  =D>

Love the new Smee, well worth the €2000 surgery fee, it gives him a lot more character..  :mrgreen:

Great to see a lot more of the little workings that tend to go unnoticed are working again..  :wink:  :D


Great update!

But why have they changed Mr Smee? I thought he looked ok.

They could of brought in new characters instead of giving him a face lift.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Quote from: "Kristof"
Quote from: "Anthony"Oh well, at least it wasn't just completely removed like the ones at Last Chance Gas in Studio 1

Oops, forgot to upload that picture...
Well well well! Those look so much better than the Main Street one. They might actually be an improvement on what used to be there.

Btw: Am I going mad or is one of the old Esso pumps (or at least an identical one) still hanging inside the Disney Store in DV?


I believe it's still there.  Will check it out next time.  8)