How easy is it?

Started by DisneyMumOf1, July 02, 2016, 11:31:44 PM

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For our trip next year we're getting the Eurostar from Ashford International to Lille and then on to Marne-le-valley. We flew before and got the magic shuttle which was all pretty straight forward. I get a little uneasy when I have to find my way in places im new in or not sure about so im just asking if anyone has done the same journey, how easy is it to find the right platform from Lille to Disney? Will I get lost lol. Is it pretty straight forward? My OH will be useless, he over thinks things to much and gets frazzled so thought I better take charge on this one!

polar vixen

they don't since which platform you need to be I  till about 10 quo 15 gnomes before you're next reason departs but it id's fairly easy.  loads of people around to help.  just have a lIttle look when you first hour off ay like so you've got a rough idea which platforms are where then when it congress up on the big boards head straight for it.  I've done it myself with 5 Kids scary to think about but ready to get through


Lille-Europe is a very small station, only 4 platforms and the change onto the train to Marne-la-Vallée–Chessy is normally the opposite side of the same platform going out. Coming back you'll need to take yourself and your bags and baggage upstairs (by lift or escalator) to clear passport control and security so that when you arrive back at Ashford International you've already been cleared into the UK and can just walk straight off.


Its easy, done it a few times, loads of screens with platform/train information etc.

Just double check which station your connecting trains are form.  The Eurostar is always arriving and departing at Lille-Europe, many of the connecting TGV services are also from this station so it is an easy change if your onnection is also from here.  But some TGV services operate from Lille-Flandres which is 5 minute walk, its well signposted and easy to find, just double check your tickets so you know where your going!


Yup as others have said its very easy. All clearly signposted and plenty of people to ask and help you. We've done it twice and would happily do it again with no worries :)


One word of warning. It is incredibly easy, however when we returned last week our Marne la Valle to Lille train was delayed. We only had thirty minutes between trains and as far as I was aware it was the last Eurostar of the day . Announcements were made on the train but only in French so myself and a few other passengers were getting pretty worried. However when we got to Lille we went straight to Eurostar terminal and there was an extra train which they put us all on. They assured us they never leave people stranded but it was very stressful!