Light Ears

Started by JessJones23, March 29, 2014, 03:44:35 AM

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I've got some that a friend got as a present for me.  I don't think I'd have bought them myself, and TBH, having used them I'd be even less inclined to buy them in their current form.

I'm a massive Ear fan (I get a new headband on every trip...) but I don't like the 'hat' style.  I don't find it very comfortable, and I found I had to wear the elastic quite tight to keep them on.  It's really bulky, which is a pain for packing, shoving somewhere when you're on a ride and carrying around the park (I think they look a bit silly in the light so wore headband Ears during the day).

The biggest 'issue' I found with them is that the one person who doesn't get the benefit of the changing/syncing lights is the person who's wearing them!  I didn't see anyone else wearing them the night I wore them for Dreams, so presumably the people behind me were getting a good show from them but I have no idea what they were doing.

If they'd put the same technology into a headband which looked a bit more exciting in daylight, I'd be a much bigger fan.  And perhaps they'd end up cheaper and therefore have more users, and get the critical mass they really need for the effect Disney are after.

I've got a vague plan to hack them into something a bit less clunky....

Paris: 1997, 2003, 2008, 2012 (Santa Fe), 2013, 2014 (Cheyenne)
Tokyo: 2009, 2015