TRON: Legacy (2010)

Started by Anthony, July 31, 2008, 06:01:59 PM

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If you've heard any of the news from Comic Con, you won't have missed that Disney's Summer 2010 (or 2011, depending who you believe) release will be...

(That's Tron 2.0, a sequel to the cult 1982 sci-fi)

At Comic Con, exclusive new test footage was shown of an updated, modern futuristic version of the famous lightcycle chase. Watch it below (poor quality, all the good ones have been caught by Disney legal), complete with the usual whoops of delight from the audience: ... ailer.html

Read about how John Lasseter is actually behind the revival, and that the original creator's script for the sequel looks unlikely to be used: ... ector.aspx

Exciting, eh? It seems every good idea at Disney is attributable to Lasseter these days...

The Butlin Boy

Thanks for the links Ant, it does seem to look very good so far. Lets just hope that they make a good enough script and that they market it in the right way. And of course, a Tron 2 video game is probably almost certain isn't it :wink:


They've already done one!

And a few other games too I think. Apparently they were very popular, showing there's enough of an interest there from the original film's fans.

Seeing the new updated footage test, I think they'll win over a whole load of new moviegoers too...


according to wikipedia Lost writers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz are slated to write the film!!

the slated director Joseph Kosinski also has directed commercials for Gears of War, Halo 3 and Apple Computers......

all sounding good so far!
Sophie \":nemo:\"
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All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney

Pete's Dragon

Tron 2 is offically at the top of my Cant-wait-to-see-it List !!!!!!

Loved the original as a kid, still love it in fact. Why dont I own it then ? Gonna have to rectify that tomorrow !!!!!!


Quote from: "Anthony"They've already done one!

And a few other games too I think. Apparently they were very popular, showing there's enough of an interest there from the original film's fans.

Seeing the new updated footage test, I think they'll win over a whole load of new moviegoers too...
Think Disney's still gonna make a Tr2n videogame, or it will be called Tron 2: The Official Game of the Movie. It would definitly make more money since it's attatched to a movie instead of a standalone game.

Pete's Dragon

*News from Empire Magazine*

Disney is pulling out all the stops to roll back the years for Jeff Bridges in Tron 2.0, after they reportedly flew him to Canada for digitization. It is nearly 27 years since the original film, and they are keen to de-age the actor for scenes that show the aged Flynn interacting with his younger self.

This clone plotline was demonstrated by preview test footage shown at 2008's Comic-Con, which had a beardy and true-age Bridges watching over his younger self racing.

The process will involve plaster casting Bridges to form a 3D model. This will then be used to form a youthful visage to be superimposed onto a body double in post production.  It's a similar process to that used in X-Men: The Last Stand on Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen to de-age them by 20 years.

Tron 2.0 co-stars Tron original Bruce Boxleitner, as well as John Hurt, Karl Urban and relative newcomers Olivia Wilde and Garrett Hedlund. The film begins shooting in spring this year for a 2011 release.


A brilliant rumour is doing the rounds of the film news sites. It looks like Daft Punk may be doing the soundtrack!!!!

I think this is the best news to come from this project so far. yay :D

Next visit to DLP: October 26th
Coaster Count: over 320


Quote from: "peep"A brilliant rumour is doing the rounds of the film news sites. It looks like Daft Punk may be doing the soundtrack!!!!

I think this is the best news to come from this project so far. yay :D


Wow..that surely is good news if true  :D
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


One year on, and I'd almost forgotten this was happening. It's due to be previewed properly at this year's Comic Con:

TRON (title not final) (In Disney Digital 3D™)

TRON is a 3D high-tech adventure set in a digital world that's unlike anything ever captured on the big screen. Sam Flynn (GARRETT HEDLUND), the tech-savvy 27-year-old son of Kevin Flynn (JEFF BRIDGES), looks into his father's disappearance and finds himself pulled into the same world of fierce programs and gladiatorial games where his father has been living for 25 years. Along with Kevin's loyal confidant (OLIVIA WILDE), father and son embark on a life-and-death journey across a visually-stunning cyber universe that has become far more advanced and exceedingly dangerous.

Source via the DisneyPictures twitter

Here's the new young lead:

Good match for Jeff Bridges (well, better than say Indy 4).


Yay yay yay!!! Can't wait!!!! Want to see it noooow!! :D Thanks for the news Anthony!!

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Agent Lex

I'll actually be at Comic-Con with some friends, I'll see if I can drag them to the screening. Provided it's not on the SUnday, since i have to leave early that day.

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "Anthony"Good match for Jeff Bridges (well, better than say Indy 4).

Anything, in any respect, from any angle or from any point of view, is better than Indy 4  :wink:


I hope the footage from the Comic Con leaks on YouTube, as i won't be able to be there, but i'm glad it's coming out in Digital 3D, i just hope they also do it in IMAX and it's perfect to me :D

Pete's Dragon

The online viral campaign for Tron 2 has begun

As well as these 2 coins being sent to different online film sites, each recieved a flash pen-drive with a single different animated gif on each. Will post the gifs when I manage to track them all down