You know I really miss.......

Started by RockNRoller, September 26, 2010, 03:29:08 PM

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Were off end of November and as is the custom we watch all the videos from our previous visits, today Ive spent a good three hours going "Oh I really miss that". What do you really miss?
I want to put in a vote for the Christmas arches and also Le Vissionarium (sorry bout the spelling)
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


Chantilly coffee, really nice coffee with sweet cream on top. Haven't seen it the last few times we've been, but how I used to enjoy drinking it whilst waiting in the cold for the parade to start.

The smell of the DLH. When you get home and unpack your clothes you can still smell it.

Lastly, the feeling you get when you've just arrived and you go through the gates and walk down Main St.


i miss all of it =]

the rush you get on the rides.... the feeling you get watching the parade.... walking into main street on a morning and be dancing away to the music not careing what everyone else thinks of you because they are doing it too....

but i mostly i miss that good old feeling that comes of just plain being at disneyland =] a feeling that i just cant explain but im sure you all know what that feeling is when you think back on your trips there =]
past trips to DLRP ~2001~2001~2002~2003~2005~2005~2006~2008~2011~2013~2015/16~2016~2017~2019
DLH, SL, NPBC, Explorers, Dream Castle, Magic Circus, Kyraid,

upcoming trips....


Folks, I think the honourable RC is missing things that are no longer there. For me, it has to be the Dapper Dans Barbershop Quartet, as well as Space Mountain a la Terre a la Lune.
since 2001 (many before that)


This is a dangerous subject.

I'll try to stop myself from going into one of my manic bouts of nostalgia, but I'll say I miss that odd proper shopping you used to be able to do on Main Street, for that wonderfully contradictory ware that no one should have ever thought would sell to anyone outside of Japan. High-end men's accessories with dwarfs on them, proper table settings with dalmatian spots on them (because if the Queen drops by, you'll need a salad fork with your cartoon cutlery), that sort of thing. The resort was on a hilarious teeter-totter between highbrow and lowbrow in its first five years or so of operation. It has since comfortably settled into lowbrow, which is probably where it belongs, but it isn't as funny.


Oh man Pussinboots, I do miss that too. No more ties, watches, cuff links or table settings. I couldn't afford much when they did them, and now that i want to buy stuff like that, they don't sell it.

Also, I miss proper fireworks displays throughout the year. Bummer.
since 2001 (many before that)


Hmm, I mostly miss the Discoveryland of the mid to late 90s and Adventureland Bazaar. If I ever find Timekeeper's time machine backstage and manage to make it work, I know where I'll go...

I guess I would miss the Explorers Club as well if I had actually taken the time to eat there before its transformation....


As others have said, it's the whole atmosphere as you walk underneath Main Street Station and in to Disneyland Park.

It's as if you've left all your troubles behind and you're transported in to a magical place.

The smell, the music - just amazing. In fact, I'm gutted that doesn't work anymore because you can't hear the music anymore :-(

And of course, the look on my Daughters face when you enter the park the first time. We went the first time last year and when she saw the castle for the first time her face nearly brought a tear to my eye. Magical.

- D
Mickeys Magical Party 2009
New Generation Festival 2010


I miss the smell of the HNY, and the atmosphere of DV!
i dont really miss anything that used to be there but isnt anymore.

But most of all i miss the feeling of leaving worries and stress behind and just enjoying yourself and not caring what anyone else thinks : D

ah well only 145 days to go : )))
\'when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you\' - Pinocchio

\'A dream is a wish your heart makes\' - Cinderella<3

Hotel New York = 10 times
Sequoia Lodge = 1 time

[size=150]Disneyland Paris<3[/size]


One thing you can't deny is that people are really making this thread their own.

But it can be difficult to be nostalgic for things you never actually experienced (insert political joke here) and I never saw the Explorers Club in its original state either. Even worse, I'd barely be able to picture the Adventureland Bazaar had it not been for photographs. So it would be disingenuous to say either. The original Space Mountain however is seared into my brain, as is the old Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. Isn't it always the music that does most of the searing?

Oh, and and the Silly Reindeer.


I miss the feeling of just being there. The moment when you walk under the train station and you see the castle again.

I also miss the character free Auberge de Cendrillon and Le Visionarium.


We're going back in February, and I'll miss Good Morning Fantasyland breakfasts.  Also, Indiana Jones going backwards - I prepared my girlfriend for it before our first trip together, than had to go online once we'd got back to make sure I hadn't imagined it!


That sweet smell of the Bakery Shop for our first coffee and cake  :thumbs:
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


Space Mountain a la Terre a la Lune... every time I go back... I miss it!


The way the park used to be!!!