Toy Story Playland - The Report

Started by Disneydavid, August 22, 2010, 02:36:41 PM

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Ok , ok , I know I am late , but hey , better late then never! With new mp3's (captain eo!!!!), videos and specials coming up , you will be reward waiting! After 6 months being your personal 'update' , its time to show you what it became...

It was a nice day , saterday 21 of august...  4 new rides to discover - i never saw captain eo before - , a whole new experience and nice weither!

I know the photos arent HD...

this is where you open up your belts

Vids are coming soon!

DLP MP3 - The only podcast with onrides RIGHT from the Resort! With ToT ,SM:M2 , Crush\'s Coaster , Star Tours, Peter Pan,  Stitch Live , Panoramique , BTM  and Pirates of the Carribbean! !
For iTunes ] and MP3!

Newest episode.... Toy Story Playland The Tour and Rc RACER!


Nice photos David, looking forward to the rest of the report! :D

Also thanks for sharing a photo of that white ejector button.  I've heard it's been causing a few problems with Parachute Drop but I never actually knew what it looked like, so thanks for clearing that up for me :thumbs:

Can't wait for the upcoming videos!
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Thanks for sharing Disneydavid :)

It would be nice if you could give us your opinion of both TSPL and Captain EO. Look forward to the rest.


great pics love that effect on the 'walkie talkie'

Upcoming Holidays

Past Holidays
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Sequoia Lodge
5th - 12th October 2008 - Santa Fe | My Trip Report][/url] | My Trip
Photos: //
Feb. 2012 - Florida - Radisson Hotel Orlando-Lake Buena Vista


I can proudley say that there are coming MORE and NEW-ER MP3 episodes of... Toy Story Playland. In fact , the first one is ONLINE NOW! Toy Story Playland - Your Personal Tour is downloadble now on iTunes! And in  a few hours... RC Racer :D!

The vids are coming tonight online , but now you can see them here :


check the man... :P

DLP MP3 - The only podcast with onrides RIGHT from the Resort! With ToT ,SM:M2 , Crush\'s Coaster , Star Tours, Peter Pan,  Stitch Live , Panoramique , BTM  and Pirates of the Carribbean! !
For iTunes ] and MP3!

Newest episode.... Toy Story Playland The Tour and Rc RACER!


thanks for the pics and videos!! really getting me in the mood for my hol!!!
Sante Fe - December 2008
Radisson Blu Disneyland Paris - August 2010