Looking for a great ToT video

Started by Alexander, July 24, 2010, 10:31:46 AM

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Hi there!

I once saw a video of the Tower of Terror, but I cannot find it now.
It was filmed very good (very little shaking), and edited great: you saw the elevator doors open from the outside (ground view), then cut inside the ride to see the view. Just great.

Do you guys have links to such a video?

Life is different.


Alan posted a great video of ToT in the Space Mountain thread (probably, he wanted to post it on this thread). Here is the quote of his post:

Quote from: "Alan"The best video I've seen of the Tower of Terror in Paris, is this one. It was obviously shot by Disney:

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x52t1k ... eur_travel


Yeah, whoops, how did that happen? Let me try again:

The best video I've seen of the Tower of Terror in Paris, is this one. It was obviously shot by Disney:

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x52t1k ... eur_travel