Our trip in April 2010

Started by Aurora, July 12, 2010, 09:17:58 PM

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Finally, here is my contribution regarding TR. I love so much reading them, so here is mine.(second attempt, started yesterday, and hit the wrong button-all gone!! :evil: )
Our trip started on april 18th and ended ( :( ) april21st.
It was my daughter and me and my friend with her two daughters. Note: I only show pics of us, since I haven`t asked her for permission (always forgot :oops: )
Her we go:
Our day started early, got up at 6, headed to the train station, got the train to Basel and the TGV to Paris. A little worried we were, because of all the airports being shut, but our seats were reserved, so we had no problem. Just some people sitting on our seats. We showed them our reservationsheets, and that was settled.
Arrived in Paris and got to the metro right away. Not long and we catched the bus to our hotel, the Cheyenne. Check in was fast, found our rooms and settled in. We had adjoining doors, that was good, so we could comunicate real easy. Lara and I soon were ready to go, but my friend needed some rest. She had knee problems and forgot to take her medicine while traveling.
Then finally we made our way to see what we longed for, the entrance of DLP!!
On the way Lara said(and every time we passed by, she wanted to stay in the NPB once :D
The walk down main street was great, just seeing it al again, hearing the sounds and peeking in to a few shops. My friends older daughter needed a hat, so she bought the same Lara already bought last year. (she wears it on the first picture)

By then it was almost time for Showtime Spectacular, so we got ourselfs spots near the stage. We all liked the show, the music can make you dance or sing or just enjoying to be there. And Lara was in for a surprise. I haven`t told her that Angel is in the show. So when she saw her, she was happy. Wanted to know, if she was doing meet and greets,(wich she is not) she would wait for two hours to get a signature.
And here are some pics:

After that the OUADP was almost on, so we just turned to the streets and waited for that. Always a highlight, I just love it. (still don`t like Belle and Beast on the side :evil: )
(pictures are from two different days)

The princessess had their show stop in front of us

And I think I`m going to submit, so far, before I hit the wrong button again. So good night for today.


lovely photos Aurora! My children too wish Angel did a meet and greet. They are big Lilo and Stitch fans  :D Maybe if we all keep saying we want an Angel meet and greet DLP might take notice! :lol: Cant wait to read more

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Hi tubbsy, thanks for your kind words. Even thou Lilo and Stitch are not on TV anymore for a whle now, she just loves them.Especially Stitch, he so soft and cute(her words)
So here we go again :D
After the parade we all were hungry and went to Bella Notte for a pizza, wich was prettty good. We had fresh food, there weren`t to many people.Need an idea for lunch? ;) here it is:

IASW was next, Lara and I were talking so much about it, and the music(not getting that out of your head for the rest of the trip ;). They liked it as much as we do, it wasn`t the last time we were on it. Usually after the parade was a real good time, almost a walk on.
After  alast look at the castle for today, we called it a night and made our way back to te hotel. A nice walk along the river.

Day 2:
After breakfast, the same as in the Santa Fe, we decided to take the bus, since we wanted to save the walk for my friend, her knee still hurted a bit. On the way out we met him:

and her.

we were there around 9, so the EMH were in full swing aride on Buzz and Orbitron, then we cueud at Frontierland to do Pirates once, not to many people, so we did it again.
Coming out, it was time for the Disney Stars Express. Our friends never met any characters, so were pretty eager to see them. Lara clearly voted for Stitch and then we`ll see as they come. She met Stitch:

He was so cute, reacted to her showing of her Angel-jacket and plushie and she was in heaven! :stitch:
Mrs. Incredible was there as well

Time to hop over to the Studios.And who did we see there?

And those two as well

We had lunch at the Blockbuster Cafe. We ate on the HSM side, and saw Jack Sparrow on the other

After akiss for Buzz...

we went over to the park and had a ride on the river...

folowed by a good meal at the steackhouse.

Some window shoping on the way to the hotel

We ended the day in our rooms with some talking about the day, some TV and a shower that felt really good.
 Day 3:
This day Lara and I started a little earlier then the others, after breakfast we wanted to go strait to the parks, but got distracted by those two:

After meeting up with the others we decided to part for a while, since we both had different plans, they went over to Studios right away, we stayed at the park. We met Jessy, genie, and Ariel and before we left to go to the studios Tiana and Naveen. That was a great meet and greet.See below.

We had lunch again at the Blockbuster Cafe in the Studios and met up with our friends for the Stars and Cars parade.We stood on the side, since the kids wanted to get some autographs. And the characters not in the show did come over and almost did a little show of their own. A few pics

To end the day in the park, Lara tried to lift the sword, but didn`t work, again! ;)

For dinner we had made reservations at Cafe Mickey, so we walked over there.
We all enjoyed it and had a great time. Remembering someone writing about the service really slow and unfriendly, we had a waiter, not really unfriendly but just not having a good day. He didn`t smile once. We got our food on time and it was great, but still...
I^ll end it here for now, it is time for lunch.


Lovely photos - although the ones from the Steakhouse have got me feeling rather hungry!


Sounds like you had a great time! Like the photos, especially those in front of the wagon :-)
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Here are the pics from Cafe Mickey. I think I mentioned already, we had a non-smiling waiter and that hte food was good. Character interaction was great too. We had a lot of fun and it was a great last night.

Thank you for your autograph, Mickey!

Pluto also came to our table, then Chip and Chap showed up. I keep forgetting wich one is Chip or Chap :oops:

Then Lara`s beloved Stitch came out and the kids went mad

A nice evening with a walk back to the hotel.And a little shopping in Disney Village.Some pins landed in our bags. (after paying them, of course)
We called it a night after showering, watching some TV and making plans for our next day, the lasr one :( ...

Day 4:
Lara and I really took advantage of the EMH this time, we were at the park by 8.30 and she took her ride all by her self on Orbitron

We did it all tis morning, Buzz two or three times, Caroussel de Lancelot and the Castle, watching the beautiful glass windows.

Then we met our friends again and got in line for Pinocchio

we had lunch at Colonel Hati`s. Afterwards we saw Baloo

Back by the castle the train was coming and the girls wanted to meet Emile and Ratatouille, so we tried that.
It worked, Lara was eating an apple and Emile wanted to try some...

As our friends wanted to go to the Studios again, we said we`d liked to see wich princessess are on stage. In case it was Belle, we would get in line. And guess who it was ? YES, Belle and switching with Cinderellla. So we waited in line... and waited...they switched Cinderella to Belle :D/ ...we got nervous. [-o< ..a little more [-o<  [-o< ...we made it on top on the stairs :D/ .. we were happy... :D/ only two girls in front of us...and Cinderella came on again. After the first shock, she came over to us asked if she should sign Lara`s book. Of course she didn`t say no. And to top it all, we still made it to see Belle. That was a perfect ending for our trip.

To summ it all up, some more windows, wich I always like to take pictures of.

We watched the Showtime Spectacular one last time, then it was time to leave for the train station.
we had someone take a last picture of us all. I have to ask my friend, if I can post it, because I like this one. It is in front of the DLH.

Well, that`s a wrap, friends.
I should`t let that much time pass, it is hard to remember. But to look at the pics, makes me happy, and makes me think about the next trip. And that`s sooner then I ever thought. October 3rd to 6. Took advantage of the 40%, and staying in the NPB.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.


Great report :D And loving the photos. shame about the not so happy waiter in Cafe Mickey tho'. My son really wants to eat there for his birthday in August.

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club



Love the photos!!  just a few questions

1) do the princesses walk now rather than on float for the parade??
2) if they stop and get off the floats where is best to stand to see them??




Hi Jackie,
1) they are not walking more then before, that was one of the showstops, where they come of the floats.
2) in my opinion, one of the best places is where I took theses pics, by the Bella Notte pizzeria. Another one is,I believe, in front of the castle.
Hope I could be any help


Thanks for a lovely TR and great photos. Looks like you all had a good time.

have to ask what the stuff was with what lookd liked Smarties in it at the top right in Steakhouse?


hese were smarties on top of a chocolate creme/almost pudding. It tasted very good, LAra didn`t like it to much , so I tried it.


Great report! I loved your photos.

Why oh why are they using mixed race girls to potray Tiana??
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


what a lovely trip report, i love the photos from the parades!! and you've made me really want to eat a mickey pizza now!!!
thank you for sharing!!
Sante Fe - December 2008
Radisson Blu Disneyland Paris - August 2010


I really enjoy reading trip reports. It makes me really excited to go soon and I also love looking at the shop windows, when I go on the 15th, i'm going to be taking picutres of them, too   :D . Is the new generation theming good or does it ruin the atmosphere?   good report, thoroughly enjoyed  :thumbs:
August 1997 - Off Site
August 1998 - Cheyenne
May 1999 - Disneyland Hotel
July 2004 - Cheyenne
August 2007 - Off Site
August 2010 - Santa Fe
August 2011 - Santa Fe
September 2015 - Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest


Great trip report :) The pictures look really nice.
I hope you had a great time.
I only hope that we don\'t lose sight of one thing,that it was all started by a mouse[size=150] Walt Disney

:pluto:  :mickey1: