Val d'Europe - What is it in relation to Disney?

Started by montaguewarner, April 12, 2010, 11:55:09 AM

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Hi, Sorry i don't know if there's a topic specifically for the Development and construction of Val d'Europe, i searched for one but couldnt find any so here it is.

I wonder if anybody could answer a few questions i have?

Firstly what was the original Plan for Val d'Europe when Euro Disney opened? Was it supposed to be Walt's vision for the Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow?
And What is it now?
Is Val d'Europe where Disneyland is actually situated or is Val d'Europe just the town itself?
And i've read on wikipedia that apparantly Val d'Europe is just a collective name for Serris, Chessy etc?
Also Val d'Europe is pretty beautiful so why are Disney spending money there instead of the parks?  Can anyone clear this up for me :?:
Past Visits
DLP - JUN 2005 - Val D\'Europe
DL - APR 2006 - Disneyland Hotel
DLP - AUG 2009 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUL 2010 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUN 2011 - Val D\'Europe


Past Visits
DLP - JUN 2005 - Val D\'Europe
DL - APR 2006 - Disneyland Hotel
DLP - AUG 2009 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUL 2010 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUN 2011 - Val D\'Europe


Can't help you much I'm afraid.
The only thing I know about Val D'Europe is that DLP was committed to built it so they could build their parks according to an agrement with the french autoritys.

And as far as I know, DLP is in the area called Marne-La-Velle.
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Quote from: "norhel"Can't help you much I'm afraid.
The only thing I know about Val D'Europe is that DLP was committed to built it so they could build their parks according to an agrement with the french autoritys.

And as far as I know, DLP is in the area called Marne-La-Velle.

Thank you, i think I knew about that much! But i didn't realise Disney had to develop Val D'Europe in order to get land for parks!  :?   :D
Past Visits
DLP - JUN 2005 - Val D\'Europe
DL - APR 2006 - Disneyland Hotel
DLP - AUG 2009 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUL 2010 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUN 2011 - Val D\'Europe


Quote from: "montaguewarner"But i didn't realise Disney had to develop Val D'Europe in order to get land for parks!  :?   :D

I might ofcourse be mistaken, but that's what I've heard :-)
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


EuroDisney SCA are committed to building this new town by the '87 contract with the French government, I think eventually it will have a population of 60000-80000 people. I think it started construction in 2000 and it provides income for the company by selling house, business space etc. etc.


Now I cannot remember where I read this, but aparently Val d'Europe was created in the same vein as Celebration, Florida.


Quote from: "Columbiad"Now I cannot remember where I read this, but aparently Val d'Europe was created in the same vein as Celebration, Florida.

Yap! I heard that, pretty sure that was TWDC's idea for it! I love the architecture of Val D'Europe! I mean Celebration is just a bit freaky (it was used for The Truman Show if anyone's seen that film)  :?:
Past Visits
DLP - JUN 2005 - Val D\'Europe
DL - APR 2006 - Disneyland Hotel
DLP - AUG 2009 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUL 2010 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUN 2011 - Val D\'Europe


I'm not so keen on the arcitecture. Last time I stayed there, I just thought it was so cold looking. There is very little colour in the buildings, and its always very quite. I found it quite eerie! It was like Disney was building a ghost town! But it does offer a break from Disney-ness, despite the fact everything there is owned by Disney anyway.


I'm a fan of Val d'Europe. It really sets a good example for what towns should look and feel like. The architecture is fantastic. It's idyllic and optimistic, clean and spacious. Just compare the buildings in the Place de Toscane to your local development of "luxury apartments" and tell me which you prefer:


When I was in art school, we were taught to hate this sort of thing... But I just can't. I love it, and I love the idea that they're building DIY stores and supermarkets in this style.

Celebration gives me the creeps with its rules on what wallpaper you're allowed to pick for your bedroom and all, but Val d'Europe is certainly a place I'd want to live.


Quote from: "pussinboots"When I was in art school, we were taught to hate this sort of thing... But I just can't. I love it, and I love the idea that they're building DIY stores and supermarkets in this style.

Celebration gives me the creeps with its rules on what wallpaper you're allowed to pick for your bedroom and all, but Val d'Europe is certainly a place I'd want to live.

Thats exactly what i mean about it being weird! and i love val d'europe too! But why the name? If anything Celebration has a better name for the town!
Past Visits
DLP - JUN 2005 - Val D\'Europe
DL - APR 2006 - Disneyland Hotel
DLP - AUG 2009 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUL 2010 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUN 2011 - Val D\'Europe


What I like about the look of Val d'Europe is that it has consistency. It looks like someone cares about it, that they've thought it through. They've paid a lot of attention to the aesthetics of the place and it shows. There's very little about it that's ugly or careless, unlike a lot of residential environments!


I've never really seen any pics of Val d'Europe before, it looks beautiful! Very well kept, nice and clean, great to look at. My sort of place :)


Quote from: "luke85"I've never really seen any pics of Val d'Europe before, it looks beautiful! Very well kept, nice and clean, great to look at. My sort of place :)

It is beautiful, I stayed in Hotel E'Lysee in Val D'Europe on my DLRP trip for just under a week last year and they was A LOT of development going on! It wasn't a problem because they worked during the day and not at night but every street corner there was something going up! Seems to be a nice little earner for EuroDisney SCA selling all those apartments! Why don't they build LOADS and sell them to earn some capital for new attractions?  :D Of course its not as simple as that but you all know what i mean!
Past Visits
DLP - JUN 2005 - Val D\'Europe
DL - APR 2006 - Disneyland Hotel
DLP - AUG 2009 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUL 2010 - Val D\'Europe
DLP - JUN 2011 - Val D\'Europe