Disneyland Paris meets its fans

Started by Kristof, March 30, 2010, 11:26:27 AM

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Last week Anthony and I received an invitation for a special meeting between a small group of fans who own a website and the Disney Ambassadors.  Anthony sadly couldn't attend, so I represented him as well.

We were explained the group of invitees was very limited as this was just a small meeting to see if there was any interest and if there was a potential for bigger events in the near future.

So on Saturday at 2.30pm we met at Salon Mickey. Mouetto from Disney Central Plaza was there, the webmaster of ADCP (never heard of that site honestly), the kid from DLRPTeam (he makes the photos for DLRPtoday) , me and mod Flor, the admin of Disney Magic Interactive and 2 people from Disney Gazette. Alain Littaye (Disney and More) walked in half an hour later.

So the ambassadors gave a powerpoint presentation about New Gen (they agreed we probably knew everything already, but they showed it anyway). Suddenly someone knocks on the door and and it's announced "there's someone who'd like to talk to you". The door opens and voila, there he was... Mr. Philippe Gas (Euro Disney CEO).

He was really kind; very friendly and willing to discuss a lot. The people from Disney Gazette started to discuss the counter service restaurants and Philippe acknowledged there was a problem with waiting times, quality and temperature.  He explained a test was currently being done at WDS where some restaurants have been reduced the number of tables (to make the restaurant look less crowded) and by simplifying the menu.  Space Burgers and things like that are just going to be named what they are (Hamburger, Cheeseburger, etc.) and the names of menu's would be made easier as well (menu 1, 2, 3...)  This is being done to see if the guest flow at the counters will go faster, resulting in less waiting time and warmer food.  
He also hinted that an Italian-themed restaurant would make a lot of sense these days, as pasta is currently the preferred food of a lot of guests.

Alain Littaye stopped the discussion about food (which kept going on for like half an hour) and started discussing merchandising which fans would like to buy, like attraction posters and Disney sculptures from certain artists.  Philippe was really interested in this and said he was going to discuss it with the people from merchandising.

By the time the others, including me, wanted to ask their question, the time ran out sadly.  Philippe obviously had a busy agenda that day (press event), but still had the time to talk to us for an hour and a half (mostly about burgers  :wink: )  We ended our meeting with a group photo and then headed over to Central Plaza to see Disney Showtime Spectacular all together.

After the show I had a long talk with DCP moderators Mouetto and G-Force (and later Grandmath) which are great people to discuss Disneyland Paris.  

So, that concluded our meeting with the Ambassadors and Philippe Gas. It was great that the fans are finally being heard and they seemed serious about it.  People from Corporate Communications were around during and after the meeting talking to us, listening what we care about.  Let's hope a large fan event won't be far away now (and from what I understood, it will happen).  :)


This is a very good move indeed, to work with the fan community. Glad to hear it.

I am very worried about the simplification of menues though. They have already significantly dumbed them down over the years, to the point that unless it's in Frontierland, we don't bother with counter service anymore.

But overall, a very good move, and long past due.

Thanks so much for sharing.
since 2001 (many before that)


This is great. It's a positive step for Disneyland Paris to realise there are people more devoted to the parks than they are.

They should turn this into a quarterly consultation group. They invite a select group of fans over to Salon Mickey for a couple of hours, and everyone discusses (in full honesty) what's wrong with the parks, and what can be done to solve the problems. Fans should be allowed to criticise Toy Story Playland and question the lack of vision at Walt Disney Studios Park.

Here's the problem with fast food at Disneyland Paris. The queues to get to the counters are very long. The queues are full of lots of people complaining how slow the service is, while standing beneath a MASSIVE menu. When it's their turn at the counter, they have no idea what to order. They haven't thought it through. So when the Cast Member asks them "what would you like?", they stand their for 5 minutes looking through the menu, deliberating and wasting everyone's time.

In my opinion, when the queues for fast food are long, Disney should give out little paper menus to everyone in the queue. You should tick the items you want and then hand it to the person at the counter to place your order. Surely that would speed things up?


Or maybe they could try the computerised ordering kiosks like they have at Taste Pilot's Grill in DCA and at Captain Cooks at the Polynesian, where people can order in their own language via touch screen, then take a number and collect their food.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Or maybe they could try the computerised ordering kiosks like they have at Taste Pilot's Grill in DCA and at Captain Cooks at the Polynesian, where people can order in their own language via touch screen, then take a number and collect their food.

That would be a great idea.

What also annoys me about the counter service food is the quality. As already said the food is really bad and it becomes worse each year. The next thing that should be mentioned to the management is that the variety of fast food is also very bad at DLRP compared to previous years or to WDW.

This event is really a good idea and I hope that it will turn into something regular. Maybe next time you can discuss TSPL and the lack of vision at Walt Disney Studios Park, like Alan said.


Don't sounds bad at all.
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Wow, I'm pleasantly surprised that such an event took place. I think they must have realised that because of our passion for DLP, we talk a lot of sense as fans, and I'm so glad this is finally being heard.

As davewasbaloo said, some sort of computerised ordering system would be a fantastic idea! Presumably it would also save Disney money on restaurant staff too. Although I'm sure they would need a "problem solver", much like the staff members at supermarkets who have to rescue you when you mess up at the self-service tills  :oops:


Sounds great! Listening to the true fans is definately a positive move! Kinda sad that most of the conversation revolved around the counter service restraunts but I hope the oportunites become more and more! :D
Luv Aveen xoxo


This is great news that the fans are finally being heard.

Can someone explain how less tables in the resturant is going to speed up service?
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Quote from: "littlemermaid83"Can someone explain how less tables in the resturant is going to speed up service?
It won't - that's just to improve the dining space, make it less like a school dining hall at places like Blockbuster Café (kinda hindered by the school hall theme, of course).

Hopefully this is just the first of more chances like this to come. Maybe this could be a good idea -- if YOU were there, given one question or small topic to discuss with Philippe Gas, what would it be?


This is a pretty good idea from Managment.

Its an idea which has been tried out at Alton Towers (its happening again this year for the 3rd year). Back in 2006/2007 Alton started the "Consumer Council". This was back in the rubbish last few years of the Tussauds era.
The council suggested many ideas to Alton and some where eventually implemented and improved the resort.
If something similar can happen here it would be very good news for the resort as a whole.

DLRP should be reaching out to its fans these days, they are often the most loyal and informed customers, their opinions can be very useful when considering changes for the resort.

I'd really like it to become a regular occurence, every few months. It never hurts to get other people's opinions on idea.


I have no idea what I would ask Philippe Gas. (except maybe which toothpaste he uses ;))


One of the things that has always annoyed me is that you queue in lines which are shared by one busy CM taking orders from two lines. You're then greeted by people who really don't want to be doing the serving side of things... then you're trapped. Well, it feels it. The way out is in one direction to the side or something and you have to fight through people without dropping the food on your tray. If the order is wrong, there's no chance of getting it corrected.

Anyway, back on topic. I think it's a great idea to take on the views of fans, but my worry is that over time these fans will almost be like recruits and not regular visitors. By all means listen to the people who love the parks the most, but don't let this be a substitute for the people who spend the most in the parks - your everyday families.

So pleased that DLP seems to have its head screwed back on and is realising that things change. Old techniques of doing things need updating since a guest's demands are bound to change from year to year. Pasta etc would be a great way to go
"Life\'s a happy game, you could clown around forever - \'cos we\'re the best of friends"
It\'s time to bring down the house - welcome Mickey Mouse!


Quote from: "dlrpkris"but my worry is that over time these fans will almost be like recruits and not regular visitors. By all means listen to the people who love the parks the most, but don't let this be a substitute for the people who spend the most in the parks - your everyday families.

I don't agree.  Fans spend more time in the parks than the average guests.  That's why DLP invited this selected group of fans to listen how they feel about certain things.  They wanted an unbiased opinion from people who know DLP through and through.  

And again, I want to repeat what I've said before, we were not just invited to give our opinion on subjects like these, they also wanted to hear if fans would like a happening or an event.  One of the fans suggested a D23-Expo, to which Philippe started to laugh.  He said something like that would be too expensive, but he clearly knew what it was, so they must have looked into it.


Quote from: "Anthony"given one question or small topic to discuss with Philippe Gas, what would it be?

Can I have a look at the masterplan?   :lol:

More realistically, I would like to know what is going to be done about greening and themeing the production courtyard and backlot and when this might happen.
July 2003 My Travel Explorers
May 2004 Sequoia Lodge
July 2006 Patio St Antoine @Nation (RER commute to DLRP)
December 2007 Kyriad Val de France
August 2009 Hotel New York
May 2015 Hotel Cheyenne


I would ask them if they will build a new hotel in the near future and if they will refurbish the existing hotels.

And if they could improve the variety of the food currently served at DLRP. The vegetarian choices are really bad.