My Mums 60th Birthday trip and our first stay at the DLH

Started by smurfy74, March 14, 2010, 09:34:23 PM

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Right im all packed and the lanyards are ready, my mum is coming to my house at half 7 then we are off to Ashford to get our Eurostar. Ive bought a new memory card for my camera, so I will get loads of pics. Im excited as we are staying at the Disneyland hotel and we are going to the wild west show, both of these are firsts for me despite my numerous trips. I will post a full trip report on my return. Bye for now  :D

The Butlin Boy

Have a good time :)


Wow lucky you staying at the DLH - can't wait to see all your photos, hope you and your mum have a fabulous trip :)
Disney Visits
Oct 94 Cheyenne - Oct 00 WDW - April 03 WDW - Sept 06 DLP Day Trip - Sept 09 HNY - Nov 10 HNY - June 11 Sequoia Lodge- June 12 Sequoia Lodge - Sept 12 Cheyenne- Nov 12 Radisson - June 13 Dream Castle - Nov 14 HNY -
Feb 15 Dream Castle - Sept 15 Tokyo Disney Resort, Sheraton - Oct 15 DLP Day trip - Feb 16 Cheyenne - March 17 Newport Bay - Jan 18 Sequoia Lodge, Aug 18 daytrip

Upcoming: DLH Nov 18 - Hong Kong Disneyland, Explorers Lodge, March 19


11pm and we just got in - so trip report tomorrow and the trip was fab


lucky you!! if the weather been anything like it has in essex, bet you had a lovely time.


weather was great - ive been waiting for the forum to be up most of the day then when i go out then it starts towork typical, ive uploaded loads of pics to my facebook page and am now doing my photobucket so they can go on here


Can't wait to see your pics!!


Looking forward to hearing all about your trip!!


Hi smurfy74!

Can't wait to read your report and see your pics too!

I think I saw you on Wednesday morning at breakfast; you were walking by to be seated, wearing a red shirt and lots of pins. We were sitting at the window out on mainstreet right across from the buffet where you could get ham and cheese. I was going to say Hi to you, but then we had to leave before you cam e back to choose you food, as we expected an important phone call.  :(
I was looking out for you on Thursday, but didn't see you anymore. We left breakfast at about 8.10 am to check out, dispose our suitcase and enjoy some more magic as our train for CDG wa leaving at 12.27 am. :(

March 1995 - Walt Disney World Florida


Saw pics on FB. :D Cant wait to see more x

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


I look forward to reading your trip report, the DLH is quite nice and Buffalo Bill's is one of my fav Disney experiences anywhere in the world.  I look forward to reading your's and your mother's thoughts.
since 2001 (many before that)


ok im having some issues with the photos and getting them on my photo bucket account so I will add them later  [-o<

Well Monday came round quickly and at half 6 Sergio and I were up and ready and waiting for my Mum and and Dad to arrive at my house as Dad said he would drive to Ashford. Mum eventually arrived and we left Eastbourne at half 7 then got stuck in traffic loads and I started to panic. We got to Ashford with lots of time to spare and dropped my mum and sergio off with the cases and drove to my friends house to drop the car off ( she lives 5 minutes from the station ) We then checked in and waited for the train. Mum was getting excited as she had never been on the eurostar before. we were in coach 18 so had to walk all the way to the end of the platform. We boarded and mum and dad were happy as they were on their way to Paris and Disney for the first time.

mum and dad

me looking a little happy
We arrived at Marne La Vallee and were immediately impressed with the hotel, we left the bags at the concierge desk and checked in and were told our bags would be taken to our rooms ( now thats service )

the view of the hotel lobby

the phones in the DLH are very retro british as you can see

Mum wanted to go to LaVallee so we headed off and got the free bus,but we had to get our wild west show tickets first, they were a bargain €29 each due to AP discount, we then had a good shop in Val D'Europe and La Vallee and stopped for a starbucks. Time to go back to the hotel so a quick stop at Auchan to get our french favourites to take home with us ( schweppes coconut drink is a fave of mine ). We got back to the hotel and much to Sergios delight we were miles from reception, this seems to be a common theme for us no matter which hotel we stay in. I couldnt get over how lovely the hotel was, the fantasia bar, the shop , the views they were all great. We got to the room and mum was impressed, she loved the detail on the beds and the turn down service and we had an ok view. 10 minutes later our bags were delivered by a very nice man so we tipped him and made him aware our set top digibox wasnt working and then before you knew it maintenance were there in the room and fixed everything - again A1 service.

mum loving the huge room

So after a quick freshen up we headed off to the Disney Village and then on to BBWWS and we got there in time to watch the preshow which we loved and all sang along and thought the way that Goofy interacted was great ( btw this was the 1st time ive seen the show so I cant comment on whether the characters spoiled it ) the characters were used sparingly and they really added to the show without taking anything away from it, i cant imagine what it was like before they were in it so I guess thats a good sign

not your normal plate ansd bowl :-)

When we got into the arena it was quiet so we were all seated in the 1st class seats which we were really happy with, we were in the second row and yellow stars of Texas. The food was ok and there was a lot of it and the beer and coke were flowing freely, i think we must have had about 5 refills!!! The apple cobbler was scrummy and the coins we got had a blast from the past as they were EuroDisney branded!!

It was now gone 11 and the early start was catching up with us so we went back to the hotel to get ready for our next day which to be our visit to Paris.

sorry for the delay - my grandma had an accident so i had to take her to hospital - but shes ok so i can now do the rest of the report today
Day 2 to follow - thanks for reading so far


That sounds like a great start of your trip!
I'm in Disney-rehab after last weekend, so more report is very welcome!!! :P


sounding good :) Not envious at all over the stay in DLH but, liKe I said you've worked hard for it so you deserve it :)
Buffalo Bills-when we first went my first reaction was-isnt it a shame no characters are involved, but got so involved I forgot all about it!
Looking forward to reading the rest xx

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club



Another early start and off to have the most wonderful breakfast - i must say its the best Disney breakfast ive ever had - and dont get me started on how delicious the scrambled eggs were mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and the pancaked and syrup and bacon and sausages and cold meats - sorry getting a little carried away there  :P

We went back to the room and grabbed our cameras then headed off the RER station and got some strange looks as we were the only people that seemed to be leaving the parks at half nine.

We went to get tickets and expected to get paris visit tickets but the lovely lady at the ticket office asked if we were visiting the airports which we said we werent so she said we needed a mobilis ticket which was €5 cheaper - yay

The weather was gorgeous and the  first stop for mum was the Eiffel Tower

the weather was great and just as well as we queued 2 hours to get into the tower and then a further hour to get to the 3rd stage, due to all but one set of lifts being closed for maintenance

Rather than wait for the lifts on the way down once we got to the 2nd stage we decided to walk down and boy was that a walk and a half

After that a quick lunch and then off to Notre Dame, then the Pompidou Centre then off to Chatelet les Halles - which was horrible and really 20 years past its prime.
Then off to the Champs Elysee - mum loved looking in all the stores especially Cartier and the seeing the Arc De Triomphe

one of my fave stores  :P

Then it was getting late so we decided to head to Val D'Europe for Dinner

The trains were packed so we got a train to Vincennes then we needed to get to Val D'Europe and every train was packed so we got one that went nearly there as it was quieter and then hoped off and then waited 5 minutes for the next RER to Val D'Europe which was a 5 minute wait then we were there. We went to the Italian restaurant there and as usual ( ive eaten there before ) the service and food was great. Our waitress was lovely and they have such good prices €9.50 for a pizza express style pizza and a soft drink, mum had a similar dinner but with a caraffe of wine her carraffe was about €5 - such great value here. then we headed back to the hotel for a well deserved rest.

day 3 to follow