Photo up load

Started by jackieann, February 06, 2010, 03:13:53 PM

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Can someone let me know how to up load photos to this site please i have no idea

Many Thanks


Quote from: "jackieann"Hi
Can someone let me know how to up load photos to this site please i have no idea
Many Thanks


The first thing you have to do is to upload your pictures to host on the web, for example photbucket or picasa or something like that, and then get the link for the picture(s) you want to have on the forum and put them between the tags from the img-butten on the line under the subject-field.

Hope this help a little bit  :)
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


i find the easiest.
Upload your photos to their wevsite. (you'll need to rtegister for free)
Once your photos are uploaded you choose the photo you want to put on this forum. Under the photo are codes you copy the IMG code and paste it to your post here. There you have it, you can have your photos on your post :)



Thanks for the replys, another question can i put my facebook link to photos on here or will i need to register with photobucket 1st?


You could put a link to your facebook photos (people could click on the link)
To upload photos to photobucket you upload them from your computer (as you would have done to facebook)




i tried to add an image from my facebook just now and its not showing (well not to me) its just coming up as a little red X so im guessing that doesnt work. Sorry cant be of more help


It's not showing for me either. Try to right click on the picture and get the link for the picture and put the link between the img-tags. Try that. Workes for me.
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California