Disneyland Paris April 2006 and New Year 2006/07

Started by dagobert, February 05, 2010, 08:50:50 PM

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I'm already a little bit excited, because on Wednesday we are returning to the happiest place on earth. So I just looked through my pictures from our previous trips and maybe you are interested to see some of them.

Disneyland Paris - 17. - 21.04.2006:

This was our first trip to DLRP together. I have already been there in 2000 with my family.

We took the night train from Salzburg to Paris and then the RER to DLRP. Claudia and I stayed at the Santa Fe for three nights with four days of park entry. I don't remember all the details, so I just show you some pictures:

Photos have been removed!


Disneyland Paris - 30.12.2006 - 02.01.2007

On our second trip we used the car to go to DLRP and stayed again at the Santa Fe for five nights with four days of park entry. So here are some pictures:

Photos have been removed!


Quote from: "dagobert"

How great does Main Street look here? No massive billboards, sorry...additional lamposts ;)

Great photos dagobert, thanks for posting so many!


The pictures from my first trip are like that too, a clean Main Street, nice.
And The Wonderfull World of Disney Parade, that was nice too!

Enjoy your next trip, looking forward to the new pictures :)


Wow the castle looks so stunning here.... no ugly lead on the top turret or excessive decor.....

I feel almost ashamed to say I have never seem Main St. looking like that.

The Butlin Boy

Fantastic photos Dagobert, they are stunning  to look at. They bring back great memories of the park and, as luke85 pointed out, I think its about time those banners went :)


I totally agree with you. The banners should go and the castle decoration, too. Main Street looks so much better without them.


Brilliant pictures!!

And it's so wonderful to see the Castle looking like that... As it should! Really beautiful.

I also like the one in the Studios, where you can see the Studio Tram Tour behind the legends statue; now it seems like it's really far away! Makes you realise what a great job they've done in WDS with the Hollywood Boulevard...

Really great pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us!


The castle in the picture does look beautiful, and so does Main Street of course. And yet it does look bare.  Disney did do a great job with Hollywood Boulevard, it's made such a difference to the WDS. And TSPL should improve Toon Studios with more colour, themeing and rides which the park needed.
Ed & David


Lovely photos,

i cant belive how much better main street does look without the lamp posts. altho i didnt notice till i read someones commet then went and looked at my own photos and it looks so closed in and they have been put so close together. booooo!! but none the less i love disney and really hope to again later this year!!!



But the lamp posts look beautiful in the picture of Main Street at Christmas, so I think they do serve a purpose sometimes.
Ed & David