Cast member clothes

Started by norhel, January 09, 2010, 07:36:49 PM

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Howdy everyone!

Was thinking on a thing.
For example in this video above from Youtube,  we se cast members in different outfit. Somebody has red shirt and black pants and others has light blue sweater and darker pants. For me it seems that those in red and black is some form of security people, and the others are som kind of assistants for the characters in some way. Was just wondering if I'm correct?

Thanx for the reply.  :)
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


You are correct. The red/black outfits are for security with events, shows to keep crowds from standing on the parade route and security while waiting and being seated during shows. The other cast members in the blue clothes are for technical and assistance to the performers, for instance driving Mickey's car at 0:50 and walking alongside floats for when something happens or performers need assistance they can directly assist them. So yes, you are correct ;)


Sorry to be slightly off topic, but do you know what this parade is for and if it's still running? Thanks!


Quote from: "stepintothepink"Sorry to be slightly off topic, but do you know what this parade is for and if it's still running? Thanks!
I believe it's Good Morning Walt Disney Studios along with the Toon Train driving behind it.


Quote from: "mehdi5"You are correct. The red/black outfits are for security with events, shows to keep crowds from standing on the parade route and security while waiting and being seated during shows. The other cast members in the blue clothes are for technical and assistance to the performers, for instance driving Mickey's car at 0:50 and walking alongside floats for when something happens or performers need assistance they can directly assist them. So yes, you are correct ;)

Thanx for the reply  :)

Quote from: "mehdi5"
Quote from: "stepintothepink"Sorry to be slightly off topic, but do you know what this parade is for and if it's still running? Thanks!
I believe it's Good Morning Walt Disney Studios along with the Toon Train driving behind it.
I'm pretty sure to!
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California