loladelorean's Trip Report Sept 21-25. DAY 1.

Started by loladelorean, October 05, 2009, 02:58:48 PM

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Loladelorean's Trip Report
Day 1 – Monday, September 21

Thanks to Aveen2008 for her encouragement and tips on adding photos to the report!
Disclaimer – This was my first official trip to DLRP and therefore this is obviously my first trip report, so please be kind. Also, I'm no photographer and my photos are pretty rubbish in comparison to most on here, but I'll pop some in to illustrate the report. So the result is an unprofessional, affectionate account of my trip, I hope you guys like it!

It had finally arrived – the day of our trip to Disneyland Paris! Our excitement cannot be overstated; at 21 and 16 myself and my sister are still just big kids when it comes to Disney. The last time we were in Disneyland Paris together we were aged 6 and 1 way back in the early days of the park (our lovely mum and dad took us to Hotel Cheyenne for 10 whole days, some of my earliest and happiest childhood memories) – we had been looking forward to this trip for months.
Having sat up late the night before planning, reading trip reports and watching several Disney films, we didn't get much sleep. Not that it mattered, we were already buzzing at 6am on the way to Glasgow airport.
Airport check in was quick and uneventful, flight a nice short 1.5 hours, then it was time to catch the VEA Shuttle at Charles de Gaulle. We weren't really sure where we were going but a kind staff member at the airport saw us looking bewildered near a map, asked if we needed help and pointed us in the right direction.
We had thought the bus journey would be tedious, but we actually enjoyed it. The best thing was to watch and listen to the kids all around us – their excitement was definitely infectious. When we got to the resort we didn't know which hotel was coming next and had never seen any of them before so we found this exciting as well.
We were the first people to fly off the bus at Hotel New York and we literally skipped along to the reception, where Pluto was waiting to help check us in! What a great start to our stay.

Cast member at reception was very nice, and although it was only 1.30pm she said we could check into our room already. Our room was a fair trek from the lift but had a nice view over the lake and Panoramagique which we hadn't paid for. And the hotel smells amazing, wish they sold the scent in the gift shop! We were really impressed with the size of the room – much bigger than it seemed in the photos! Like many others, we loved the Mickey bedsheets. But there was no time for settling in at this point, it was a quick change and then on to the parks.
My eyes felt like saucers as we dashed through Disney village towards Disneyland Parc, I couldn't believe we were finally there. I think you can see my excitement in this photo!

The big jumper soon came off as the weather was beautiful that afternoon! After a leisurely walk down Main St taking everything in we bought some big hot dogs at Casey's Corner and just as we settled down to eat them outside, Mickey's Magical Party started up in Central Plaza. We moved closer to enjoy the show, and I was really pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it after reading bad reports on here and elsewhere. I think the score is sensational, really energetic and well written. However, the crowd wasn't that big and nobody except us was dancing which we thought was a shame. The cast members really give it 100% and it would be so much better if everyone joined in.
We spent the rest of the day in Disneyland Parc in a bit of a tizzy, unsure where to start really. We decided not to bother with the rides in Fantasyland that day as we knew we could get them during EMH, and didn't visit Discoveryland at all. We mostly explored Adventureland, spending lots of time in Robinson Cabin which we think is an amazing piece of Imagineering – how did they build it?!

We rode Indiana Jones and Pirates twice each – no queues at all ?. Then we met Captain Jack before our 5pm reservation at the Blue Lagoon (we had half board plus vouchers).

My eyes lit up when I saw the half board menu at the Blue Lagoon, I loved everything on it. However, my slightly picky sister didn't like any of it. Embarrassed, we apologised to the staff and slipped out. I wanted us both to enjoy our meal, so we decided to try Walt's...but it was shut! Hungry by this time, we ended up in Plaza Gardens. Bad choice – the buffet was bland and very limited. I wish now we had just popped out to Annette's but never mind.
After eating the park was quieter still, so we headed to Frontierland where we rode Phantom Manor and Big Thunder – a quick favourite! This has to be the most fun ride in the world lol, and it never gets boring.
By this point exhaustion was catching up with us, so it was back to our lovely hotel for a wee rest. We showered and just chilled out watching the Disney channel (Why no Cinemagic channel?! Alarmed to find ourselves laughing at the jokes in Sonny with a Chance by the end of the week, don't judge....)
We did head out to Disney Village for a little while, but could barely drag our tired feet round the shops. After a lovely coffee and cake in Starbucks we had a very early night – asleep by 9.30pm!
Day 2 to follow shortly, will do it asap but got some uni work to get on with for now!
Disney Visits
Oct 94 Cheyenne - Oct 00 WDW - April 03 WDW - Sept 06 DLP Day Trip - Sept 09 HNY - Nov 10 HNY - June 11 Sequoia Lodge- June 12 Sequoia Lodge - Sept 12 Cheyenne- Nov 12 Radisson - June 13 Dream Castle - Nov 14 HNY -
Feb 15 Dream Castle - Sept 15 Tokyo Disney Resort, Sheraton - Oct 15 DLP Day trip - Feb 16 Cheyenne - March 17 Newport Bay - Jan 18 Sequoia Lodge, Aug 18 daytrip

Upcoming: DLH Nov 18 - Hong Kong Disneyland, Explorers Lodge, March 19


yayyyy well done!! =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>  your photos are brilliant and the report is great!! You should have more faith in yourself hehe! :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

I totally agree that Mickey's magical party would be even better if the crowd joined in, I reallllly wanted to dance...which I kinda did...couldn't help it hehe!! :D  :D  :D

your photo with jack is brilliant!! :D  :D one of th ebest I have seen! =D>

Can't wait to read and see more! :D
Luv Aveen xoxo


Thanks Aveen :) I must admit, I felt a bit silly when I realised how easy it was to add photos to reports! I'll aim to get the next bit done in the next couple of days, but it's gonna be much longer lol we had very full days! I'll consult with my sister tonight to help refresh my memory on the order of things.
I'm glad now that I've started writing it, as it's going to be nice to always have the reports on here to look at.
I love the photo with Captain Jack too, there weren't too many people around as it was parade time. Like you, we just avoided characters if there was too much of a scrum. The only one we queued for was Winnie the Pooh because my sis loves him, but we wished we hadn't as we ended up waiting an hour and I don't think it's really worth it! We still managed to get loads of good character photos especially at the Lucky Nugget and Cafe Mickey, as well as at the Hotel. just didn't want to spend half our time there fighting wee kids for an autograph lol.
Disney Visits
Oct 94 Cheyenne - Oct 00 WDW - April 03 WDW - Sept 06 DLP Day Trip - Sept 09 HNY - Nov 10 HNY - June 11 Sequoia Lodge- June 12 Sequoia Lodge - Sept 12 Cheyenne- Nov 12 Radisson - June 13 Dream Castle - Nov 14 HNY -
Feb 15 Dream Castle - Sept 15 Tokyo Disney Resort, Sheraton - Oct 15 DLP Day trip - Feb 16 Cheyenne - March 17 Newport Bay - Jan 18 Sequoia Lodge, Aug 18 daytrip

Upcoming: DLH Nov 18 - Hong Kong Disneyland, Explorers Lodge, March 19


Great 1st trip report. Look forward to hearing the rest! Thanks for sharing.
since 2001 (many before that)


Great start to your TP =D>  Looking forward to the rest 8)


Wow - a great report and your photos are not as bad as you make them - they are brilliant!

I'm so happy about all the reports on here right now - the perfect way to become ready for my trip :)

Cannot wait for more!

Please visit my DLP website:

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


Well done - a great trip report and brilliant photos too.  The trip reports are great for keeping the excitement going - even if our trip is 3 months away lol!!!  My little girl just loves them especially when the reporters are staying in the same hotel and say nice things about it.  We just cant wait until January - Hotel New York here we come!! :D/  :D/  :D/


Nice trip report! Thanks for sharing it with us. I can't wait for the rest.


Great start to your TP!! Its really good, you have nothing to worry about!! I love the pic of you and your sister with Jack's great :D Can't wait to read/see more :D
Sophie \":nemo:\"
follow me on Twitter!!

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney


Great Trip Report so far loladelorean, I love the photo's..  :D/

Just a quick tip, try and keep your landscape photo's no wider than 800 wide, I notice yours are 1024 [wide] x [768] Long.

Forum Rules..  :wink:

Quote from: "MagicForum General Rules"• Maximum image width: 800px
Images larger than this will "stretch" the message board layout, making posts hard to read and causing trouble for visitors with slow internet connections. Use a thumbnail if available or, if you can't resize your images, just post the URL to the image.
Looking forward to reading some more, thanks again for sharing..  :D


Quote from: "Javey74"Great Trip Report so far loladelorean, I love the photo's..  :D/

Just a quick tip, try and keep your landscape photo's no wider than 800 wide, I notice yours are 1024 [wide] x [768] Long.

Forum Rules..  :wink:

Quote from: "MagicForum General Rules"• Maximum image width: 800px
Images larger than this will "stretch" the message board layout, making posts hard to read and causing trouble for visitors with slow internet connections. Use a thumbnail if available or, if you can't resize your images, just post the URL to the image.
Looking forward to reading some more, thanks again for sharing..  :D

Sorry that's kind of my fault. She hadn't uploaded photos before and I was telling her how to.. I forgot about the size thing!

loladelorean- To resize your photos before posting - go to photobucket, go to my albums, then albums and uploads. There is a big blue button saying upload images and videos. Under it you will see it says 'Use CTRL to select multiple files (more options)'
.Click on More Options. and a screen will appear. Under the Basic dimensions list click 'Large(640x480) and then save those settings. Then everything you upload will upload at that size or smaller.

If you want to resize the images you have already posted you will have to do the instructions above  (if you already have done it then it doesnt need done again) and then upload the images again. Once you have done this you go to your post above and click edit (at bottom of your post). Then you will have to remove the IMG codes you had put in and use the ones from the photos you uploaded again.

If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask me.
Luv Aveen xoxo


OOPS sorry guys! I will fix this tonight, I promise, just finishing up day two first (with correct sized photos, hopefully) then I'll change these ones... thanks for telling me! Seems its not simple enough for me after all lol.
Disney Visits
Oct 94 Cheyenne - Oct 00 WDW - April 03 WDW - Sept 06 DLP Day Trip - Sept 09 HNY - Nov 10 HNY - June 11 Sequoia Lodge- June 12 Sequoia Lodge - Sept 12 Cheyenne- Nov 12 Radisson - June 13 Dream Castle - Nov 14 HNY -
Feb 15 Dream Castle - Sept 15 Tokyo Disney Resort, Sheraton - Oct 15 DLP Day trip - Feb 16 Cheyenne - March 17 Newport Bay - Jan 18 Sequoia Lodge, Aug 18 daytrip

Upcoming: DLH Nov 18 - Hong Kong Disneyland, Explorers Lodge, March 19


By the way, thanks to everyone for taking the time to read my trip report and leave nice comments. That's me just finished doing day 3, and I'm really enjoying writing up my experience. It's keeping the post-DLP blues at bay for the time being (although I should definitely be doing uni work instead, oops)
So thanks to everyone who has posted, it means a lot that you are enjoying reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it!
Disney Visits
Oct 94 Cheyenne - Oct 00 WDW - April 03 WDW - Sept 06 DLP Day Trip - Sept 09 HNY - Nov 10 HNY - June 11 Sequoia Lodge- June 12 Sequoia Lodge - Sept 12 Cheyenne- Nov 12 Radisson - June 13 Dream Castle - Nov 14 HNY -
Feb 15 Dream Castle - Sept 15 Tokyo Disney Resort, Sheraton - Oct 15 DLP Day trip - Feb 16 Cheyenne - March 17 Newport Bay - Jan 18 Sequoia Lodge, Aug 18 daytrip

Upcoming: DLH Nov 18 - Hong Kong Disneyland, Explorers Lodge, March 19