Pin Trading: Share Your Trades!

Started by Masamune, October 04, 2009, 10:50:59 AM

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@Aveen i'm sorry have already said Lindsay can have Cheshire Cat just havn't taken it off yet(unless she says she dosn't mind as i know she has her eye on few others) and Danny has reserved stitch pins(i will take them off 2moz when get chance as had enuf of pinpics for 1day)

I have more pins to add to trades as i got 52pins and pin bag today  :D/ the bag is pressie for my fella for Xmas!So i was xmas shopping at same time as helping my
 I collect mainly Tinkerbell/Peter Pan and twirl/cheerleading pins but also Up and Daisy Duck and any others catch my eye i'm gonna have a think about another 3pins i can add to my top wants!

Welsheeyore my pinpics id is Dorsetcandy same as on here and call me Sam :)


Quote from: "Dorsetcandy"@Aveen i'm sorry have already said Lindsay can have Cheshire Cat just havn't taken it off yet(unless she says she dosn't mind as i know she has her eye on few others) and Danny has reserved stitch pins(i will take them off 2moz when get chance as had enuf of pinpics for 1day)

I have more pins to add to trades as i got 52pins and pin bag today  :D/ the bag is pressie for my fella for Xmas!So i was xmas shopping at same time as helping my
 I collect mainly Tinkerbell/Peter Pan and twirl/cheerleading pins but also Up and Daisy Duck and any others catch my eye i'm gonna have a think about another 3pins i can add to my top wants!

Welsheeyore my pinpics id is Dorsetcandy same as on here and call me Sam :)

Hey sam,

if you read up a few posts Lindsay says she already has that pin and it's ok for me to trade it from you but I am not sure what to offer you..humm I will have to look through my collection and see if there is anything hehe:)

have you been collecting pins for long? :D

Aveen xxx
Luv Aveen xoxo


Thanks hun! I would recommend you to anyone wanting to trade


@ Sam - :) Aveen was refering to the Cheshire Cat Mardi Gras pin, which I do indeed already have (you did offer it to me though). :P I still need the Baseball Cap pin, so please continue to hold that one for me!


Seeing and hearing how happy you are with your traders sam (except the mess afterwords LOL) I cant wait to get mine...the anticipation is driving me mad to see if they get delivered every day hahahaha

I think everyone collects UP pins and who can blame then, should of seen the bidding going on for the charles muntz pin, I barely just won it $34 (my max bid was $35) and it was at $15 when I bid on it lol and in 3 minutes it doubled haha

and thanks for holding the pins for me sam :)


Oh i was getting all mixed :oops:
@Aveen u are more than welcome to the other Cheshire cat pin i'm gonna go take all the pins u guys on the forum have reserved in a i had day off 2day and have managed to get nothing done!!
 I've been collecting pins since end May/beginning June this yr i gave up smoking and have been kind of buying pins instead of cigarettes..gone from one addiction to another!


least collecting pins is a alot healthier (well sort of LOL)


Hi Sam
just had a look at your pins - very impressive collection!

how do you know on there who has pins to trade and which ones - im still trying to get used to it - have managed to put all my pins on there and also tonight put my pins on my new little pin board (79p from lidl - bargain!!)

I bought pin 45590 and when it came the stone was missing  :(  but the chap was really good and has said will swap it for one with the stone in so need to post that when i post Dannys stitch pin - hubby is fine as I got him two Toy Story pins anyway.


planned trips - Summer 2011 - DLP
                   October 2013 - WDW


:) Front page is updated! Feel free to post info to be added to the front page Welsheeyore!

Everyone, here's my current traders! The first pic is my Core pins and the second is my LE pins. :P I know there's not many, but hopefully I'll be getting more traders soon! My LE ones I'm not as eager to trade, just because I do actually like them all!


Hi Welsheeyore(what is ur name..thats if u don't mind it being used on here) thanks i'm guessing u may like sum of the Tink pins i have!And has ur partner got the toy story mania pin i have to trade?

If you know sumones id u can look at thier trades and wants otherwise its finding a pin u like and clicking on who has it to trade once u've done it a few times it's real easy i'm waiting for 4pins from states at mo and have already traded 5 with ppl in usa =D>


shame you dont have the irish jack head pin, Id of traded you for it if you did lol


:P That was the only one I didn't get. I got those 4 along with the Halloween, Easter and Christmas ones. Mum wanted the Christmas one, and I kept the Halloween and Easter ones. They were all bought individually rather than in a full set.


hahaha I think Im going to have to stop collecting ireland pins now as I think my relationship is going to end (already mentioned in another thread lol) and I wouldnt want pins spoiled by me having them reminding me of the relationship if you get where Im coming from.

I wont get rid of any pins he has bought me if it does end just they will mean something more to me and to remember the good times I had so fingers crossed it doesnt and will let you know how it turns out tonight. :(


:( Like I said, feel free to PM me if you need to.

I have tonnes of pins on the watch list right now, all keepers. When I first got into pin trading, I was terrible for this sort of thing. I'd find an American seller who's selling tonnes of LE pins (new on card) and cheap start prices, and then just try to get as many as I can.


Quote from: "Masamune" :) Front page is updated! Feel free to post info to be added to the front page Welsheeyore!

Everyone, here's my current traders! The first pic is my Core pins and the second is my LE pins. :P I know there's not many, but hopefully I'll be getting more traders soon! My LE ones I'm not as eager to trade, just because I do actually like them all!

cool pins! u must have 2 of that gaston pin do you not?!!! :o im shocked you wud trade him hehe!!
il always luv the cast stitch pin even though i have it, its just gorgeous I think hehe i dont really have any traders hardly at the moment..well very few and i am broke:( trying to sell a few though! :roll: not going well lol
Luv Aveen xoxo