Norhels Trip 20-24 april 2009

Started by norhel, September 08, 2009, 12:36:49 PM

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Some picture from my trip to DLP 20-24 april 2009.
Had beautifull weather all days.

Walt Disney Studios

Main Street

Main Street

Main Street

Main Street

Main Street

Rio Grande River (I belive it's called)

Disneys Hotel Santa Fe by the river Rio Grande

Minnies Party Train

I belive the river is called Rio Grande, witch seperate Santa Fe and Cheyenne.
Please let me now if I'm mistaken  :)
I might post some more pictures later. I'm not sure yet :)
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Nice pictures there, thanks for sharing!

Did you have a good time? Looks like the park was fairly quiet  :D


Quote from: "never2old"Nice pictures there, thanks for sharing!

Did you have a good time? Looks like the park was fairly quiet  :D

You bet I did.  :D
The crowd in the park wasn't to much, but not low either. I would say in was the middle.
I felt like it was more people at the evening, but you still wouldn't struggle to find a seat in the restaurants.

I think this foto says how much people it was:
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Thanks for your picture report! It sure looked quiet!!
Please post some more of your pictures!! we would love to see them :D
Sophie \":nemo:\"
follow me on Twitter!!

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney


Quote from: "SophieD"Please post some more of your pictures!! we would love to see them :D

I'm planning to do so later. Can't say exactly when, but it are coming!
Try to do it to day, but won't guarantee it.
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


First I try to give a little report of what we was doing there.
Please don't shoot me if I'm spelling something wrong  :)

Day 1
Arrived on monday at Charles de Gaulle at 1315.
Collected our bags, and went to the Vea bus. Had to take a minor shuttle bus to another terminal and go on the Vea bus there. Huge crowd to board the bus.
Arrived at Santa Fe arround 1500, and went for check in. Just had to wait 1 minutes to check in. We had booked 2 rooms, with 1 person in each. First the cast member couldn't find the second room, so I started to wonder. But she went to another person "backstage", and it got resolved. Got a room near the lake, and near the Village.

Went to eat at the Rainforest cafe in Village.
Had a fish and chips. The second time in my life I've tryed it and lets say I want more of it. After that we walked to the studios and had a look there. Watched the Stars 'N Cars parade.

Some pictures:

I will try to post more pictures later, and write some more.
 :)  :D
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Day 2

Har early breakfast (around 7). Used the Extra Magic Hour to get early in ti Disneyland park. Was there to around 945 since we then went for the Studios and used the whole day there to explore the park.

During the day, we wanted to to the Studio Tram Tour, but when we aproched it, it was closed due to technical problems. It wasen't a big problem, since we don't had to do it.
Tryed many of the "scene" show. Must say that I like the Cinemagiques. Had a mealbreak at the Rainforest cafe i Village around 1400 before we went back to the studios. Ended the day by taking the bus back to Santa Fe, witch we didn't do so often since we felt it was easyer to just walk back to the hotel.

Some photos:

4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California

The Butlin Boy

Great report and photos so far Norhel, I hope you had a great trip :)


Day 3
This day we also had breakfast around 7 am.
Used the day in Disneyland Park. Took the Disneyland Railroad a couple times. Think it was just 1 train, with a wait time around half an hour.
Took a look in many of the shops in Main Street. So much to look at, and so many things I want to by!
Had a walk aroud the different areas. Tryed It's A Small world. Can't say it's my favorite. Think it's more for the younger ones (I'm 22).
By noon we went back to se Minnies Party Train. Love it! The music and the train. My favorite.  :D  :D  :D
When the train stoppen at Central Plaza, Goofy jumped off the train and run strait to a girl/women witch was standing there. The women was almost shocked of suprise, but ok.  :)
Think the picture under says alot:

Stayed and watche It's party time with Mickey and friens. Boring I must say. Dosen't suit me. After that we headed to buzz lightyears pizza planet to have a pizza-burger. An unusual taste, but good. Had a walk throuh Fantasyland.

Went over to the Adventureland and explored it.

That day we also checked out Frontierland, and watched the Disneys once upon a drem parade. Amazing!!!

On this day we had a tour to Val D'Europe and Sealife. Payed 5 euros for a minishuttle witch took us both way for the amout. Interesting to look at the animals at SeaLife. When we was finished, we had a walk around the shopping area and the mall, just too look. The rest of the day we just did what we wanted in the parks.

Day og departure. Didn't do very much, exept pack, relax and get to the airport to get home. All in all, we loved the stay!

Some pictures:

Rio Grande river

Rio Grande and Hotel Cheyenne

Hotel Cheyenne

Hotel Cheyenne

Hotel Cheyenne

Disneys Once Upon a dream parade

Santa Fe

Looking from my room in Santa Fe towards Rio Grande river and Hotel Cheyenne

Hotel Cheyenne

4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Great photos and report, thanks for sharing! :D  :D  :D  :D
Luv Aveen xoxo


Thanks for sharing!

The Cheyenne looks like a ghost town lol.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


im loving the timing of your photos as im off next week to stay at the hotel cheyenne with my  nephews so it gives them a great idea of what the cheyenne is like, cheers


Quote from: "smurfy74"im loving the timing of your photos as im off next week to stay at the hotel cheyenne with my  nephews so it gives them a great idea of what the cheyenne is like, cheers

Enjoy your stay!  :D
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


the photos are great :)


Quote from: "pink_danio"the photos are great :)

Thanx!  :)
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California