Disneyland Paris: Pin Trading Nights

Started by Anthony, April 25, 2006, 11:23:56 PM

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:) I hope you get nicer PTN pins than I did. I still think Tarzan and Sebastian were both rather lame.


I would like to attend a pin traditing event at some point, but it all depends on whether it's a special event and whether it's on a time that is doable.  Since I mostly go for one day evening events may not be the best as there's the drive home after that.


:( OMG, I can't believe that last nights PTN pin was Carl. That will be such a strong seller and trader. Now I believe we were even more unlucky to end up with Tarzan and Sebastien.


I know I just seen that..

has Danny seen this yet? lol
Luv Aveen xoxo



insert very bad language but I HAVE to have that pin no matter what....MY NEW HOLY GRAIL!!!!


ok ok I was rushing then but foudn it on ebay and Michael bought it for me :) didnt know till I had made the tea hehehe


Hehe I am glad ya got it hehe!! I knew you would like have to have it definately!! :D  There must have only been one PTN pin this month was there?
Luv Aveen xoxo


Hahaha was there any doubt I wouldnt go look for it as soon as I saw it lol  I had to be quick as with all the new UP pins as if I miss it I am doomed to pay a fortune for it lol 30 euro wasnt a bad price for the pin I dont think.

Belle's World

Lucky you Danny! Shame they didn't tell people in advance waht the pins are. I bet you'd have been first in line if they had.


Hi guys just got back and this time got a couple of the pin trading night pins Yippee!!!!!!!

Not so many traders there this time possibly about 120 but got lots of new pins please have a look on our pin pics ID (simonandwendy626) as too many to scan in



Hi Simon

Glad you had a great time and I love all your new pins. (DLRP pins are my favourite)  You have lots of pins from my Wants.  My pinpics id is sophieratcliffe if you are interested in any trades.


Hey Simon,

sounds like you had a great time, I just seen a few of your pins on pin pics but they look good, luv the stars and cars ones!

did you have a good time at the PTN? where the other traders friendly?

Luv Aveen xoxo


Next Pin Trading Night: 26th March 2010

Disney's Santa Fe Hotel from 6.00pm onwards.

This month's pins details are available in the Disneyland Paris: Pin Trading Releases thread.


Next Pin Trading Event: 23rd April 2010

Pirates of the Caribbean The Pin'Hunt Event

Adventureland from 8pm til midnight.

More details available here.


We had a great time at the PTN everyone was friendly  :D . We found that the english pins got a mixed reaction most really liked them, whilst others did not want to even look at them.

However the UP pin we got is reaqlly good and I can belief the amount of pin trade requests we have had for it.