Primary Motivation for going to DLP

Started by davewasbaloo, October 28, 2011, 05:29:21 PM

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What is your primary motivation for visiting Disneyland Paris

To see and meet my favorite animated characters?
3 (7.3%)
To ride and see amazing attractions that can only be found in a Disney park?
5 (12.2%)
To soak up the atmosphere, sense of time and place?
26 (63.4%)
To see the look on my children\'s faces?
4 (9.8%)
To have a wide variety of choice of things to see and do as a family?
3 (7.3%)

Total Members Voted: 40

Voting closed: October 28, 2011, 05:29:21 PM


I also get questioned when I say that I will be returning to DLP, people seem to think that if you've been once, you've done all that there is to do  
But people seem to be content to spend a fortune to go to some beautiful exotic places and then spend the full two weeks flat out on the beach, that doesn't appeal to me one bit. But spending a couple of days escaping from reality sounds like bliss to me    

couldn't agree more with gingajen!!!!