Epcot_Boy at the Welsh Festival 2009

Started by Epcot_Boy, March 12, 2009, 04:45:13 PM

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Hi everyone,

Just back from DLRP after a great, but colddddddd :) visit during the Welsh Festival. I'm not going to post any pics here unless I get the time to do so :(  but I will add some videos here from time to time which I took during my visit. I think most of the members here have 'Been there done that' so hopefully videos will make up for lack of picks.

So here's the first 2..........hope you enjoy them....

Mary Poppins 2009


'Dreams in the Sky' 2009


I'll be posting the The Gwalia Singers, Swansea Welsh Choir Video.......Sword in the Stone Video.....The Welsh Pre-Parade Video and a close up video version of the Parade later this and next week.

Hope you enjoy them.......?

Epcot_Boy :ears:



Thanks Epcot-boy!

From all the videos of the firewors available, yours is the best, I've put it in DLRP Times  :)  (I hope you don't mind?)


Quote from: "kaysha"Thanks Epcot-boy!

From all the videos of the firewors available, yours is the best, I've put it in DLRP Times  :)  (I hope you don't mind?)

That's absolutely fine by me :)  I'm glad you liked it :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:


The Butlin Boy

Fantastic videos EB, very enjoyable to watch. I'm glad you had a great trip :)


I bet it was cold! Some great videos you've got there. well done...Glad you enjoyed your self :D
[size=150]Long Live MagicForum![/size]

Love From Magical Mouse 125


=D> Thank you for the videos epcot boy!  =D>
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...

Captain Pan

Some lovely videos there Epcot Boy...

Looks as though you had an eventful time..

Can't wait to see the other videos... Especially the Cor I mean the choirs...


Here's the Magical Magician 'Merlin' and the New King of.........England I suppose :lol:


Enjoy :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:


The Butlin Boy

That's a bit of a rare show, you're quite lucky to be able to catch it. Thanks for another great video :)