More Toons or Enough?

Started by davewasbaloo, April 08, 2009, 09:41:58 PM

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Are Disney relying on too many toons

Yes, I really wish the toons never existed
0 (0%)
Yes, I think the toons are being overused, I used to like them
8 (19%)
Yes, they could mix it up a little more
9 (21.4%)
Hmmm, I have fun no matter
12 (28.6%)
No, I quite like the toons, but understand those annoyed
5 (11.9%)
No, I like the toons, what\'s the problem
6 (14.3%)
Give me more toons, it\'s all about the toons baby!!!
2 (4.8%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Voting closed: April 08, 2009, 09:41:58 PM


So far the poll results show that I am not in the minority. this is very interesting stuff.

And mermaid, what is dull is people fawning all over the characters at every corner. Maybe I have harped on because I feel Disney are raping their legacy. But you would not understand that it seems.
since 2001 (many before that)


I think if you ahd a much bigger range of people getting asked the question the majority would swing the other way.
Disney will do these kind of survey's (with a much larger sample size) and until guests start showing dis-satisfaction at the new park additions more characters will be added.

Not one of the latest attractions (or any potential future ones) based on a character has dissapointed me, as a casual on-looker.


I have fun either way. :) I go there for the magic, and for me, that feeling is not something that can be cheapened or diminished by toons. :P Mermaid, if you want to try and find the funny side in this thread, just picture a bunch of Eddie Valiants running around.


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"So far the poll results show that I am not in the minority. this is very interesting stuff.

And mermaid, what is dull is people fawning all over the characters at every corner. Maybe I have harped on because I feel Disney are raping their legacy. But you would not understand that it seems.

I understand pretty much, but the fact you keep on harping on about it its beginning to get boring.  You are not going to change the face of Disney no matter how much you moan.

Like most people i go for the magic, whether or not toons were there i would still have fun.  I'm in Disney and that in itself should be enough.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


I would love Disney to create a new attraction, completely original, with no connection to any movie/character/toon, something that will become loved in the same way that Phantom Manor/Big Thunder Mountain is.

I think Disney feels that if they create an attraction without any movie connections, no-one will want to go on it, which I think is rubbish. They need to put their trust in their Imagineers to come up with something great, which I'm sure they'd be able to do. There's probably loads of projects already that have been created but weren't given the green light hidden somewhere in the Disney archives. LET THEM OUT!


Well said luke! I also wan´t to see again an attraction, area, theme without any connection to the movies or else. Something that just fit in the park area by its own history.
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Quote from: "Riebi"Well said luke! I also wan´t to see again an attraction, area, theme without any connection to the movies or else. Something that just fit in the park area by its own history.

Absolutely my point. I do not have a big issue with the toons where they fit (Remy in WDS is a nice touch), or meeting Aladdin and the Genie in the Bazaar is fine by me. But it is when the theming is thrown out to add more toons, that's when I get all steamed up.

As a kid it was always about the train, the Jungle Cruise, the Tiki Room, PotC and HM, Big Thunder, Space Mountain and the educational attractions of Tomorrowland that had me frothing with excitement.

As I waiting for 5 long years for DLP to be built and scrimped and saved, and sold half my things to be able to be at the opening day celebrations 17 years ago, it was the most detailed Main Street on the planet, the biggest Frontierland with a PM and a BTM on an island, an Adventure Isle and new state of the art PotC, and the new take on Discoveryland that had me bubbling in anticipation. I was also curious about this AA dragon, and the Labrynth, as well as a new take on IASW.

Then all the live themed entertainment that USED to be a part of the Disney difference.

The question is, where are those style plans? I guarantee that more people ride PotC than Peter Pan. I am sure that more people want to return when they have been to soak in the atmosphere and details than hug another character.

The characters have their place, no doubt about it. But when it is all about the characters, well I think they have totally lost it.

I am worried about my trip next month. Currently, despite having APs, I am tempted to pursuade my family to spend more time off site than on. And I know I am not alone.

These boards are read by the management teams. I wish more people would rise up and be counted and make their opinions known. Then we would have a better chance for a more balanced approach by Disney.

For every character lover who fawns over the rubberheads, I am sure there are 100 others who see it as something for their little ones (and will eventually out grow them). That scares me as Disney is a business. They need the largest customer base possible, and I think the characters are only a small part of the allure (why do you think so many newbies come back amazed - they expect the toons, they do not expect the details and theming to be as awesome as it once was). It is the theming that matters, the new nowhere to be found elsewhere technology and the service that keeps the people. Sadly the focus has moved away from that. And I do not want that to happen.
since 2001 (many before that)


I could´nt say better!
The fact is. What makes the difference between other theme-parks and disney?
Its the themeing. The whole perfect thing!
If Disney doesn´t remember this... the time will come.. where people say: "OK, to ride an attaraction, I don´t have to pay the money for DLRP. Rollercoaster? OK lets go to Europapark or Phantasialand!"

I think the time has come, where Disney has to remember the magic!
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]
