Javey74's Trip Report [22nd - 25th Feb 2009]

Started by Javey74, March 03, 2009, 09:19:15 PM

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Pete's Dragon

Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Only one more day to go  :cry: . Why didn't you book for longer ? You're so selfish    :x



I know Pete's Dragon, I totally agree with you.. :lol:  :lol:  :mrgreen:

Captain Pan

How did I miss the entire three days popping up on here?

Javey... I will admit only a quick butterfly read for the moment... :oops:

I know where to go when I'm planing an itinerary for a trip to DLRP when I finally get to go back...

Pictures are simply Stunning... Writing both informative... and most importantly entertaining!
Its nice to see the pictures of fun, not just hearing about and reading it!

Glad you got your Donald fix!

Can't wait to go back and read it properly, and with the concluding day!


Hey another fantastic part of the report and more great photos!

i would have been annoyed too about the people at the once upon a dream parade, that sort of thing always happens me too lol! :oops:
The little glass donald duck is so cute!
Luv Aveen xoxo


Thanks for that Javey, another great chapter to your report! Sorry about the parade incident, sounds really annoying!!!

And I have to say, I love all your pictures, they're really beautiful (it really is a great camera you got there, will have to keep it in mind for my birthday wish list :wink: ) - but the one of the dragon is amazing  =D>


Once again amazing chapter of the report  :D/  =D>

The pictures from Adventureland and especially Skull Rock is truly terrific and some of the best I've ever seen from there - fantastic! :D

Please visit my DLP website: www.dlp-photos.com

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


I loved all of day 3 especially all the photos of Jen with the characters!! I'm with Aveen, I'm extremely jealous!!

Cannot wait for the final day :) :)
Sophie \":nemo:\"
follow me on Twitter!!

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney

The Butlin Boy

Great work Javey, I'm looking forward to reading about your last day :)


Thank you once again for all the extra comments guys, you are all ever so kind..  :oops:  :oops:  :D  

Well, here's another instalment..  :wink:  :D

Day 4...A Magical Final Day

Weather: Sunny and a little cold.. :wink:  :D

Well the alarm went off again at 6.30am, we all were really achy this morning, but we wiped that out of our minds as much as we possibly could.  We all got ready and did the final checks on the cases and hand luggage that we had packed over the last few

Passing the snoring knight in armour.. :wink:

And his buddy..  :mrgreen:

Moving on to the 'Spinning Wheel' scene..  :wink:

Then passing a few Tapestries..  :wink:

And the Candleabra..  :wink:

Pointing the camera upwards towards the ceiling.. :mrgreen:

Looking straight onto the 'Polarised Dove Window' :wink:

Finally to the bronze figurine of Aurora and her Prince dancing with all the elegance you would expect..  :wink:

Walking outside with the view of Fantasyland down below, looking to the right..  :wink:

I always find it a shame that you cannot walk round to the front of the Castle to view the Central Plaza, looking up Main Street..  :|

Well we all went down the stairs...

Actually I nearly stumbled on these going down.. :lol:  :mrgreen:

Heading out into Fantasyland, stopping at the scene of Excalibur..  :wink:

Moving to the right, we had a look in...

La Confiserie des Trois Fees, capturing the three holographic fairies themselves..  :wink:

How many wands does Merryweather own.. :lol:  :mrgreen:

Moving out of the boutique, passing the...

Auberge de Cendrillon Restaurant, with the...

Carriage, not forgetting the...

Fountain, which reads...

Looping around the Carousel, I just had to get this shot of Timothy Mouse, perched on the top of 'The Flying Elephant' attraction..  :mrgreen:

Heading back up towards the Castle passing...

Les Voyages de Pinocchio, which is not open for the EMH's, then...

Blanche Neige et les Sept Nains, back up to...

La Chaumiere des Sept Nairns Boutique, on entering Jen wondered if she'd fit into this piece of armour..  :lol:  :mrgreen:

Onto the animal scene..  :wink:

And guess who... :twisted:

Now I forgot to mention but we had discussed calling back into the Studios for about 10.00am for...

Crushers Coaster, one of the worst queue lines as we all know. We started to make our way out of the park. Near the exits we spotted Mickey riding around with a CM in a little character car, waving at everyone.  I'm only sorry I didn't get a shot of him in it.. :(

Well we reached the Studios at about 9.45am, noticing a few queues at the turnstile, but they were going in.  We headed through Studio 1, expecting to come to a halt at the bottom doors, as with our last visit.  Then......Trouble Struck  :shock:

The doors were not closed, by the time we got out of them we noticed a queue zig zagging right back to 'The Art of Disney Animation'.  We could not believe it, what happened  :?: Since when did they start opening the bottom doors in Studio 1 before 10.00am, then I got to thinking what time they must have been letting people into the Front Courtyard, since as mentioned people were already going in when we arrived at 9.45am.. :shock:  :shock:  

At first I was wondering if the queue we were looking at was to get into Toon Studio as it did look cordened off.  We decided to walk down passing the whole queue towards 'The Flying Carpets'.  The reality was beginning to sink in, as Vanessa noticed people were walking around the Toon Studio photo locations, so that wasn't the answer, which meant that this queue was for Crushers Coaster..OMG... :shock:  :shock:  There must have been over 150 people in this queue already.  :o

Whilst looking on at the people at the front of the queue itself, I realised that another queue to the right of that one was starting to form. This may have happened due to people thinking that two queues would be fine to the entrance, since if everyone joined the original queue it would start and cause major route blockage to other areas.  We decided to stay around at this point, as I thought that there may be a possible lifeline here..  :)  The second queue running parallel to the original one started to wind back to where we were standing.  This was our chance, we joined it very quickly. Phew.. :D  

On waiting another 5 minutes, we noticed another queue started to the right of the queue we were in..  :o Since we where only about 20 foot from it, we jumped queues again.  We could not believe how this all worked out.  Just before the attraction actually opened the Genie walked up to the queue area, for autograph and photo opportunities..  :wink:  Again Jen couldn't resist..  :mrgreen:

Once Crush had opened, we all walked forward winding around the empty queue area's, that wouldn't be empty for long. We ended up with only about 35 people infront of us, instead of about 200+ from the original queue line.  We actually started to queue properly at the top of the first set of steps inside Crushers Coaster, with the loading bay in clear view.  That's how far up the queue we managed to reach..  :o  :D/  :o

This must have been the shortest time we had ever waited to get on Crushers Coaster, just when we thought it was a no hoper.  So there is a lesson to learn from this.

If you want to ride Crushers Coaster and you arrive within 10 minutes of the Studios official opening time [10.00am], but the queue is really long, hang around near 'The Flying Carpets' and wait for another queue to start and form, then join it quickly, and if you get really lucky like we were, join the extra queue that usually forms right at the front with about 1 minute to go..  =D>  =D>  =D>

Now this time Vanessa wanted to ride in the front with Jen, whilst I was in the back. Since the first time we all went on it, I was in the front with Jen instead..  :wink:   There were about 3 families infront of us when I noticed this very large man [I say very large, not that he was fat or anything, he was just thick set and quite tall really], starting to get into the shell with his Son.  My mind suddenly clicked into that new restriction that Anthony was telling us about to do with different body shapes, when I saw it unfolding right in front of my eye's.  :shock:  The mans safety bar that comes up between your legs would not click in properly, so he was asked to leave, taking his Son with him..  :shock:  Awwwh if you'd seen his son crying his eye's out since his Dad couldn't ride, it was really pityful, aswell as embarrassing for the Dad.. :oops:  :oops:  

Well it got to our turn, we all got in, lifted our arms up in the air as advised so that the CM's could apply the safety restraints, then we were off......Whooo hoo.. :D/  :D/

Now I know what Vanessa means when she had visions of falling out in the back when it winches you up the Submarine Lift, I did feel I was leaning way forward out of the shell at this point.. :lol:  Only the bar was keeping me in..  :mrgreen: I couldn't remember from the first time I'd been on, how quickly the shell shifts once you get past half way on the lift.  This could have been due to being in the Front the first time mind.. :mrgreen:  We reached the top and that was it, total speed, disorientation and flashing lights..  :lol:  :lol: There were times I felt that I was leaning out of the shell itself, passing very close to the side barriers, even though I knew I couldn't knock them, but they did seem really close.. :lol:  :mrgreen:

Eventually we headed back towards the loading bay, all giddy and looking quite wind swept..  :lol:  :mrgreen:

To me Crusher's Coaster it is one of those rides, even if you have to queue for a long time, as we did on a previous visit, it's well worth the wait just to gain the ride of your life..  :D/  :D/  :D/

Day 4 to be continued, which includes a really improved Phantom Manor aswell as getting the feeling I'm in Dixieland.. :mrgreen:


Can't wait to hear and see more!! :D/
Luv Aveen xoxo

Captain Pan

You lucky so and so!  :P

Great Adventure So Far... Bring on the next section... its great bedtime reading... and hopefully will provide me with some very pleasant dreams!

As always Javey... Wonderful pictures!


Whoa, you were SO lucky with Crush's Coaster!!!

Another great set of pictures - the ones in the Castle are some of the best I've ever seen!

Looking forward to more  :D


Wonderful pictures, wonderful descriptions, wonderful entertainment = a Javey Trip Report!  :D/  =D>

Cannot wait for the next (and maybe final  :( ) part of your report

Please visit my DLP website: www.dlp-photos.com

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


Quote from: "forza_united"Cannot wait for the next (and maybe final  :( ) part of your report

No!  :(  It can't the be the end already!!

The Butlin Boy

You cheeky man, skipping the queue for Crush :P
I'm looking forward to reading the rest :wink: